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Death Scorpions From Hell


Face Death Scorpions From Hell and try not to die.

8-way moment = Movement
Button 1 = Shoot

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Pirate Kart 2
Scroungin_4_Catsup's picture

Dimensions of the Boxy Hop-Dog


A blocky creature hops around on screen, and you use the mouse to measure its various body parts (in pixels). Sometimes it's facing you, other times it's facing away, and other times it's looking to the left or right. You'll have to be patient if you want to document all of the dimensions... of the Boxy Hop-Dog.

Inspired by that classic question "The Pokédex lists the height of each Pokémon. How do they measure the Pokémon?"

The dimensions are randomized each time you play.

There are a few quirks (listed in the readme) but overall I'm very pleased with how this turned out. I was originally going to make 'better' looking art but I got so used to my placeholder art that I just ran with it. I did tweak the colors a bit to make each body part easier to tell apart for colorblind people and I hope I was successful in doing so. There is togglable text-to-speech just in case the X and Y values are too hard to read - I tried to make the color of the text easy to read against the background/Boxy Hop-Dog.

Made in Multimedia Fusion 2 with music made in Bosca Ceoil.

A cool 6 second .gif of the game is provided below

NOTE NOVEMBER 3RD 2021: I've added in a way to make the game mostly playable with just the mouse, as long as yours has a scroll wheel - you can use either the left or right mouse button to measure, clicking the middle button will bring up the entry screen and you can use the mouse wheel to scroll up or down to add/subtract values to the currently selected entry field. The latter method takes a little while longer than using the number keys but it's definitely doable.

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An event
boxy.gif96.26 KB


Blocks Screenshot.jpg
Game File: 

An combantion of breakout and pong.

Christopher Jacobs
Made For: 
An event
Son of a dolphin's picture

phut cat

Game File: 

inspired by everythingstaken's games, just much worse

Made For: 
An event
everythingstaken's picture

Brother's Sister's

Game File: 

Hey, if you like setting people up for dates, you might like this game!

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Made For: 
An event

Rotation Invaders


A Space Invaders type game inspired by my own Prizeturret, WarioWare: Twisted! and that one level of Karoshi 2.0.

Left - move in what would be the left direction were the screen right-side-up.
Right - move to the right, relative to the ground.

You fire automatically. Your missiles disobey gravity and will always fall "downward" regardless of the screen's rotation. The enemy's missiles do not, so try and avoid them constantly.

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Made For: 
An event
snapman's picture

Potential Controversy

Two days ago I had an incredible idea for a hilarious, but easy to make game. I've spent some time collecting the basic sources for it, ranging from sounds to art, to ideas, to "implementation/translation". There's just one problem with this idea. It is likely to be highly controversial. It's a parody of a well known game series, but with a strong message, that is likely to upset a fairly large group of people. The presentation is pure Stephen Colbert, where I present ideas in an accurate, but self-contradictory manner.

The game would not be fun, for the most part. Much of the humor would come from this fact. But it would be interesting, and informative.

I sometimes wish Glorious Trainwrecks had private messaging. I'd like to ask SpindleyQ if he feels it's appropriate or not. If I find him on IRC, I'll ask him there. If he thinks it would be too much hassle for Glorious Trainwrecks, or not in the spirit of the site, I'll take the idea in another direction: either as a Shockwave Flash game submitted somewhere else, or as an animation on YouTube.

My first instinct was to make the game in Klik & Play, simply because I've been getting to grips with the system again, and I thought it would be a fun experiment. But the topic may be too serious for the light-hearted nature of our community.

kirkjerk's picture

new Wiki page*s*

I've started a Wiki-fied KotM N00B FAQ.

I used the BB code for familiarity, but couldn't figure out how to link to other Wiki pages.

I think we need a big section on getting started with KNP. A lot of us got a lot of help durin the 100-in-1 weekend, and I think we need to have a decent substitute for that if we want to be friendly to new folks and grow the group...

so it's wiki, so feel free to update and edit and modify. My goal is to have a page I can point people to, when I'm trying to recruit them for the KotM event.

sergiocornaga's picture



A gimmick.

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Made For: 
An event
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