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Game File: 

This game is heavily based on an old freeware Mac game called Gravity Ball, by Aaron Davidson. Most of the visual and sound design is cribbed from that game, although the individual assets were collected by me.

The ball is repelled by the mouse. Keep it within the marked circle to beat the level!

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CharlieVermin's picture

Slice of Life 10


This is an even more confusing version of the game Proper (glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/9719). Every version is different! I'm not clicking on the "Post->Game" link on the side bar anymore, I just select the part after "node" in the address bar and press "a" to let the Firefox autocomplete "add/game". It's faster this way.

Made For: 
An event

Which Zubat Am I?

Game File: 

Try and keep track of which Zubat you are in a cave full of Zubats! Collect cherries for a high score!

Controls: Arrow Keys

Made For: 
An event
CharlieVermin's picture

Slice of Life 18


This is an even more confusing version of the game Proper (glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/9719). Every version is different! One of these is a tribute to one of the prolific game devs here on glorious trainwrecks... what was his name, asthmatic catnip? Something like that.

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SpindleyQ's picture

Eternally Wish-Granting Genie

Game File: 

Eternally Wish-Granting Genie loves to grant wishes! GRANT EVERYONE'S WISH. DO NOT MISS ONE. That would make eternally wish-granting genie sad! DO NOT MAKE HIM SAD.

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Pirate Kart 2

O red skull in the sky, please don't throw bones at me


You are a beautiful swan.
The game is lost if a bone hits you.
The game is won if you manage to escape.

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pineapple's picture

Hat Game


You can try on all of my hats!! Wow!

i've never made a game before, but i was really inspired by all the people on this website who make short little games all the time, and i was like, wow, i could totally do that too. i hope its ok for me to just post this here. also, i don't know if this will work for you. it works for me in chrome.

Made For: 
ihavefivehat's picture




Happy thanksgiving if you celebrate it! (This game has nothing to do with thanksgiving, though)

I made this game tonight after still being somewhat inebriated from earlier and not being able to sleep. It probably doesn't make sense / is total nonsense but enjoy!

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An event

KNP:More than Two Fire Buttons

Klik & Play provides a control system to complement its built-in movement systems, which includes a control setup menu for reconfiguring keyboard controls or switching to a joystick. However, these controls are somewhat limited: you get four directions, and just two fire buttons.

For most purposes, this limitation is fine, but for some games you may need more than that.

If you are on a keyboard, the easiest way to get more fire buttons is to simply dodge the built-in control system and use Keyboard events ("Upon pressing a key" instead of "Read joystick state"). The problem with this is that you lose configurability, and anyone moving to a joystick will still have to use the keyboard for those fire buttons. If you are not using all four directions, you may consider stealing one or two for more fire buttons by changing the default keyboard controls. Obviously, this will result in wonky controls for joystick users.

If you are on a joystick, enter the Step-Thru Editor. Now press button 3 or 4. Amazingly, Klik & Play will detect these as valid events and allow you to assign actions for these buttons. The events will have no text, but rest assured that they do work. As it would seem, the developers actually provided software support for four-button joysticks, but never made this an "official" feature. The drawback to this is that you won't be able to test for whether buttons 3 and 4 are being held down, due to the nature of the Step-Thru Editor.

Danger Quad

Game File: 

An arcade-type game inspired by NS-Shaft, and possibly Gunstar Heroes.

As Fleetfoot Fuller, danger-face-laugher and gravity-obeyer extraordinaire, you must survive in the descending shaft of this perilous videogame temple! Drop from brick to brick, and keep your wits about you when gravity suddenly flips 90 degrees, sending you sideways!

There are two game modes - a one-player game with two difficulties, and a rushed two-player game where you can challenge a friend to play Carly the Snake Woman and see if they can outlast you! And there's only room on each brick for one player, so it pays to be swift and reckless.

Arrows - Fuller's controls.
WASD - Carly's controls.
Space - Switch gravity in two-player mode.

Leon Arnott
Made For: 
An event
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