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ExciteMike's picture

Want to see Pirate Kart play stats?

I tried making a Playtomic account that can see all the stats but not actually change anything.
site: http://www.playtomic.com
username: PirateKartKontributor
password: 2012inone

After logging in, click "2012 IGF PIRATE KART" on the left.

The per-game data is in Level Metrics. Once you switch to that you can check the boxes for the different "counter metrics" to see how much each game got clicked for each version. (viewing it as values is a little nicer than percents).

Unfortunately, the very high numbers of plays on a few of the v1.0 games isn't indicating popularity, but rather that I screwed up and those games didn't launch, so people clicked them multiple times.

avery's picture

Rogue Shaving Pimps

Game File: 

pretty gross actually. not advised you play it if you dislike a singular slur which is in this or murder of things with slightly in depth descriptions and


dont play this

originally made for a twine game jam by porpentine

2018 Extra Notes: This one is interesting, to say the least. I'm not too proud of some parts because i feel what happens in the second ending is completely unnessicary for one thing but then there's also the aforementioned slur... Despite that though, this twine shows off my regular comedic writing style nicely. I'm absolutely enamoured by the universe I vaguely mentioned through this game tbh. I kind of want to do a successor to this game set in the same universe but like...actually good? It's just a very interesting setting that I didn't flesh out at all, which possibly makes it all the more intriguing.

Made For: 
An event
gisbrecht's picture

FINA FLIGHTSY (for marbles-box)


Welcome to the newest Cube Enix Produkt, FINA FLIGHTSY.
SEPP, WHIZ, and MOOG are on an adventure in the sky until they are attacked by sky monsters!

Arrows - Move
Z - Fire SEPP attack when ready
X - Fire WHIZ attack when ready
C - Activate MOOG shield when ready
R - Reset Game

Art from Final Fantasy Something
Sound Effects from Roblox, 3D Movie Maker, Chip's Challenge and Klik n Play.
Title music is Title from Final Fantasy Legend III ( track by Ryuji Sasai? )
Game Music from is Boss from the 7th Saga ( track by Norihiko Yamanuki )

This Game Was Made For marbles-box as part of Sekret Santa 2020

This was originally going to be an rpg maker game so I included the sprites I made before I switched to clickteam. They'll work in RPG Maker MV but you'll need to edit them to work in older versions probably. Feel free to use just credit me as Mariken S. or Mariken Drawinge

Made For: 
An event
mkapolk's picture

I Love You But You Kiss Like a Girl

Game File: 

left player use WASD
right player use arrow keys

score hits by making your tongue long, block hits by making your tongue short, try to force your opponent off the screen to win the kiss!
inspired by theresa, who is pretty.

sorry this is over time! I was adding lovely polish for you all <3

Made For: 
Klik of the Month Klub #33 (Mar 2010)
FlaviusMaximus's picture

Dinosaur-ish Mayhem


Yes, this is another Platform-Scrolling-Shoot-'n-Shit game. and again, i'm stealing some scrolling engines from snapman. you know. "Rio and Ruckus"....

Shoot down some dinosaurs by holding the shift button. defeat the yellow jogger at the middle of the stage.

Made For: 
An event

Robot Royale w/ Cheese!


Player 1: Mash Z and X to win
Player 2: Mash N and M to win

Adrian Gordon (Code) + Arran Langmead (Art)
Made For: 
An event
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