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Man Cannon

Game File: 

OS X download: http://l.j-factor.com/gamemaker/MacManCannon.zip

Run over enemy soldiers to collect them. Shoot them at other soldiers to incapacitate them temporarily. Shoot them at tanks to destroy them.
Resist the invading army!
Your tank can only withstand four hits.

You will face several kinds of foes!

Standard soliders fire a bullet.
Big Guys are armed with a spread gun.
Pyromaniacs shoot limited-distance flames.
Tanks fire very fast shells.
The Generalissima must be defeated to claim victory.


W, A, S, D - move tank
Mouse - move crosshair
Mouse click - fire cannon in that direction
Space, arrows - navigate the menu

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mkapolk's picture

For Bc_ : Rude Finger Gangsters


This game is for bc_, merry klikmas!

I played a little fast and loose with your requests, but I hope its still alright! You mentioned liking euro western more than great american western and i didn't know what that means so i watched "My Name Is Nobody" on netflix and I still don't know but anyway i set the game in a desert with lots and lots (and lots) of cacti. You play as a feller with a rude finger that you can use to poke the villains that surround you. It's got klipart villains and it uses cooltext.com to generate the dialog reactions. a little mno guy will follow you around as well. i used some artistic license on him but i used your drawings so i hope that all works out. oh and there's an explosino when you beat the boss. Oh! and that music you linked. it's made in unity so i can't post the events per se but the source is here if you want it.

controls: WASD to move
mouse to point
shift to sprint
you can beat the banditos by rude fingering them

also make sure you're connected to the internet because it downloads the cooltext in real time

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oh_cripes's picture

Reactor Control


In this game you play the part of a disillusioned worker at a very well run power plant. One day the power plant goes wrong! But due to planning and good management everything turns out fine. Then another day it goes wrong again! This time it is up to you to fix it. Keep the reactor stable for as long as you can!

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kirkjerk's picture

making a 2007 JVM more like a C=64

So one disadvantage I have when I use Processing instead of KNP is not having a good sprite class. It's easy enough to put an image or a box anywhere on screen, but collision detections have been a pain in the ass. Also, there's some part of me saying that bounding-rectangle collisions might end up being too limiting. So I want to add a reasonable sprite class to my arsenal before sitting down to KotM.

First attempt is this:

I've decided I'm making sprats instead of sprites. It's catchy and one less letter to type.

geek notes, it first does bounding rectangle comparisons, and then pixel by pixel "alpha channel" comparison, so a transparent gif (or PNG I think, haven't tried) will do what you expect. Then I threw in the idea of manual multiple frames, since a collision algorithm will have to know about that.

I now want to make a "basic physics" sprat, w/ a bit of intertia and what not, the kind of thing that ends up being in at least half of my 'wrecks.

If all goes well I'm going to port one of my old visual basic programs as a proof of concept.

If all goes really well, I'll start seeing about a very basic platform engine.

(I think the biggest bummer with KNP is how few options you have for enemy movement. I kinda wish they put on some basic "Platform" and "8 direction" or whatever movement.)

AND BE WARNED -- I JUST FOUND A KICK ASS SOUND ENGINE FOR KNP^H^H^Hjava processing - sorry for the confusion SO MY KOTMS WILL BE EMERGING FROM THE MIME-LIKE, SILENT GHETTO THEY'VE BEEN SITTING IN FOR SO LONG. Hell, I think THIS engine even understands MP3s! (though I don't think it does any kind of streaming, so I'm kind of afraid of it.)

boundaries2.pde_.txt3.3 KB

Serengettin Down


If you thought games based on movies were lame, wait till you see Serengettin' Down, a game based entirely on a single pun.
Help the springboks get to the Wildebeestie Boys concert. Groan.

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SpindleyQ's picture


Having been thoroughly inspired by snapman's brilliant Tek Demo, qrleon's glorious cracktro, and the recent discovery of some excellent Vic-20 demos, I have come to the startling conclusion that it should actually be possible to create a raycasting engine in Klik & Play.


Blueberry Soft's picture


Game File: 


Another breakanoid thing. This time it's a an adventure game! Explore the Metroid-like area with the help of frustrating RC controls, and luck!

Improvements I have in mind:

" Add ability to determine when ball is fired, and in what direction
" More rooms
" More interesting scenery

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SpindleyQ's picture

Been there, done that, and yet...

I just realized this morning that I desperately want a Shakespeare Shakespeare Revolution t-shirt.

Overboots 2: The land of the Legless: Episode XVI: Boot Camp

Game File: 

In the land of the legless, the one booted man is king, though in this game you're a woman, so I don't know what that mean. On a prison, on an asteroid. In space! The overboots have kept an army of slaves mining the sun for plasma gold. But! A rebellion is forming on the planet. Dodge the boots to survive! Watch out for the overboots! Oh, and in this game, you can't die, they're just boots, flying around in the air. It's not real!

The Crouch Mode
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