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artfail's picture



This game does not claim to be anything other than Survival Horror.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Moo-Moo-Armageddon's picture

I wanna be the Oblique Torment


A really stupid I Wanna Be The Guy Fangame.

It's inspired by another fangame called "I wanna be the Hereditary Baldness 2"

It's long and it's frustratingly hard too. I can't even beat it (it isn't impossible though, other people have beaten it.)

There are debug controls left in so if you get sick of the difficulty, you can just use them.

For more ""info"" and screenshots, see the itch page: https://moo-moo-armageddon.itch.io/ot

I'm currently working on a sequel that's actually pretty decent so look forward to that I guess

Made For: 
An event

Fire Spell

Game File: 

You are a wizard and just learned a new spell to cast fire!

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
alect's picture

Wizards are Blocking my Free Throws!

Game File: 

Wizards are blocking all of your free-throws. What a bunch of jerks! Show those wizards who is the true champion.

Alec Thomson
Made For: 
An event
Draknek's picture

007: Bomb Defusal Expert

Game File: 

Alan Hazelden
Made For: 
An event
Super-Dot's picture


Game File: 


(play on the webs)

Made For: 
Glorious GDC Gameboree 2010
Healy's picture

A Flick Tarot Reading

Tarot reading screenshot.png

This flickgame is based on a real Celtic Cross reading that I did for myself. I'd be delighted to hear everyone's interpretations; I know I have a couple of my own.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
SpindleyQ's picture

MarMOTS update #4

So, I just wanted to talk about MarMOTS a little bit. I'm still working on MarMOTS every so often in my spare time. I had two goals that I wanted to achieve before I put it back online.

Goal #1: User authentication.
This works; you can now login to MarMOTS using your Glorious Trainwrecks username and password.

Goal #2: Saving.
Not explicitly stated, but required for Vision #2 of my 8-step vision, I want to make sure that if I bring the server down, I can bring it back up without everything being lost forever.

This has been trickier than I'd anticipated. I thought I would just chuck everything into an object database, and the de-facto object database for Python would appear to be ZODB. What I didn't count on was that ZODB was not even remotely designed to process the huge volume of changes I would be throwing at i; the way that it saves is to append the new data to the end of a file. In my original plan, this file would quickly be filled up with changes in the cursor blinking status if I saved it all the time.

Of course, then I realized that saving it all the time is infeasable anyway, because that would mean WRITING THE SCREEN TO DISK in addition to sending it over the network. No good.

So I guess I'll implement regular checkpointing, which may mean brief pauses every half hour or something. I'm keeping my eye on POD, but that project is young enough that it makes me nervous about depending on it. I think at this point the simplest thing is to just dump the whole thing to a pickle file and be done with it; I'm pretty sure I'll be able to migrate to a more complicated scheme later.

Maybe goal #3: Dedicated hosting.
MarMOTS has a deliberately inefficient design; I burn lots and lots of CPU so that I don't have to think about cache invalidation. I share the server that Glorious Trainwrecks runs on with lots of other people; the CPU time is not really mine to burn. So I'm thinking the only reasonable solution is to move to my own (virtual) server, where I don't have to care that people drawing ASCII dongs is slowing down other peoples' websites. Of course, I'd want to minimize the time I was spending $20/month solely to host MarMOTS by moving all my shit to the new server, but that's not a project I really want to undertake QUITE yet.

So, yeah, if you guys are excited to play with MarMOTS some more, make some noise in the comments!

Smedis2's picture

This is my Bio,you'd you've guessed?

This is my first Blog entry.
I'm new here,I originally signed up here just for the Pirate kart V,but I decided that I wouldn't put this account to waste.

My Real name is Matthew O'Connor,from New York. (State,not the city,If you were gonna ask.).
I love Intentionally bad things. You probably already guessed that.

I have a weird liking for dreams,idk why,but,I do.
My favorite Genre of games has to be either FPSes,Platformers,or Shmups.
I like making games,also,kinda obvious.
My favorite game creation tool would either be The Games Factory or Game Maker.

Fun Facts:
Did you know that my Favorite Joke Game series is Waligie?
Did you know that I spend 90% of my time on the internet?
Did you know that I like pie?
Did you know that I'm overusing "Did you know?"
I want to visit japan someday.
I want someone to make a Console that plays only homebrew games. (No,not any of GP2X's portable consoles,I mean a TV-console.)
I want there to be an app for Android and/or Iphone that allows you to run EXE files. Someone has to do it!

Thanks for reading!

Made For: 
An event

Pirate Kitty 2

Game File: 

Awesome pirate adventure. Collect gold for gains!

Do you remember when piracy was analogue? I sure do...

Music shamelessly nicked of the internet, yarrrr! Made in Construct.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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