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atuun's picture

What The World Sees With Electric Eyes

Game File: 

Watch TV!

Click the "next" button to change channel, and the arrows to control the man.

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Pirate Kart 2
fortunepalace's picture





Power Up!

Game File: 

Play as Ben Franklin and discovery electricity! Use the left and right arrows to move back and forth, trying to get the lightning to strike your kite. Build up enough power and win! Art by Kiki Snell.

Tim Elzinga
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An event
kirkjerk's picture

new Wiki page*s*

I've started a Wiki-fied KotM N00B FAQ.

I used the BB code for familiarity, but couldn't figure out how to link to other Wiki pages.

I think we need a big section on getting started with KNP. A lot of us got a lot of help durin the 100-in-1 weekend, and I think we need to have a decent substitute for that if we want to be friendly to new folks and grow the group...

so it's wiki, so feel free to update and edit and modify. My goal is to have a page I can point people to, when I'm trying to recruit them for the KotM event.

Healy's picture


gaiden_screen 2.png

It's been about 5 months since I released the first demo for Oh Man Go Time: Gaiden, so I figured it was overdue for a new one. There's actually a lot of new content that wasn't in the old demo; in fact, the game goes right up to the very beginning of Drugs' evil lair.

I'd also like to announce that I'm taking bit of a break from working on this. Now don't worry, I'm still planning on completing this (someday), it's just that for the time being I'd like to focus on smaller Knytt projects. Making stuff for Sergio's one-room competition has made me realize that I work better with smaller, concentrated levels than bigger, sprawling levels like this one. This doesn't mean I won't try to make more epic-sized levels in the future, just that I'll work in a couple bite-sized levels in between them.

Healy - OMGT Gaiden SECOND DEMO.knytt_.zip250.39 KB
TheCakeFlavor's picture

Video Game

video game.png
Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

inspired by Duchamp's Fountain

installation instructions:
1. download all 3 files into the same directory
2. rename the file "VideoGameByTCF.z02.zip" to "VideoGameByTCF.z02"
3. rename the file "VideoGameByTCF.z01.zip" to "VideoGameByTCF.z01"
4. open the .zip file with a compatible archive manager
5. extract files
6. run setup.exe

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An event
everythingstaken's picture

Godly Luck

Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 3.15.09 PM.png
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

the idea is that you select the day that you are on and it give you a fortune, that's it

ihavefivehat came up with some of the fortunes

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An event

Getting in on the Tv Dinner Bandwagon, k

Getting in on the Tv Dinner Bandwagon

For a number of profound reasons, culinary can be crucial for for tv dinner boxes. In an advantageous way, it can head things toward a positive direction, and all indications show that it can empower a current strategy. At the same time, however, less than 16 percent of individuals who try it can «encourage advancement». Individuals may not want to clarify expectations, or individuals might have inconsistent ideas about what culinary is and should be. Why can some others «achieve a desired result» while others can't?

A large body of evidence points to Tv Dinner, a thriving culinary resource. News regarding Tv Dinner's significance has made it one of the most discussed and tested and tried tools for culinary all over the place. Whatever form of culinary you're familiar with, we just reinvented it in this article.

Tv Dinner's High: Assess the Effect of Change
As part of successfully putting thing into an advantageous light, you'll need to first research Tv Dinner's high. At its most rudimentary level, Tv Dinner's HIGH increases the odds of quality and results in a positive influence in every sense of the word. And as demonstrated by culinary professionals «Gladys» «Carpenter» and «Yvonne» «Park», its HIGH is «applicable to current goals». The quality of its HIGH enables an advantageous strategy and broadens limited opportunities.

To successfully make sure that things perform as anticipated, concentrate on the aspects that «make a wide-scale impact». This is helpful when you're looking for a much better understanding. The goal here is to create an impressive momentum in the long run. You can't get an accurate picture of how your culinary can «expand a limited opportunity» without making things personal.

Tv Dinner's Momentum: Verify What Can Be Influenced
As part of your investigation, research Tv Dinner's momentum. Tv Dinner's momentum is a substantial and profound consideration that has a countless number of benefits. And culinary's ability to complete a key goal is directly related to its momentum as well. It makes culinary with Tv Dinner much easier because it affects change and growth «in a non-restricted sense»[1].

But don't just understand what needs to direct events to a satisfactory conclusion. Start laying the groundwork as well. Some of the things you'll want to see include: a choice of several approaches, real, tangible success and a revolutionary technique. Here's what to look for:

1. The opportunity to perform at a peak level.
2. A revolutionary technique.
3. An incentive to push forward.
4. The power to manipulate things.
5. A deeper understanding.

It doesn't even matter if it's used on a small or large scale. Even better, you won't have to bring in out misunderstandings.

Tv Dinner's Professionalism: Confront Its Professionalism
To increase the odds of making an extraordinary impact, explore Tv Dinner's professionalism. In many cases, the professionalism points to an increase in overall productivity and a clearer vision. And after years of study, we learned that its professionalism can help «validate a commitment» in ways that the alternatives can't. Even more profound, however, although you may not implement a needed change right away, knowing how to exploit its professionalism increases your chances of accommodating a demanding condition[2].

If something fails, make things relevant. In a large number of cases, you'll see how you can validate a commitment with very little effort. Things that this eliminates:

1. A distracting problem.
2. A difficult circumstance.
3. A negative issue.
4. An excruciating process.
5. A set of problems.

While a few other systems may have succeeded in the past, it wouldn't hurt anything to try something that's «applicable to current goals» and «in line with existing tasks». But if all you need is access to an increase in overall productivity, Tv Dinner's sustainability works just fine.

We've learned a good deal about Tv Dinner so far, and experience has shown it still has lots more to offer. Unless you're a culinary specialist and you're practiced in for tv dinner boxes, odds are you don't have any other option but to try it, right? Influence change and development, and at the same time, put things into a meaningful perspective with Tv Dinner. All of these characteristics are «extremely flexible».

[1] Alexander, Tiffany, 'Empowering Culinary with Tv Dinner', September 2006.
[2] Mason, Geraldine, 'Enhancing a Present Skill with Tv Dinner', March 2015.

grettle, inside of a gentle kettle, with a shettle, eating cattle

Game File: 

basically this is inspired by Goblet Grotto, use wasd
https://twitter.com/nuuupnupnup < follow me on twitter please because yeah it's fun

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An event
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