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RehaSoft's picture

3-D Molecule Destruction

Game File: 

Finally got my old games off my ancient laptop, time to upload them (!!)

Use your mouse.

Reha Soft
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sergiocornaga's picture

Hatoful Boyfriend

Hatoful Boyfriend is a visual novel / dating sim where you play as the only human female at an all-pigeon academic institute.

Get it in English here, or if you're like me and can't be bothered actually playing it, I recommend this thread.

sergiocornaga's picture

Sergio Cornaga, Procrastinator: 2032 Edition

Game File: 

In this latest instalment in the Sergio Cornaga, Procrastinator franchise, we look to the future.

Background animations based on work by motionstock.

Use the arrow keys to move... through time.

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DeceasedCrab's picture

Pest Control

Game File: 

Eliminate the pests! If they get too populous, we will all perish! PERISH!
If they do not get too populous, you will still be underpaid! UNDERPAID!

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Danni's picture

Where the Water Goes


While out on a walk, Juni discovers a huge waterfall! She wonders what could possibly be at the bottom of it.

This is what happens next...

NOTE: Knytt Stories Plus is recommended but not required. If you are using KS+, please enable the single pass renderer as this will get rid of waterfall flicker when moving between screens!

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DeceasedCrab's picture

Stern Gaze

Game File: 

Their stern gazes cannot be escaped. To fall to one is to fall to another. The servants only seek to delay you, avoid them.
Three levels. No hope.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
leilei's picture

Trainwreck 'faithfulness' theories

I don't know exactly where to put this since forums are vaguely described, though I want to spark a serious trainwreck defining discussion on what makes a trainwreck as a believable one or a deliberate one, because this can greatly affect the innocent enjoyment of a trainwreck.

Personally, my guilty pleasure is in ambitious games that are crumbled by the abilities of the authors or the software, unintentionally turning into trainwrecks. Basically, KNP years 95-98. Some faux professional 'shareware' that ask you to register for a fee with a contradictory self-imposed KNP quit screen give me chuckles.

Meme influenced trainwrecks i don't really have a soft spot for as I assume all memes are unfunny filler. In the '90s, the worst it can get i've seen is a few Jim Carrey film lines or SNL references, and those are rare cases themselves. Meme game doesn't equal trainwreck in my selfish eyes, it plays as 'lol i am funny because i insert an funnys lol', and doesn't really suck me in. Exceptions though are trainwreck games intentionally based on movies (Jim Carrey Breakout by Sylvain Seccia, for example. "Your balls are showing" wins the 'best use of a line in a new unintended context award'.)

And then there's those trainwrecks that must show off basic pixel art skills or someting like that, which seems more like 'make a crappy game with my indy cred ego on it' than something like a trainwreck. I'm an indy too, but still I find it unusual when a trainwreck has 2x scaled pixel fonts, characters and shapes in that it kills the surrealistic feel around a trainwreck. Sorry if this paragraph was insulting, as it was not intended to. Not. At. All. I'm not saying "USE KNP LIBS ONLY!", but being indy hip stylish doesn't make a wreck look wrecky.

...or, maybe i'm just getting old and i'm an oldtrainwreck elitist and i'm too snobby to accept dated Kanye Westus Interruptus jokes. I haven't even exposed my own trainwrecks here yet, so my timing about this is probably too early. I'm not scorning anyone (except Kanye West), i'm just raising questions for answers towards the benefit for a better Trainwreckian Society.

I'm stupid.

scarbo's picture

Mice Mage : The Quest For The Cheese

Game File: 

This is the game I made for the Mouse In The Maze 60th Anniversary Jam.

It's a dungeon crawler and the goal of the game is to get to the cheese at the end of each level, but beware of the ghosts!

-Arrow Keys to move.
-Press Space to toggle attack mode (Note: You cannot move in attack mode).
-Press Control to shoot (while in attack mode).
-The Green bar represents your health.
-The Blue bar represents your mana.

NOTE: The game jam is 2 months, but I only had around two days to work on this. This is also a 3D game using a 2D engine, so don't expect much.

Made For: 
An event
2sman's picture


Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 2.33.07 AM.png
Game File: 

A binary situation

Made For: 
An event
ihavefivehat's picture

finger based game no. 1


Keys: Up, Down, Left, Right: Move, shift gravity.

Press Down relative to the current gravity in order to dive.

Break fingers by diving into them twice.

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Made For: 
An event
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