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Johny L.'s picture

Game Idea Generator Madness!

Fri, Jul 26 2013 03:00 AM
07/26/2013 - 03:00
08/09/2013 - 15:00

Meanwhile i was searching something on google, i found a thing which lets you generate a random game idea.

Go here: http://www.streamingcolour.com/blog/game-idea-generator/

and generate one!

Games made for Game Idea Generator Madness!

CSPshala's picture


Game File: 

My platforming game staring SGT Lollipop! Just try to survive!

In game instructions should tell you how to do stuff.

Created using C++, DX9.

Thanks to all who play!

-JC Ricks (@CSPshala)

JC Ricks
Made For: 
An event
FlaviusMaximus's picture

Laser Boots

Game File: 

A game for my santee Smedis2.

NOTE: I am sorry for uploading this too early. it was intended to be uploaded only in december 25th (i guess), but i'm leaving the town from tomorrow until february (with no internet). so i am forced to upload this today. i'm sorry again for "messing up" the joy of the party.

ALSO: Maybe i won't see my secret santa's game today or tomorrow, but don't worry: i promise to leave a comment whenever i can.

ABOUT THE GAME: This game features some of the stuff my santee requested. (Smedis2)

Good Art (i guess)
Mozzarella Sticks
Accurate Retro Graphics (i tried my best)
Masocore Games (this is a HELL of a masocore game.)

Contains 5 infuriating levels. PREPARE TO THROB IN PAIN


EDIT: sometimes you may experience a no-portal activating bug. in that case, open the .gam file and just re-begin the game from where you left off

Made For: 
An event
ihavefivehat's picture

lost in the blue wild frontier of heavens door: i'm knocking but can't get in yet - a flight sim for tired people

screen shot.png

a game about being a tiny plane in the middle of a huge sky

you can press buttons to move your plane. other things will move too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you're wondering if there's more to the game - there isn't! just relax and enjoy.

music by: me
plane grafx by: me

other stuff by: people on google

Made For: 
An event
Zecks's picture

Rise of the Triad

Game File: 

I stumbled around my midi folder looking for inspiration and pooped this one out faster than a speeding bullet.

Play the games before the triad rises.

Shift jumps.
Control shoots.
Space runs.

Made For: 
An event
thesycophant's picture

Glorious Weekend of ZZT Blitzkrieg-a-thon!

Fri, May 11 2012 09:00 PM
05/12/2012 - 00:00
05/13/2012 - 23:59


Where did you get your start in game-making? Myself, I started with QBASIC, but first publicly released them to the world with ZZT back in 1997, when I called myself "Newt." I myself haven't made a game in ZZT in over nine years.

I know some other 'wreckers used to play around with ZZT or were even involved in "the commune" back in the day. We've long had ZZT listed in our list of game creation tools for Glorious Trainwrecks events. Now let's use it!

What is ZZT? ZZT for MS-DOS is truly outrageous! It comes from 1991 by way of Time Sweeney and his Epic Mega Games, these days known simply as Epic Games (they have put away childish things, like "Mega"), studio behind Gears of War. With its built-in world editor, you can make your own ZZT world files and distribute them to people on the Internet! The game displays everything in 16 colors of 255 ASCII characters.

What can you make in ZZT? Lots of things! The worlds packaged with the game have a sort of overhead adventure-action orientation. There are many built-in objects and terrain types that complement this type of game. On the other hand, there's all kinds of "engine games" that do things you might not expect ZZT to be able to do! Side-scrollers! DOOM clones! Lemmings-likes (my personal favorites to make)!

What about this event? Back in the day, the ZZT IRC channels would put on spontaneous "Blitzkrieg ZZT" (or bkZZT), very much like our own KotMK events, jamming out a game in an hour or less. Bigger, more official events (containing all the community drama of the IGF!) were called things like "Weekend of ZZT" and "24 Hours of ZZT," with judges and the goal of creating a fairly polished ZZT world.

I want to capture the spirit of all of that. So you have a weekend to produce one or as many games as you want! There's no judging involved, though. So make one long adventure game or twenty little shooty action challenges or a pair of visual novels or whatever you like! Put all of the community's games together and we'll have our very own Pirate Disk of choice twenty-first century ZZT worlds.

Where do I get ZZT/learn how to make ZZT stuff? Z2 is the definitive existing resource on ZZT.

  • Download ZZT here. ZZT 3.2 is the standard, though my friend WiL's 4.0 is pretty neat.
  • Here's some useful help files that will clarify some things about how ZZT-OOP (ZZT's programming language) works, what tools to use (Janson's Super-Tool-Kit (STK) is a must), and any compatability issues.

So there we have it! Let's ZZT!


Submit your games with this form!

Also, I am going to officially encourage you to submit games all through this week, if you so choose!

zztgtlogo.png5.7 KB

Games made for Glorious Weekend of ZZT Blitzkrieg-a-thon!

NameCreatedBysort iconScreenshotComments
3D Skull Engine05/13/2012 - 16:41Aplsos3dskull.png4
LINK II05/13/2012 - 13:06bitbotadvlink2.png12
CHIKAN WIER 3.905/15/2012 - 18:39GreaseMonkeyScreenshot at 2012-05-16 13:34:14.png4
The garden05/13/2012 - 07:34juliettezzt_002.png6
AMOEBOID05/13/2012 - 22:08Malingerer-ZAmoeboid.jpg6
Star Coffin05/13/2012 - 19:12Pizza Timestcofin.gif11
What Do People Think All Day?05/13/2012 - 19:58QPwdpthink.png6
ZZINFILTRé05/13/2012 - 18:54thesycophantzzinfiltre.png2
Confidence Man05/13/2012 - 19:01Triplefoxconfidence.png1
Nyan Cat's Adventures in Nyanland05/13/2012 - 22:29wilnyaa.gif6
SpindleyQ's picture

Ludum Dare 14

Fri, Apr 17 2009 08:00 PM
04/17/2009 - 20:00
04/19/2009 - 20:00

Ludum Dare is a regular community driven game development competition. The goal is, given a theme and 48 hours, to develop a game from scratch. Ludum Dare aims to encourage game design experimentation, and provide a platform to develop and practice rapid game prototyping.

Ludum Dare, though heartily endorsed by Glorious Trainwrecks, is not organized by Glorious Trainwrecks, so posting of progress, etc. should happen over here. But if you do make something, please post a link to it here so we can enjoy it!

Games made for Ludum Dare 14

Groul's picture

Push blocks, Listen to gud music, and veg out.

luv u trainwrueks.jpg
Game File: 

Push blocks, listen to good music, and veg out. Its as simple as that buudy, but if you mess up, stick a fork in yourself cause your done deal and your going back to the start.

In this game you will be forced to confront the big questions. Should you live your life as other people tell you, simply to fit in (or because they own a monopoly on state violence and will use it to their full advantage if u dont submit)? Push blocks, Listen to gud music, Veg out. Only then, can you reach your final conclusion.

(short game I made to practice the battle system in OHHRPG, which, as always, warped into something else entirely during development. Have fun!)
(windows tested only)

Made For: 
An event

Toy Soldier Burning

Game File: 

You take the role of the famous toy soldier, Roy, and your job: survival. Dodge this very small toy factory fire, and you'll do fine. Points go up, and lives go down. Use mouse for maximum control.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
rhetoricstu's picture


So yeah I made more of these and i thought i'd just lump them all together.

One of them was a KOTM i do beleive. Two of them are knytt stories custom levels.

only 8 more to go! woo!

cssssp.zip5.91 MB
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