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Game File: 

~take a deep breath~

Bobby Frye
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increpare's picture


Game File: 

Don't bother with the download, just play here

Don't bother with the download, just play here

Don't bother with the download, just play here

Don't bother with the download, just play here

Don't bother with the download, just play here

Don't bother with the download, just play here

Event Created For: 
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mkapolk's picture

Keep Clicking To Keep Existing

Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

keep your little ingrate extant for as long as you care to, my lord

Made For: 
An event
squidlarkin's picture


Game File: 

Journey through an infinite forest on an epic quest.

Made For: 
An event

Famous Authors: Kafka

Game File: 

Experience the life of one of the most important authors of the 20th century, Franz Kafka, known for his numerous short stories, his troubled life, and his penchant for pressing X repeatedly.

Chris Whitman
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everythingstaken's picture

Daytonite Demo

So, I've been working on this sorta action adventure arcade game for a while. There are 5 sort of games inside of it as it is and I want to playtest them before I continue making it. If you have joy to key and a guitar hero/rock band controller, you can use that to make left and right the strum bar and A-G the color buttons to play this.

Don't be afraid to be critical.

DemoForJustin.exe_.zip33.01 MB
daytoniteDEMOSC.png82.24 KB
Screen Shot 2017-08-06 at 12.36.24 PM.png818.3 KB
avery's picture

Suspiciious: A Love Letter To Delciious

Game File: 

This game is both my love letter to Delciious, the game that kickstarted my activity here, and a love letter to GT itself. I probably wouldn't even be making games like this without this site. I love all of you. I am the secret santa to everyone this year.

Merry Chistmas.

2018 Extra Notes: Things aren't entirely clear here RE: controls. If the screen ain't moving from what it's on, try clicking the mouse. On the battle screen, use Z to shoot (why I never tell you this in game, I don't know.) In my recent playthrough of this, the "Shoot the Big One!" message appears before you're actually able to do so; you need a score of 200 or so in order to do so. Basically just hold Z and hammer X until it actually shoots the Big One. Then clickaroo on the 100 and you're through to the next round, baby.

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SpindleyQ's picture

Oops, I broke password reset for like three and a half years

Hey, remember back in 2013 when I updated the password database to not use unsalted md5 for password hashing?

Wellll apparently that change broke password reset links with some regularity. (Occasionally a working password reset link would be sent out if you were persistent.) So if you've been trying to reset your password and it hasn't been working, try again! It should work every time now!

And remember: If you're having trouble logging in, or the site is broken for you in some way, please email me and let me know! I'm friendly and want to help and can definitely fix your problem!

Thanks to denson for the bug report that finally led me to track down and fix the issue.

I switched to using bcrypt for password hashing. But it turns out that the password reset link uses the password hashing function to generate its url, and bcrypted hashes can contain the "/" character. Which meant that if the hash happened to contain a "/", then during URL parsing only the part of the hash up to the first "/" would be checked, and of course it would decide that the hash didn't match and throw a cryptic error.

Game Title: Lost Levels


This is a sort of sequel to Game Title, inspired a bug that came up.
It is very difficult to complete it.
It is possible to complete it.
It is possible to get stuck.
If you're not absolutely certain that you're stuck, you're probably not stuck.

edit (04/03): mac version http://www.mediafire.com/?2qk87rrli3b96s0 (thanks mcc)

Michael Brough
Made For: 
An event
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