Red Cartoon Prison

everythingstaken's picture
Screen Shot 2017-10-02 at 2.49.58 AM.png
Game File (Mac): 
Q*Bert by Warren Davis and Jeff Lee


Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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quasiotter's picture

A Guitar and a Heart

This is just cruel.

everythingstaken's picture


Isn't prison supposed to be?

quasiotter's picture

Everything is Everything

yaaaaaa i know that was the intention lol i wouldn't be that mean if i wasn't aware lol

everythingstaken's picture


lol I know, my tone wasn't coming across because of the internet.

quasiotter's picture

stabbed in the face

btw will include it in update hopefully kinda soon lol

Son of a dolphin's picture

i like the sense of scale

i like the sense of scale

penguin's picture

i thought i understood this

i thought i understood this game the first time i played it, the second time it revealed more of itself to me.
very nice, simple but rich. in this way reminds me a bit of slowdance-2h: