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Son of a dolphin's picture


screenshot game.png
Game File: 

Agrovania is actually a horrible name for this game, but it's the name i based the game around. Little platforming thing.
crediting people on freesound who i took the sounds from: iluppai, porphyr, seansecret, juskiddink

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An event
Healy's picture

You Have to Put the Shamrock in the Pot of Gold

noun_in_noun cover.png

A You-Have-to-Put-the-Noun-in-the-Other-Noun game for St. Pat's! Note that I couldn't be bothered to put a leprechaun in this; if that really bugs you for some reason pretend that the backstory for this game involves an epic quest to beat a leprechaun to the rainbow's end.

Note that this does require an interpreter to play. If you're playing from the launcher you should be good to go, but if you're not, try Zoom for the Mac or Gargoyle for Windows.

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An event
SpindleyQ's picture


Game File: 

vomit hamburgers into elvis' mouth

made in 15 minutes

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Made For: 
An event


Game File: 

Click the colours, not the words!

Jesse Burstyn
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An event
inliquidwonder's picture


Just a recent graduate/academic type who enjoys being a little ridiculous. In the real world, some call me Jen Grier. (http://jengrier.com)

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
SpindleyQ's picture

Server Move

EDIT: It's done! Welcome, Glorious Trainwrecks, to your fourth home. Please please please tell me if _anything_ weird happens so I can look into it ASAP!

Hey all,
Just a quick note to let everyone know that I'll be moving Glorious Trainwrecks to a shiny new server in the next few days. If all goes well, the only things you might notice are:
* https may stop working or point at a bad certificate for hopefully no longer than a few minutes (I'll be generating a new certificate rather than migrating the old one)
* the server will enter "maintenance mode" once or twice and you won't be able to make new posts or potentially read existing ones - again, this should hopefully only happen for a few minutes

If anything weird happens to you during or after this process, don't hesitate to let me know - you can [url=https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/privatemsg/msgto/1]PM me on this site, send me an email drectly at if you can't log in, or for a quicker response you can hit me up on discord: SpindleyQ#2039 or uhhh on Mastodon @SpindleyQ@mastodon.social? I'll update this post with a comment once it's complete.

Thank you for continuing to be an incredible community that I'm proud to host <3

Radix's picture


Game File: 

I'm in a strange country on bad wifi so this will probably be my only thing, damn it.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

1 Player Pong


1 Player Pong, bounce the ball off the wall, and bounce it back with the bat!
Ball gets progressively faster, so try to keep up, or hold Space to slow it down.
However, you're on a time limit, so only slow it down when you need to!
A faster ball means a higher score, but more risk!

Just my minor contribution, hope you enjoy it for what it is.

Good luck to everyone else!

(Oh, and check me out on Twitter, @ValeourM!)

Chance 'Valeour' Millar
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An event
Groul's picture

Talk To Me Like Aliens Do

I Luv U.png

Out of this world space adventure. It's nuts. Trust me, it's fucking, CRAZY the stuff that happens in this. Unbelievable. Inconceivable even.

Content warning for a depiction of suicide, though the game is relatively light hearted regardless.

Made For: 
An event
PurpleChair's picture

Klik and Clacton

Game File: 

The world's first ludic adaptation of Jane Austen's classic novella 'Klik and Clacton'. You play as the unrequited ghost of Tom Bradley, son of the duke of Essex, and your goal is to eat all of the loveburgers being tossed into the air by the forlorn heroine Tibbs McKenzie. Hindering your quest is a relentless swarm of bees intent on dragging your lost soul away to darkest Maldon.

CONTROLS: Move by moving your mouse

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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