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Anxiety World

Game File: 

early morning paranoia simulator.

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Futility Pong

Game File: 

Pong with spoilers.

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kirkjerk's picture


Game File: 

A completely infringing (and very cheaty/lazy) work:

An evil insectoid Law-Yar has stolen Atari's Fuji symbol and with it, Atari's mojo.

You must journey to the evil black castle and rescue the Fuji symbol

This is actually a pretty detailed play-alike to Atari 2600 Adventure, written in Java processing, for another top-sekrit project of mine... it took hella longer than 2 hours, lots and lots of 20 minute subway sessions.... my 2 hour-ness was a simple sprite mod conversion, in the finest of Pirate Kart traditions!

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Crash's picture


Yeah bitches!!!!!!!!!!

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Pirate Kart 2
GoreCore's picture

32 Bit Epyleptyk Arena

Game File: 

At last, game which combines arena shmups with pinball and unplayability. Oddbob, eat your heart out.

Made For: 
Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #5 (Mar 2010)
Danni's picture

Diamond Snake Jogger


(cw: vore kinda)

Somewhat based off of a very popular game from the old V-Cade where you jumped around a randomly-moving snake-like ribbon while trying not to fall off.

Left and Right Arrow Keys to move.
Shift to jump (you'll probably want to hold the key, actually).
Don't fall off the snake.
Don't let the snake eat you (it does this if the head collides with you from the side or from above).

You can adjust the snake's movement to make it faster, slower, or more random. You can also make the snake's tail longer if you want. The game features a random seed, so you can keep playing the same pattern over and over until you better yourself.

Three game modes:

Score Attack just gives you points for however long you stay alive.
Timed Survival is about staying alive for the specified time period. If you're still around when the time is up, you win!
Collect the Food is about eating all the hamburgers. Eat a hamburger, and you win one point. The snake can eat them too, but this won't earn you any points! Once all the burgers are eaten, you move on to the next round which has one more hamburger in it.

Update: Fixed an issue with past/high score not being remembered on custom games. Also provided more sane default values. Redownload if you've already downloaded.

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An event



8x8 girl in an 8x8 world

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An event

Portal Two-Dimensional


In the spirit of the advent of Portal 2, which was released a few minutes ago in the future, here is a two-dimensional version of the game. The story is different, and so are the puzzles.

I tried to make as many levels as I could in the time limit. There are 10 of them.

Z - Push against ground, thus forcing self upward as per Newton's third law.
Arrows - Impart motion upon self, or, conversely, aim the object held in hand (if any).
X - ???
C - ???

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Zecks's picture

Atlantis no Nazo no Murasamejou

Game File: 

A man finds a treasure map which lead him to the middle of the sea.
He takes the dive down to an underwater wonderland.

Use down, left and right arrow keys to swim around and avoid the deadly shark fishes and jellyfishes.

You'll also need to keep an eye on your lung pressure, do not let it go too much over 100, or you gonna be sleeping with the treasure. To do this you'll need to chill out in the shallower water first (not that you aren't pretty much forced to because I got carried away with the rng again.)

Also about Kung Fu 3 which I've been endlessly blabbering about:

I'm gonna try and give myself a kick in the butt (I've barely made enough progress that counts this far), and put up a dev diary for it sometime next week in hopes that I will actually someday work towards finishing it instead of working in random twenty minute farts couple times a week.
I'll also drop lots of other shit in there from time to time, like an updated version of the second one for starters, followed by some of my non-GTW-wrecks from past years and maybe a bit more "history" so you dudes understand what's going on (I never introduced myself :( ).

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An event


Screen Shot 2017-07-16 at 4.23.04 PM.png

loneliest roguelike//arrows

Made For: 
An event
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