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kirkjerk's picture

the revenge of the gods trilogy

VIRTUAL SISYPHUS! Drag the boulder to the top of the mountain!
VIRTUAL TANTALUS! Reach for the delicious grapes, or duck into the pristine water to slake your endless thirst!
VIRTUAL PROMETHUS BOUND! Drag the bound firebringer away from the eagle that seeks to consume his delicious liver

sisyphus.zip174.97 KB
tantalus.zip176.21 KB
prometheus.zip178.4 KB
ihavefivehat's picture

lost in the blue wild frontier of heavens door: i'm knocking but can't get in yet - a flight sim for tired people

screen shot.png

a game about being a tiny plane in the middle of a huge sky

you can press buttons to move your plane. other things will move too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you're wondering if there's more to the game - there isn't! just relax and enjoy.

music by: me
plane grafx by: me

other stuff by: people on google

Made For: 
An event
SpindleyQ's picture


Game File: 

Game designed mostly by my son Eric.

You are DINOBOT, and your job is to undo the foul deeds of GIGABOT (pronounced "Jiggabot"), the bad giganotosaurus, who is stomping all the dinosaurs! Use your bring back to life gun to bring the dinosaurs back to life.

All graphics courtesy of JURASSIC ART

EDIT: Eric came to check things out this morning and decided the game needed more kinds of dinosaurs and also sound effects. So we added those things.

Jeremy and Eric Penner
Made For: 
An event
kirkjerk's picture

rocket dorkicus

Game File: 

it's dorkicus! BUT WITH ROCKETS... get 8 boxes onto your side before your opponent.
(actually, this game predated regular dorkicus)

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
elektron's picture

Jeremy Explores Halloween Land

Game File: 

Can you help Jeremy find the Great Pumpkin and bring peace to Halloween Land?

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
SpindleyQ's picture

Glorious Trainwrecks Dot Com Has A Half-Birthday

As of yesterday, this site has been around for six months! SIX FUCKING MONTHS. Holy shit it does not seem like that long.

It is pretty rare that I keep up with any of my projects with the level of enthusiasm that I have for this website. Glorious Trainwrecks has been pretty well a constant source of delight for me. The Pirate Kart was one of the highlights of my LIFE. Thanks to all of you for keeping this site kicking ass.

kirkjerk's picture


For no particular reason other than a bit of annoyance at the difficulty of this game
(actually I got through, because I think for some reason my home computer was playing it a bit below speed) and because I actually like "flap" mechanics (see: Joust, and Balloon Flight), I made a parody mashup of Flywrench and my own Atari 2600 JoustPong in the thrill-a-minute world of: flywrenchpong
(You can also play it online).

It also features a homemade electronic soundtrack! (Made by slowing down and "wa-wa'ing" an Atari 2600 Supercharger .wav)

I think if I died tomorrow, the # of people who "get" the joke because of familiarity with both indy game flywrench and atari homebrew joustpong would go down by about 33%.

And yes, I made this exact same post nearly on TGQ and indygamer.blogspot.com.

flywrenchpong.png2.91 KB
Noyb's picture

Porting MMF2 Games to Flash with External Files?

So... I want to use the MMF2 Flash exporter to port Zambonis to Flash.

I originally structured the conversation engine to play external .ogg files in a convoluted way that basically generates at runtime the filename of the sound file to play for the current line of dialogue.

Is there an quick way to refactor this subsystem for the Flash exporter without, say, adding every line of dialogue into the game manually and creating a separate event for each sound?

(And for another game, it looks like there's little chance of Cellosoft's Text Blitter extension being Flash-compatible in the future, so without upgrading to Pro I'd need to fake it with active objects?)

Pizza Time's picture

Progress in animation (ZSBK)

I've been beavering away at this for the past few days which explains the week or so between updates.

If cabinets and snapman can impress us with their groundbreaking engine manipulation then I guess I will have to impress through animation.

Beholden to my combo animation concept (which looks funny as she's walking on the spot and there's nothing in the background);

The next thing I will have to do is implement it in a way that positions the player at the coordinates of the final frame of each individual sword swipe so that it won't look like it's instantaneously jumping back to where the animation started. It wouldn't be too bad for the first swipe since the sprite only steps forward a few pixels but for subsequent swipes it's going to look damn amateurish and I'd like to have an air of above-amateurish around this game. Also have to adjust the speed of the animations depending on the frames since there's a bit of that in the gif. Not forgetting fixing inputs so you won't be constantly attacking whilst you hold down the attack key, I'd like some modicum of timing in there.


Game File: 

spiders have been engineered only to kill
conduct tests of new spider technology with innovative simulation system

Made For: 
An event
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