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Tribe Hummus Pinball

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So I say to WordRescue, "Let's make a pinball table; it can be about anything you want." Being the massive whole foods hipster that he is, WordRescue comes back with a Tribe Hummus themed table layout. So enjoy.

Enjoy your hummus.

Snapman & Wordrescue
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Smedis2's picture


Tiltlu scren.PNG

Sheesh,I farted out another game for the cart.

I'm not gonna give a description this time,as it'd ruin the suprise.


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fotocopiadora's picture

mario confronts all his fears

mario confronts all his fears_001.png

mario's tired of marioing

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SpindleyQ's picture


Screenshot from 2019-04-13 10-39-05.png
Game File: 

Here's a Doom WAD I made one day in 2013 and then abandoned for almost exactly 6 years. The other day I remembered it existed, dug it out of a dusty old backup of a long-dead laptop, and cleaned it up a bit.

LUMBERJACK.WAD: You are in an open space filled with trees. Somewhere there is a chainsaw. You can use it to cut the trees down.
TREEPUNCHER.WAD: Inspired by an earlier, buggy version of the same level, it's basically the same except you can also destroy trees by punching them.

Requires a ZDoom-compatible source port (such as gzdoom) and DOOM2.WAD as a base. (I used zdoom to develop it originally, because it was 2013.) It'll also work with Freedoom Phase 2 but it just doesn't feel the same.

I feel like it's appropriate to submit to The Great Resurrection Game Jam more than a year late?

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Psilocervine's Open World Jamstravaganza - Making Your Way in the World Today Takes a Robust Character Controller

Despite my lack of updates, only some of my lack of progress is because of Elden Ring. I can't help it. The game lets me marry a living doll. I have a type.

That said, I'm 100% going to miss the deadline but I don't care because I've been enjoying working on this game. My most recent efforts have been focusing on making a vehicle controller for the hoverbike thing the protagonist is going to be jetting around on and lemme tell ya, it has been an ordeal.[i] My first attempts basically just involved using invisible wheel colliders and having those provide all the functionality I needed, but it turns out that Unity's wheel colliders are kinda... awful for that? Figuring out what their specific dampening values and everything need to be is also an arduous process because they're all expecting ranges I'm expected to just guess I suppose.

My next solution was to use raycasts and physics forces. Figuring that the best way to ensure the bike from flipping would be to have some spread out forces, I put four of them around the bike and lowered the center of mass so that it was always inclined to stay upright. This [i]kinda worked, but it meant that applying forces at positions for steering had to have special offsets, and that resulted in weird torque behaviours that were a nightmare to diagnose and even more of a nightmare to code.

Not fun.

Then, one night, as I was tossing and turning in bed, I awoke in a start. Not because of inspiration, but because I'm prone to nightmares. To work myself down from the post-nightmare anxiety, I started thinking of new ways to get this to work, and I finally settled on a hybrid solution of an idea I had the night before and a new one as well.

Instead of using four raycasts, I use two, front and back. Next, I lock the bike's rotation along the z-axis and only ever change that with direct access from code to make the steering look "cool" by giving it a bit of a banking effect. Then, on top of all this, I added some dampening physics to it all. The front raycast gets a low dampening value to make it extra bouncy, and the rear raycast gets a high one to make it more rigid. In a way, it sorta recreates the suspension of a motorcycle! Neat!

After that, I added some extra quality of life stuff. Instead of immediately losing forward thrust in the air, I made it so that if you spend too much time in the air (about half a second), you start to have the amount of thrust the accelerator gives you drop to half its strength, meaning you can't fly around forever. I also added some functionality to make the bike automatically balance to face the horizon after a second or so in the air to help keep the player from flipping around all over the place. In the end, after far too many lines of code (both included, commented out, and deleted) I finally have something I think I really enjoy zipping around on, which is all I could really ever ask for!

Motion sickness warning on this video, by the way. I'm still mucking about with the camera system.

I just think it's neat!

Wertpol's picture

Olson's Journey 2


Olson is back, and his journey is not finished.
Yes, he wasn't actually looking for a lovely chair.
What is he looking for though? You'll have to find out.

-Amazing atmosphehsehehehere
-Many breathtaking environments
-Took way too long to make for what it is
-Objectively better than the first one
-Actually equally good
-Which means a lot because the first one was the shit
-Olson is a lovely comrade

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Hunter in the Moons VII: The Missing Sword VII: The Eyes's Lights VI: Someone of Thorns VIII: The Sky of the Wings IV


The continuation of "Hunter in the Moons VI: The Missing Sword VI: The Eyes's Lights V: Someone of Thorns VII: The Sky of the Wings III", we present to you "Hunter in the Moons VII: The Missing Sword VII: The Eyes's Lights VI: Someone of Thorns VIII: The Sky of the Wings IV: The Next Generation II: Championship Edition IX: Turbo"

Click the sword button to attack. You can use potions any time as long as you have them. More than two opponents this time (much more).

In shop, you can buy potions and increase your power by spending XP.

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Pirate Kart 2

sllab sllab sllab

Game File: 

sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab sllab

.sllab sllab sllab ot tfihs dna syek sworra sserP

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Smedis2's picture

Story Time With Smedis: The Man Who Was Hit By A Car

Game File: 

A Series that probably will go nowhere.


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