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gisbrecht's picture

Trans Rancher Werewolves


my friend talks about people who make red dead redemption fanart where the cowboys are trans and werewolves and I think that is a good idea outside the context of red dead "grand theft auto but with horses" redemption works.

don't forget the milk and cookies.

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gisbrecht's picture

Nesso and the Big Blue Sea

1383 game.png

Originally released in 2014.

Hello! Welcome to my game!

WASD/Arrow keys - Move around
Mouse - Look around

Content warnings
There is a lot of ocean in this game and you can fall off the edge in the Video Game Void so please be careful!

Thank you's and Credits
Thanks to Tentabropy for code help and constant support!
Thanks to Lilith for creating "Oneiric Gardens", especially the part with the surfboard.
Thanks to Lego Island for making me think about beautiful little 3d worlds.
Thanks to Joiro Hatagaya for creating the 8bit-wonder font!
Thanks to Parade of Sinners for making the song "Oh, What A World!" that is featured in this game.


There is a secret in the game, can you find it?

Marie Gevaudan
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sergiocornaga's picture

Quest for Phallic Flora


A collaboration with rhetoricstu that got weird.

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Danni's picture

RFC: The Prospective Klik & Play Master's Checklist

I felt like it'd be a good idea to create a sort of checklist document for beginning/novice Klik & Play users so that they can learn the basics (and advanced techniques) of creating games in Klik & Play, and to discover and exploit all of its capabilities.

So far it's a list of idea items for games/game concepts/techniques to learn and master, as well as a list of events / conditions / actions / other Event Editor stuff to become familiar with. I'd like to see what other folks can come up with (especially people like snapman, qrleon, any other Klik gurus here).

See attached.

Edit: It uses Unix linebreaks, so don't open it in Notepad. Sorry. Windows users should use a different text editor.

Edit 2: Revision 2 is up.

KlikAndPlayMasterChecklist-r1.txt3.25 KB
KlikAndPlayMasterChecklist-r2.txt5.27 KB
thesycophant's picture

Watch Ducks II

Game File: 

In this game, YOU will WATCH DUCKS from a PARK BENCH.

WATCH the DUCKS and get POINTS! The game ends when you hit ESC! Get as many POINTS as you can!

WATCH DUCKS II is a direct sequel to the 2010 Pirate Kart II hit WATCH DUCKS. This exciting new entry in the WATCH DUCKS franchise features numerous improvements over its predecessor including:

  • Four all-new ducks (a significant improvement over WD1's three ducks)!
  • Recolored and remastered background environment!
  • Challenging new sleep system. Watch your character to make sure he doesn't go to sleep and miss ducks!
  • Altered system for gold duck appearance and bonuses!
  • New silver duck multiplier bonus!

Also, press F4 to toggle between fullscreen and windowed modes (true of all my games, BTW).

John D. Moore
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Son of a dolphin's picture

blatant trash game #1: grek and the awkward zaug

green duuud bg.png

do as you wish
what's the point of explaining anything
two explanation: click on faces to read new terrible words, arrows to move in overworld thing

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Blueberry Soft's picture

Merry Very, Very Belated Yuletide, let-off-yulios


Content warning:

  • Torture.
  • Also, there are lots of moving graphics, but if your browser or operating system is set to reduce motion they should get disabled. If the 'DARE TO ENTER' text isn't flashing then things are working.

Merry Christmas 2016, let-off-studios.

LOS you are a good trainwrecker and I wanted to make sure I got this done to show my appreciation. Hope you like it.

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Danni's picture

Gay Dino Eat a Potluck Food

Game File: 

Keeshond needs a little more time in the oven so to speak, so I made this in MMF2.

Jess the Omnivorous Dinosaur is invited to a potluck! Wander around, talk to folks, and try to avoid the urge to eat everything! Just because your stomach is a black hole...

Space to interact. Works in Wine.

Window starts out tiny but can be enlarged in various aspect-ratio-breaking ways!

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