The Autumn Unity Chain-Game

Protohm Johnny's picture
Fri, Sep 01 2017 01:42 PM
09/01/2017 - 13:42
12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

Games made for The Autumn Unity Chain-Game


Blueberry Soft's picture

FYI mine will be Spring

FYI mine will be Spring themed~

Protohm Johnny's picture

How DARE you go against the

How DARE you go against the rules in such a bold stroke!
Pfffrghg,, I'm tearing my hat over this!
Confound! Zounds! Anger Noise!

Blueberry Soft's picture

How dare YOU go against the

How dare YOU go against the southern hemisphere.

Blueberry Soft's picture

Here's a question~!

Hey, do you think it matters which version I use? I think I have three different Unity installs and none of them are the current version for important reasons~ Like the most recent might be a whole .x number behind, if that makes sense.

Protohm Johnny's picture

For this chaingame, the

For this chaingame, the entire thing is compiled in Unity 2017, but you can use older versions as long as they're from the Unity 5 series and up. To prevent issues, it would be best if people would use Unity 2017, but if that's not possible try to use the most recent copy you have.

quasiotter's picture


this is a reminder to myself that i want to do this.

Protohm Johnny's picture

If you do participate, I'm

If you do participate, I'm looking forward to what you make!

quasiotter's picture

hey lets go for a ride 1

i had a hard time coming up with stuff but i wanted to include something so here this is. maybe use the text as a collision to go to the next scene?

autumn chain.unitypackage1.81 MB
Protohm Johnny's picture

Alright! Will do!

Alright! Will do!

Protohm Johnny's picture

Hey, doesn't seem to include

Hey, doesn't seem to include a scene in it. Looks like it's just a material, a texture, and an FPS controller. I think something may have gone wrong in export.

quasiotter's picture

on a highway

yeah, i didn't include the scene :( oops!

autumnscene.unitypackage1.84 MB
mkapolk's picture

Okay, here's my asset pack!

Okay, here's my asset pack! I hope it works, I used a terrain generation plugin that might not export right. Please let me know!

asset_pak.unitypackage.zip402.64 KB
Protohm Johnny's picture

Awesome Marek! Thanks for

Awesome Marek! Thanks for the pack, I'll see if it imports properly.

Protohm Johnny's picture

Actually, I just tested it

Actually, I just tested it and it would appear that it only came with a scene and is missing prefabs/materials/textures.

mkapolk's picture

Try this one!

Try this one!

asset_pak2.unitypackage.zip18.1 MB
hugs's picture

i am trying to finish

i am trying to finish something for this i swear

Protohm Johnny's picture

Best of luck!

Best of luck!

hugs's picture


here's my thing

the DoneIt function in colourchanger.cs is where the next scene should begin (there's sort of a semi transition thing at the end which i hope doesn't get in the way of anything??)

woodsy.zip3.21 MB
Protohm Johnny's picture

Alright! Thanks!

Alright! Thanks!

Protohm Johnny's picture

Wow, just gave that a look

Wow, just gave that a look and it's incredibly atmospheric! Great work!


Thanks for all the extensions!

The ending is triggered in GameManager.cs > handleEndingCue (replace the Debug.LogError at line 40).

kpi.zip11.73 MB
Feverdream Johnny's picture

Awesome! Thanks for the

Awesome! Thanks for the submission!