Compo: Zodiac Attack 2014

I'm hosting a game compo over at The Daily Click: Zodiac Attack 2014! Participants are charged with creating a classical Greek zodiac-inspired game between now and the end of July. All game dev tools and SDKs are welcome. I make prizes for the winners!

More details are available here:

Hope you choose to jump in on this, folks!

More Prizes

I've added some sweet prizes along with the usual zodiac-themed prize.

Current Prizes Are:
1st Place winner: US$50 "gift certificate" (as in, the winner picks items up to a US$50 value) for one of either,,, or
2nd Place winner: US$25 "gift certificate"
3rd Place winner: US$10 "gift certificate"

The top-scoring winner will still receive a zodiac-themed prize from me in addition to the above prizes.

Might this pique your interest? If so, check out the compo entry page!

Still Time Left

Five weeks remaining in this compo, and five competitors on the roster. What does this mean?

There are still lots of opportunities to win the prizes this year!

Even without prizes, each game submitted receives a review and constructive feedback to help developers become even better at game-making.

If you're interested, check it out! Any game dev tool is welcome.