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untapped potential?


I've run into a little something I haven't seen here and potentially it could be interesting, not sure.. Apparently you can make any object into a friend, you've got the basic platformer stuff already built in how you remember it. You can make your own levels, like this one going to nowhere, Uhh, there was a crab guy in it too that talked to you but he ran into the void to the left because he was really into what was going on there, and here I've got mario just chillin with the gargoyle man, he's still shooting fireballs. If you're looking for something that's not knytt games but has a little less atmosphere a a little more Mario that is marioey then this might be your output. There's also some metroid sprites for whatever reason and it can be easily turned into someone's mashup fanfiction fantasy if one is patient enough to get the layout right, otherwise we can also wait to see what happens with the new jetpack when it comes out...


THE LINK enjoy!

Smedis2's picture

The Alien Encounter



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Twine: <<autolink>>, a macro to automatically make links.

This macro, when surrounding a span of text, will search through the text, finds words that are also names of passages in the story, and converts them to internal links.

* Since Twine passage names are case-sensitive, this search is also case-sensitive.
* It currently only matches single ASCII words (letters and numbers) and hyphens contained within, but currently not apostrophe-containing words.

macros.autolink={handler:function(g,e,f,b){function tagcontents(starttag,endtag,k){var a=b.source.slice(k),l=0,c="";
for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++){var w=endtag.length;if(a.substr(i,w)==endtag){if(l==0){b.nextMatch=k+i+w;
return c}else{l--;c+=a.charAt(i)}}else{if(a.substr(i,starttag.length)==starttag){l++
}c+=a.charAt(i)}}return""}var k=b.source.indexOf(">>",b.matchStart)+2,d=tagcontents("<<"+e,"<<end"+e+">>",k),bs=String.fromCharCode(92),re=new RegExp("(["+bs+"w-]+)","g"),words,len;
re.lastIndex+=(len)}}while(words);new Wikifier(g,d)}};macros.endautolink={handler:function(){}}

Usage example:
* <<autolink>>The most popular pets are dogs and cats<<endautolink>> - Assuming the passage "dogs" exists, that becomes "dogs".

Not too sure of the name - might change it later.

Feel free to report any bugs to @webbedspace.

Where is ghettoshamrock?

Were is ghettoshamrock or whatever 1000 nicknames he uses on GT ?
I miss him/her


Game File: 

You must defend cyber node Proxis from the shapes.
Squares must be shot with the same color.
Triangles must be shot with the different color.

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Game File: 

Game the first, jacked from atomatomic, made awesome by me.

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avery's picture

Nice Ass, Baby!

Nice Ass, Baby.png
Game File: 

Released in 2013 to wide disgust from future me.

CW: Epilepsy, very fast moving objects that obscure your vision.

Fun facts about Nice Ass, Baby!:

- It's not a good video game.
- In fact it's the only one of my games that can be classed as true kusoge.
- The name is taken from a GTA: Vice City cutscene.
- It's paritally broken and I can't fix it.
- It did have a bonus archive that came with the game but I removed it due to foolishly including stuff that I didn't even own.
- If the archive still existed, the password would have been "corruptionofchampions". Yes, this game references items from an R-18 flash game.
- Most levels that appear to linger on a static image can be advanced via left clicking.
- The way "zetazs map" is a single image that flashes text on screne before changing is a nod to Vidiot Game by GZStorm.
- On "gro plus", click any jack in the box. Soon as you collect enough points (about 50000), it'll turn into a big negative number. If you go over 10k, press F2 and restart.
- On "reducto", its hard to see but in the bottom left corner it says "press z". Do that.
- On "numb rocks", the acceleration is intentionally slower than molasses. Press and hold a direction, you'll eventually keep moving. I'd advise against stopping before changing direction unless you want to be there all day.
- On "whisker fruit", you have to have extreme patience and motor control. Mute the audio so you can concentrate. Gently press the up key to start moving, but dont hit it too hard or you'll zoom into a wall and will have to start over. Press down if you need to stop. The walls and ceilings without anything on them will stop you as well. You need to collect the weird eyeball on the top left to continue into the right hand part of the screen. Collide with the bubbles to finish the level.

2018 Extra Notes: Interestingly, this is one of my games that I went back and replayed last year, which is when the stuff above was added. So I don't have anything more to add. This game isn't very good at all haha.

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jonbro's picture

Hacky Sim

Screen shot 2012-02-25 at 8.10.57 PM.png
Game File: 

a realistic hacky sack simulator. Will build a web version later, need to get the newer version of unity.

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everythingstaken's picture


The 8 songs of the desert cOVER.png


eit and vocals by steven herzog some of the audio is based on some edited samples just ask
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