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elektron's picture

Choose your weapon!

Game File: 

This is an exciting new war combat simulator! It realistically simulates a battle between two aliens.

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SpindleyQ's picture

Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #7

Sun, May 16 2010 09:00 AM
05/16/2010 - 16:00
05/16/2010 - 18:00

Is the regular Klik of the Month Klub at an absurdly inconvenient time? Then try the Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball! (Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball is open to all genders and time zones.) The Ball takes place at 4PM GMT -- check that link to see what time that falls on for you.

The rules are the same: You get two hours to make a game in Klik & Play. If Klik & Play is a hindrance rather than a boon to your creativity, feel free to dump it for the game creation tool of your choice. If you're new to Klik & Play, check out our Learning KNP FAQ.

It's no fun making games by yourself in a vacuum, so make sure to stop by IRC. Our server is irc.freenode.net, and our channel is #glorioustrainwrecks.

After you've made your game, you should upload it here!

For more information, check out the N00B FAQ.

Sign up below to be reminded the day before the ball!

Games made for Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #7

Blueberry Soft's picture

You are a Fireball


Thought I should add this game I made for the Makega.me 'Spells' pageant.

It has a single-player mode, and a split-screen two-player mode.

Level layouts are randomish. Maybe backspace or escape resets. I removed scores tallies and other such things to make the fireball simularion more accurate.

Made For: 
An event

Gardens of Time: Design Problem Solving


"Make a game based on the title of any talk scheduled for GDC (http://schedule.gdconf.com/)."
Several other people have already done this by now..
It's a gardening game.

Michael Brough
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Santa's Advocate


A fairly long Christmassy psychedelic ZZT game done in the style of the legendary ZZTer Viovis/Ghettoflower. Your task is to assist Santa Claus in his fight against the Krampus, who has stolen his sleigh, by serving as Santa's advocate, a job that inexplicably involves becoming a kung fu master. There's a lot of comedic twists and turns and a very diverse art style that changes throughout the game.

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SpindleyQ's picture

Frets on Fire - A Trip Through The Grand Canyon

You know what has been missing all along since Harmonix came out with Guitar Hero five years ago? CANYON.MID. Now, that hole has finally been filled.

Download Frets on Fire for your OS of choice, and unzip this somewhere where it can see it.

Yes, this is awesome.

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everythingstaken's picture

Breaking Bread

Game File: 

UPDATE: You can now play this game on itch.io with added music and sound. I noticed that the html version hosted on GT didn't work anymore, so I uploaded to itch. This version has some sound effects and some music that I wrote originally intended for this game, but I never put in until now.

The player can watch episodes of a popular TV program at home and go outside to socialize. The velociraptor only wants to talk about TV! Talk to your velociraptor friend about TV!

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Smedis2's picture

Pirate VS. Dinos

Game File: 

This is kind of a warm up since it's been awhile since I've made a game.

Press Z to fire at dinos.
Don't let them pass.

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Johny L.'s picture

Commander Keen: The War of The Tongies

bandicam 2013-07-26 11-45-23-123.png
Game File: 

I edited the demo to make it into a full version, so making the release of the full version of my novel.
This game contains 2 more macros used than in the demo version.
I know this game is 70% short, i couldn't do it longer. Here's the node map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c3ruyudk3ok93yu/CK-TWOTTnodemap.png

The story goes: Keen gets his brother Jeem while the really evil characters named the Tongies goes to brainwash Jeem into a monster.

Made For: 
An event
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