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Ruff & Ravi Defeat the Plutonian Vampires (for Mariken)

Promotional Image.png
Game File: 

Thanks for supporting me for 8+ years Glorious Trainwrecks!!

About the Game

"Ruff & Ravi Defeat the Plutonian Vampires". A new adventure and narrative collection, coming straight to your computer screen!

Ruff the dog, boyfriend to the famous Binky of the Binky series, gets to star in his own digital game, for the first* time! In it, you will guide him and his new friend Ravi the rat to save Pluto from failed comedian Dracula! Can you make it through 12 levels of easy to moderately complicated puzzles?

Meanwhile, in real life, watch Ruff the dog and Ravi the rat star in their own cinematic series of cutscenes! In them, you will watch Ruff and Ravi try to unravel the mysteries of Pluto, the rat planet, to defeat Dracula! Can they learn the mysteries of the Cookie of Power, before it's too late?

Only you could possibly figure out these puzzles and plot resolutions, by playing Ruff & Ravi Defeat the Plutonian Vampires...

* it might not be the first time I'm not sure actually.

Getting Started

Launch "Ruff and Ravi.exe" to begin playing.

The game automatically saves any changes to your settings, but level/cutscene progress is not saved. However, every level and cutscene is available from the start, from the "Scene Select" option available from the main menu. Have fun!

Linux Support

Ruff & Ravi has been completely playtested on Ubuntu using WINE!

A couple known issues are detailed here:

If you are using 64-bit Linux, and the game starts without any sound, you might be missing 32-bit libraries for your default sound device. As a common example, if your setup is PulseAudio on 64-bit Debian/Ubuntu, you can install 32-bit libraries using the apt-get utility: apt-get install libpulse0:i386

During playtesting, cutscenes have been occasionally found unresponsive. If this happens, you'll have to close the application and re-open it. However, you can go straight back to the cutscene using the "Scene Select" page.

More Information

Further instructions can be found from the in-game hints, as well as "CONTROLS.txt" in the game download. You can also read "letter.txt" for my personal discussion of the game, and "credits.txt" to see what all made the game possible! You can check your current game version and what changes have been made in "changelog.txt".

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An event

Twine: Bar Charts.

Howdy. The name's Kit. I've been trying to work out how much you can make Twine do that isn't just display the characters you typed in different ways. I'm working on a battle simulator, and I realised that to make it look computer-gamey, it would need health bars. How does one make a bar chart in Twine, anyhow? Well, after a few hours of poking, I can suggest that this is one way - well, three ways. It's best to read them in order, but it's ok, they get simpler. They are all built around the idea of recurring a passage using an if condition nested inside itself, as suggested here.


Method 1


Each bar has three variables - health, which is what the bar is intended to measure, increment, which is the number represented by each unit of the bar, and symbol, which is what each unit of the bar is displayed as. Outer 1 prints the value of health for each bar, divides health by increment, and saves this value as block. It uses a ceiling function (Math.ceil, everyone loves a little javascript) so that if block is not an integer, it is always rounded up. If block is greater than 0, Inner 1 is fired off, which prints the symbol, subtracts 1 from block, and fires itself off if block is still greater than 0. By the time this stops calling itself, it has printed the symbol block times.

Include where you want bar (set the values for health, increment and symbol that you wish - symbol must be in ""s)
<<set $health = 30>><<set $increment = 5>><<set $symbol = "O">><<display 'Outer 1'>>

Outer 1:
<<print $health>> <<set $blocks = Math.ceil($health / $increment)>><<if $blocks gt 0>><<display 'Inner 1'>><<endif>>

Inner 1:
<<print $symbol>><<set $blocks = $blocks - 1>><<if $blocks gt 0>><<display 'Inner 1'>><<endif>>


Method 2

30 ||||||

These bars run using the passages Outer 2 and Inner 2. The bars work exactly the same as in Method 1, except the symbol is not specified. It is "|", hard-coded into Inner 2. If you always intend to use the same symbol, the code should run slightly faster if you use this method rather than that shown in Method 1.

Include where you want bar (set the values for health and increment)
<<set $health = 30>><<set $increment = 5>><<display 'Outer 2'>>

Outer 2:
<<print $health>> <<set $blocks = Math.ceil($health / $increment)>><<if $blocks gt 0>><<display 'Inner 2'>><<endif>>

Inner 2:
|<<set $blocks = $blocks - 1>><<if $blocks gt 0>><<display 'Inner 2'>><<endif>>


Method 3

10 ||||||||||

This is the simplest version of my bars to use. The only variable that has to be specified is health, which will be the length of the bar. Outer 3 has been simplified because of this.

Include where you want bar, specifying health:
<<set $health = 10>><<display 'Outer 3'>>

Outer 3:
<<print $health>> <<if $health gt 0>><<display 'Inner 3'>><<endif>>

Inner 3:
|<<set $health = $health - 1>><<if $health gt 0>><<display 'Inner 3'>><<endif>>


There is one bug I have found - if I try to display a bar of length zero, not only will it not print a bar (which is what I'd like), it also won't print the number 0. I have no idea why this is, but if anyone does, any help is appreciated! If you want to see these running, go to the barchartdemo listed below.

barchartdemo.html36.88 KB
vampirkat's picture

Happy new year, klikkers and wreckers!

Getting nostalgic and such so I decided to do my yearly pop in and see what's happening.

I got App Game Kit Classic and all its bundles as a gift for xmas.

While my new computer I bought on furlough died (aargh!) I turned on the old vista machine (updated to windows 7) and it's still kicking for it to be 11 years old. So I'm currently coding on that.

I found my old coding projects on the laptop and want to finish them. Make them look pretty. I don't want to release shovelware lol.

Hope everyone is having a safe and fun time and may this year be a helluva lot better than last.

Smedis2's picture



My Second Game for the 2012 Pirate Kart.

Arrow Keys:Move (Noooo,really?)

(Yep,same control scheme as my last game.)

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TheCakeFlavor's picture


a conversation over a meal
a conversation over a game

in a book, the reader sets the pace
in a film, the author sets the pace
in a game, who sets the pace?

I'll crosspost this to various knytt boards l8r

thanks to sergiocornaga for testing and compiling, and for various assistances over the year.

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thenaturalworld's picture

Harvest Day

Game File: 

Harvest up to 16 type of plant

music: Sun City Girls - Apna Desh

Made For: 
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everythingstaken's picture

YouLostTheKeysToTheHouse ButYouAreInJail

Game File: 

Thanks Dattorz!
Theme was turning into a monster from sergio!
Have fun! Stay safe!

If you played the first version of the game, don't press [Y] press [space]. If you just downloaded the game, press [Y]

New Edit:
I changed the title so it fits in the space nicely.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
SpindleyQ's picture

A New Server Approaches!

So, heads-up: I'm planning to move Glorious Trainwrecks Dot Com either this afternoon or tomorrow sometime. I've done some work to make sure this transition is smooth, but probably there will be weird problems anyway. The new server will be accessible at a different URL for a period of a few hours while everyone's DNS catches up (thankfully I've thought ahead so that it won't take days, this time).

This is the thread where you will complain about those problems, and/or rejoice that you will soon have a better than 50% chance at actually being able to access the site when you feel like it.

Danni's picture

Tips & Kliks

I really want to start a tutorial series on Klik tips and tricks that applies to a broad range of Klik products (though primarily targeting the older products). I'd like to cover concepts in bite-sized pieces to serve as an introduction to the building blocks used to create more complicated behaviors in Klik, as well as provide documentation on a number of useful tricks to give aspiring Klikkers greater control over their creations. I'd also like to provide a section on Klik backward compatibility to document behavior changes going from KNP to TGF1 (and perhaps later tools as well?) so that KNP users can make their games more forward compatible while users of newer products can fix existing KNP games to run on newer systems.

I just see a lot of people getting into Klik and creating new and interesting things but sometimes aren't sure how to do advanced things. I would like to help those people arm themselves with Klik knowledge.

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