not a game

spiral's picture

Gaze Surp

gaze surp.png

NOTE: this is not a game, it is audio only!

I (Ruffty) and Nikki were editing music for our current game jam entry, and ended up making process music out of a loop we were trying to shorten. imagine that!! rather than put in the effort to determine the loop point of the piece if we tried repeating the components forever, we made a little clickteam engine that plays it FOR YOU, in a much smaller file size.

Once you run it, the only things you can do are pressing Escape to quit, or T to show the (very glitchy) timing offset calculation. It's hidden by default because it is so glitchy. Also you can't hide it again- consequences of yer actions? Finally, the initial timing offset is subject to a very small variation because Clickteam cannot be infinitely precise, unfortunately.

I think it sounds really cool around 3 minutes in!

Audio - 'Geyser' midi from "Sky Monday", by Richard Gale
Audio Editing - Ruffty & Nikki
Font - Pixel Unicode, by Iván Coello

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everythingstaken's picture

Sonic's Youth: Game Design Document

Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 3.50.51 PM.png

Game design document for a Sonic game I'd like to make.

It's a GOOGLE DOC that you can read here. It's a work in progress, I will add to it every so often (drawings, writing, maybe some audio stuff). This is not a joke like 'Sonic Dreams Collection'. "People that like Sonic are weird." Fuck you well to do popular award winning 'cool' LA assholes.

It sucks thinking about these snobby "indy elites" making fun of the thing that makes some people happy.

Why is this a train wreck or why is this on this website?
I figure if I try to make something super sincere like this it will accidentally be transcendentally bad.
Like, it's kind of uncool to be a fan of something? I guess it depends on how you look at it?
I guess some questions I will be asking myself while adding to this is, like, how reverent am I to Sonic as a "franchise".
I like Sonic, I liked him as a kid quite a bit.

Someone on the IRC for this website years ago said Sega would never hire me to direct a Sonic game. I guess, in this person's eyes, this game design document and the theoretical game is a trainwreck in terms of futility, like this is never going to happen.

I once was working at a smoothie place and my first or second day there, this guy was telling me about his Simpsons spec-script and how much he was working on it. Him telling me about this made me feel tremendously sad at the time being stuck working for very little money serving very rich people overpriced smoothies. Like, I would hope that this guy made it, I have a more positive look at these things these days. At least he wrote it, he did a bunch of comedy stuff in the city, he was trying and that's what you have to do, you can't just sit around and mope about, he was taking some sort of action even if this action to others felt futile.

So, whatever, I'm going to do this anyways.
I'll run head first into a wall hundreds of times to see if I can run through it.

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mkapolk's picture

Mementos® Mori

Screen Shot 2019-10-22 at 7.59.08 PM.png

I wanted to make something for the "Pre-fright Check-in" jam but I started late and didn't work very hard. It's just an old-skool website, really, and some things I find scary to think about. Death and existence, you know. Here's the frame I wrote for the game:

In 1999 the Perfetti Van Melle corporation, in collaboration with the Baudelaire estate, ran a promotion called "Mementos® Mori." The promotion consisted of a limited edition naphthalene flavor of their popular mentos® candy called "Ail-mints." Printed on the inside wrapper of each such roll of "Ail-mints" was a depressing tidbit meant to "chill the very soul of the reader as that ... peppermint candy chills their taste buds."

A promotional website was also created, featuring some examples of text from the promotion, as was the style at the time. A miserable failure, the website was quickly scrubbed from the mentos® website and was never mentioned again. Recently a copy of it turned up on a CD-ROM among the possessions of the late Mr Guy Dupré. He was believed to be 82 at time of passing and was survived by no immediate family.

The restored website is shown above.


Shadowlands 7 - Codex Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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everythingstaken's picture

River of Jig

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everythingstaken's picture

Love is not a Game



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everythingstaken's picture

Maze of Color


Find out what color she wants to be painted.
There are seven colors and you have to paint a background, her, and some details.
Kind of a sequel to "Maze of Darkness".


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