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PAX Quest


I attended PAX this year! As part of my devious plan to spread the Glorious Trainwrecks way of game-makering, I put aside an hour to set up a laptop in a vaguely low-traffic area with an attractive sign promising people that I would make games for them. I quickly got a taker, who sat down and chatted with me for about an hour as I made PAX Quest In Glorious Klik-O-Vision! Many other people looked and smiled -- one guy even stopped to say he liked my sign -- but no one else stopped to see what I was doing. It may or may not have had something to do that I was mostly looking at my computer and there was a dude sitting beside me, presumably getting a game made. (Turned out he was a Mac user so he won't be able to play it.)

In conclusion: Fun experiment! Mixed results. Afterwards my legs hurt.

Oh, the game? PAX Quest is a fairly accurate representation of some of the more annoying portions of PAX. I resisted the temptation to make waiting in line real-time.

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