
Healy's picture

A Quick One (Knytt Stories)


Here is a short, simple Knytt level. I tried to stretch myself a little, narratively speaking, by telling a story with as few words as possible, but I don't think I was entirely successful. Oh well!

Trivial trivia: This is not the first level I started that takes its title from a Who song, but it is the first one that I finished! Also, note that the song and level have absolutely nothing besides the title in common. (I think.)

Edit: Fixed a really obvious void. Like, dang girl, what was I thinking, leaving a void like that unaccounted for?

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An event
thesycophant's picture

Vector the Crocodile Walks Through Great Art


Join Vector the Crocodile as he walks through a sampling of the world's great art!

(X jumps)

EDIT: Turns out the Vector sprite is courtesy of Yuski. Thank you, Yuski!

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An event

A Walk Down The Shops


It's time to walk down the shops. What could possibly go wrong? I mean, other than the shops being shut.

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Made For: 
An event

Naked Forest Walk


A nature-walking simulation. Experience the wonders of a simulated outdoor environment, free of the mental clutter of actual productive life. Maybe, by being unencumbered and unclothed both figuratively and literally, you will discover something new about the world that you hadn't noticed until now?

Arrows - walk left and right. You will randomly have epiphanies as you walk.

Hold down the D, R, U and G keys to take the drugs you brought, 'just in case you get bored'.

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Made For: 
An event



Here's the story: I was inspired by this comic, and its straight-faced presentation of whimsy and wonder. But I noticed that I'd already covered this sort of thing (somewhat) in Juni the Jiant, so I decided to try something slightly similar but in a different direction.

I'm not particularly pleased with this, but it's suitable as a prototype.

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Made For: 
An event
dessgeega's picture




(in part one, use the UP key with LEFT or RIGHT to jump.)

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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