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FlaviusMaximus's picture

KNP Tower Defense


The game isn't too long. buy towers and upgrade them by clicking on it.

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SpindleyQ's picture

MarMOTS update

So now that Game Maker is $40 and Construct 2 will eventually be $65, I've found myself turning back to MarMOTS and wondering what it would take to get it into shape as a game-making tool.

My first focus has been getting my scripting language / editor into shape. I lump the two together because the scripting language, while textual, is never parsed from free text; instead, the user is edits the source tree directly using a friendly structured editor, with lots of autocomplete help, and in which it is literally impossible to forget a semicolon or a closing parenthesis. For power users, it should be as fast or faster to type in programs with this editor than with a text editor, and yet newbies will still be able to discover all of their options in a nicely readable self-describing English syntax.

So over the past couple of weeks I have torn apart my previous attempt at this language and rebuilt it. I've arrived at the point where I can type in any programs I like, and add features to the language without much effort. The UI is still pretty painful to use at this point, but that's mostly because I haven't focussed on improving the interaction at all besides making sure auto-complete is usable.

I was thinking I should maybe do like a screencast or something, but the scripts don't DO anything yet. I'm thinking that the next step will be to start integrating the scripting language with ANSI layouts that I draw in MarMOTS. I'm pretty excited to start hacking on that stuff! You should be too.

Techokami's picture

Bomb Quest

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The life of a Bomb is harsh.

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Pirate Kart 2
mzo's picture

Aesops Fables: Chatper 3

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Another wonderful Aesop chapter, teaching worldly wisdom! Troll likes food!

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Pirate Kart 2
Rynen10K's picture


So I've made more music than I have games on my current copy of Wario Ware DIY, and I figured I'd share it with you guys to use in future Kliks. Or just listen to it if you're a weirdo like me.

There's about 20 tracks, half are original works and the other half are arrangements of various video game music (mostly Mega Man and Mega Man X), so, yeah. Have fun.

I've also included some tracks I made in Little Big Planet 2's built-in Music Composer, which is mostly comprised of tracks I created for my brother's metroid-inspired level DELVE. Check it out if you've got a copy of LBP2 :O

Anyone else got any wacky WarioWare DIY music they've recorded and want to share? POST IT HERE!

WarioWare_DIY_and_LBP2_Music-Rynen10K.zip29.96 MB

Umbrella Trip

Entry for Ludum Dare 22. A fun little hardcore platformer about owning an umbrella.

Evan Jones
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ioshiin's picture

olympic velocaraptor orange curling

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oh god its so annoying :<

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Pirate Kart 2

Top of Desk Dungeon




Darius Kazemi
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An event
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