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ExciteMike's picture

Mike wants help with Pirate Kart stuff!

As you may have heard, the GDC Pirate Kart Kickstarter is fully funded! That means I've got even more stuff to do! So I'm asking for a little help! But also involving the community is fun anyway!

  • T-Shirt Design - I could fall back on the cartridge image seen here, but it might be cool to see what else we can come up with? Especially if it's a single color so that it's cheaper to print and/or can glow-in-the-dark!
  • Poster Design - I was thinking something like those Ludum Dare wallpapers I've made? We probably won't get a number of games that exactly fills the poster with no gaps, so some kind of logo or message could go in that? Then again a bunch of screenshots with no explanation is kind of awesome too. Also I never did turn this into a poster either. Okay maybe I didn't need to ask for poster help, but I do welcome additional ideas!
  • Business Card Design - It might be cool to have Glorious Trainwrecks cards people can grab at the kiosk! Maybe that would be a better use of that "without making a few friends" image. We can also do more than one kind!
  • Program Icon - For the corner of the window and the icon you click to launch it.
  • Reaction Cam - SpindleyQ had the awesome idea to try and livestream or at least record people as they play! We'd need to get a webcam and figure out how best to stream it without bringing up a window for it if we can help it. Something on the commandline or code the coded-in-Python launcher can use directly maybe? I don't know how feasible it would be to record three days of video but making a sped-up video of everyone playing like the Winnitron did last year would be cool.
  • Launcher Music - Anybody feel like making some musak? We seem to have a tradition of using "The Girl from Ipanema" :) Maybe someone could do a cover?
  • Knytt Player - As discussed here, if we have a hacked build of Knytt Stories, we could make the launcher support people submitting those .bins!
  • TESTING - I perhaps put the event unwisely-close to GDC. There's just no way we want to make one person play ALL the games to make sure they work, so hopefully I can get a bunch of you to try the kart launcher between Pirate Kart Weekend and GDC and the worst of the issues can get sorted out. The launcher is going to have some auto-updating capability so hopefully even if something goes horribly wrong I can still fix it for most people.
  • A PC - I need to get a computer there to actually run the kart on! I would use the very laptop I am typing on now, but for godknowswhy it has a lot of trouble with games made in game maker and I really want to support those! So if you are in the area and have a PC or laptop and can get it to Moscone to set it up in the kiosk, let's talk! (I think monitor, speakers, mouse, keyboard are provided but I should doublecheck)
  • Booth Decor - We should definitely get a poster or pirate flag or something! If we can come up with the design (the one I used for the IGF Kart is definitely fair game) and figure out how/where to get them made, I can throw the money at it!
  • Swag? - I don't know if it's affordable enough, but we could maybe give out discs? Hand-labelled DVRs fit the theme beautifully.
  • Signed Copy - I don't know what to do with it once it's signed, but someone should bring around a DVD/DVD case of this kart or the IGF Kart for signing!

Whew that was a lot of stuff! Like a month ago some people were asking how they could help and I didn't give useful answers, so hopefully it's not too presumptuous of me to ask now! I appreciate any help I get!

Also I feel a need to say this somewhere: I'm seeing some folks talk about "Mike's" pirate karts, I've been doing a few interviews, and I was invited to be a speaker at GDC because of them (just one of the 5-minute microtalks, but still). That doesn't completely sit right with me. The pirate karts being about particular people is pretty much the last thing I want. Someone else gets to organize the next Pirate Kart or other community stunt, ok?

FUN FACT: Apparently Clickteam has a booth at GDC this year! I am so going over there and giving them a high-five!

thesycophant's picture

Turkey Dash II: Rhapsody of Freedom

Game File: 

The turkey's back, and this time, FREEDOM is on the menu.

Escape your cage and use your Razor Feathers to achieve your destiny!

X - Jump (shake feathers)

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Super Thwomp Bros.


Press X to play.

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Contacto Ocular

Captura de pantalla 2013-08-19 a la(s) 00.17.02.png

This videogame is two-player only.

Player 1. WASD to move
Player 2. Arrow Keys to move

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SpindleyQ's picture

Deleted account and user ban

Hello Glorious Trainwrecks community,
You may have noticed a lot of posts from RustyMoon/Uuuuuuuuuuuu in the past day. This user was privately asked twice to remove misogynist slurs from their game description; their response to this was ultimately to replace the titles of their games and descriptions with asterisks, complain about progressives ruining Glorious Trainwrecks, and make events called "Poo Jam" and "Pee Jam" before being blocked. This user has asked that their account be deleted, and I have done so. Unfortunately this means many users' comments on pages RustyMoon created have been lost.

Also yesterday, the user danyburton made a long post titled "Why I Hate Alt-Games" which was a fairly direct attack on the work of a substantial portion of our community. He also participated in the aggressive posting this morning, much of which is now deleted as it was in response to content that RustyMoon created. The post has been deleted and danyburton's account has been blocked.

My comments from the last time I deleted an account stand. If you are here only to satisfy yourself and don't care who is hurt by your work or your actions, then this is not the community for you.

Many thanks to the Glorious Trainwrecks moderation team for taking the lead on dealing with this situation.

SpindleyQ's picture

Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #16

Sun, Feb 20 2011 09:00 AM
02/20/2011 - 16:00

Is the regular Klik of the Month Klub at an absurdly inconvenient time? Then try the Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball! (Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball is open to all genders and time zones.) The Ball takes place at 4PM GMT -- check that link to see what time that falls on for you.

The rules are the same: You get two hours to make a game in Klik & Play. If Klik & Play is a hindrance rather than a boon to your creativity, feel free to dump it for the game creation tool of your choice. If you're new to Klik & Play, check out our Learning KNP FAQ.

It's no fun making games by yourself in a vacuum, so make sure to stop by IRC. Our server is irc.freenode.net, and our channel is #glorioustrainwrecks. There's also got a Mumble voice chat server -- just connect to glorioustrainwrecks.com using Mumble and you can talk to us like real human beings!

After you've made your game, you should upload it here!

For more information, check out the N00B FAQ.

Sign up below if you'd like to be reminded the day before the ball!

Games made for Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #16

quasiotter's picture

hourse party

Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

new build in Itch is up!: https://quasiotter.itch.io/hourse-party
included more files and credits

a gallery of hourses!

this is the basic version! i like it but could polish a few things? will link to itch version when done!

in the meanwhile, you can still submit stuff! like today preferably.
not only for this unity game,
but other files: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/10720

music or environmental sounds?
change jumping and landing sounds to hourse sounds?
maybe put something else where the haiku is. probably whatever else is given after this version has been posted
maybe i'll add a title screen with instructions on how to press 'r' to go back to the main level. or i might just have a platform where you start with 3d text that you fall into the main level from.

i will include a credit sheet that points out who did what, but here's who contributed from this site:


and elsewhere:
aaron w bjork
andrew douglas campbell
alexander wurts
alex's mom lol
annika bjork
edward r crockett
kayla thompson
laura king
my mom
sumer khan

if you contributed, don't worry, it's there, just not apparent or always visible.

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otorange glaleryy

inspired by this transaction:

Read message

From: ghettowreath
To: ghettowreath
Subject: Re: arg gallery template
Date: Wed, 08/12/2015 - 03:31

man i don't know if i can handle the challenge daggit but i sure will try r.

thanks 4 sending this:

ghettowreath wrote:
http://www.flickgame.org/play.html?p=2f0091e4628b22b4fda4 can you handle the static. Maybe try playing some tunes for inspiration.

Reply to this message Delete this message List messages


i did a little bit of work thing as result. Anyway it's a template, change it as such & ruruurl if you want... for those that just want to make a simple sample art gallery and just doodle without the thynking.

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Noyb's picture

Klik Asia

Game File: 

Apologies to cactus.

Arrows: Move
Shift: Boost
Hold Ctrl: Attract boss pieces
Hold Ctrl, press Shift: Shoot attracted boss pieces
Release Ctrl: Shoot all boss pieces at once

Made For: 
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