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hugs's picture

Xmas Turbo Street Fighter 19A6 (for ghettoshamrock)

Game File (Linux): 

in the future of the past the uploaded consciousnesses of two long-dead world warriors fight for processor cycles inside some sort of christmas computer program???

arrow keys to move
wasd to aim
space to attack

updated to (hopefully) make things quicker and more challenging. my inclination is to keep tweaking this forever. (i hope you enjoy!)

Made For: 
An event
Pizza Time's picture

Olympic High Jump

Game File: 

Olympic High Jumping will test how how you can jump and how much yo ucan twist yourself over the high bar.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
SpindleyQ's picture

KNPGen v0.1

Announcing KNPGen -- a tool for randomly generating Klik & Play screenshots!

It works like this: First, you need to generate the cache of KNP images to use, so drag a directory full of IMG files onto KNPGen.exe. Once the cache exists, you can just run KNPGen.exe on its own to generate new screenshots using that library. If you run KNPGen.exe on its own without a cache, it will scan the current directory, so you can plunk it in with a Klik & Play game to remix it.


KNPGen.zip1.4 MB
SpindleyQ's picture

Oops, I broke password reset for like three and a half years

Hey, remember back in 2013 when I updated the password database to not use unsalted md5 for password hashing?

Wellll apparently that change broke password reset links with some regularity. (Occasionally a working password reset link would be sent out if you were persistent.) So if you've been trying to reset your password and it hasn't been working, try again! It should work every time now!

And remember: If you're having trouble logging in, or the site is broken for you in some way, please email me and let me know! I'm friendly and want to help and can definitely fix your problem!

Thanks to denson for the bug report that finally led me to track down and fix the issue.

I switched to using bcrypt for password hashing. But it turns out that the password reset link uses the password hashing function to generate its url, and bcrypted hashes can contain the "/" character. Which meant that if the hash happened to contain a "/", then during URL parsing only the part of the hash up to the first "/" would be checked, and of course it would decide that the hash didn't match and throw a cryptic error.

Sounds of dystopia (part. ½)

Crossposted from http://reaganyears.tumblr.com/

The current visuals of Reagan Years are not satisfactory enough to be shared. I am not exactly sure what will be the visual feeling of the game. However I think I’ve made some progress as to identify the kind of soundscape I will use.

Here I would like to present the main directive principles I am using when designing the audio environment of Reagan Years. First of all let’s have a look at how it’s done in some other games.

Videogame tries hard to be the Total Art

From my experience, most videogame designers tend to flesh-out the user experience by establishing an atmospheric coherence between the visuals, the sounds, and the content they are trying to deliver.

An outstanding example of this is Beeswing where the imperfection of acoustic music and hand-drawn visuals really help the game to carry its message on the nature of memories : precious, volatile, fragile, powerful, intimate, etc.

Videogame is a medium that nourishes fantasies about finally achieving the ambition of total art, and it seems this constant research of atmospheric coherence between visuals, sounds and contents is part of this. I am sure it would be worth exploring the limits of this tradition, but given the other ambitions I have for Reagan Years and my doubts on whether I can achieve them, I think I will try not to walk too much on the path of formal experimentation here.

Cold War is a period that quickly bring atmospheric tropes to the mind. Let’s discuss some of them and see why I don’t want to use them in my game.

Looking for my Cold War Feel

The reality my game aims at depicting is bleak, because it is the reality of geopolitical decisions, coming with their load of cynicism, and contributing to the perpetuation of dynamics of brutal dominations both between countries, and within countries. And somewhat I also want the player to establish connections between the state of the world in the 80′s and the state of the world today.

Nostalgia for a golden age

I certainly do not want to give in James-Bond like nostalgic clichés of men wearing elegant suits, driving nice cars, women sitting at the typewriter, and everybody living the last authentic adventures against a clearly identified evil enemy, in a world threatened by cold modernity.

Well, anyway, Reagan Years takes place in the 80′s, so it would definitively be out of place.

The bleak, the gray, and the rusty

Then you have the exact opposite : dystopian universes made of out-dated machinery, rusty buttons, hollow sounds of cringing metal, black-and-white propaganda films, and tense music annoucing the imminent nuclear apocalypse. A depressed-looking, grey-wearing spy walks away from a crime scene.

Look at this (promising but abandoned) East VS West, it looks obscure as hell and even the names of the countries are typewrited on the map. How depressing.


If you follow this trend, you end up with the universe of Paper, please : a bleak gray soviet universe where it seems that color is now illegal. Even the voices of humans have a metallic quality, and the music is of course, a military march.


In games like these, the world already looks regressive and devastated. It’s like you live in the universe of Fallout even without the bomb actually exploding.

Clinical neatness, deadly decisions

Then you have the approach of DEFCON, which favors neatness over decay. It gives you some distance from the horrors of the game you are playing. The interface has a high-tech clinical reality to it. It looks like you are sitting in a heavily equipped (and protected) futuristic secret bunker, where you take decisions causing millions of death (these figures appear as minor info in the game’s UI). This is a nice approach to represent the disconnection of the political power from the consequences of its own actions on the populations of the world. I guess it’s influenced by movies such as Wargames.

In DEFCON, sounds are clinical, muffled, informative. The music is minimalist and menacing.


The music is minimalist and menacing.

Another example of this is Neocolonialism (obvisously influenced by Defcon and making use of the same kind of aesthetics, this time not to depict nuclear war, but economical warfare). Neocolonialism does not only make use of robotic sounds, you can also hear more fleshed-out string melodies, but the dissonances they play with heavily contribute to the depiction of a world where “something is wrong”.


My choices for Reagan Years are influenced, yet different, from those described above. But this is something I need to describe in another article.

sergiocornaga's picture


Game File: 

How much mileage can you get out of clicking Mabel's face? The answer may not surprise you.

Made For: 
An event
leilei's picture

Open source trainwrecks

Believe it or not, they do exist in all their blatant license / hosting TOS violating glory, gathering full support from FOSS advocates with ignorance on who and what is being ripped off under their nose taken as a showcase of artistic talent.

What do you get when you take Goku, Wolverine, Venom, some SNK and Capcom into the streets under the 'public domain' license?

You get Paintown!



Play LIFE Online here http://kittylambda.com/play_LIFE

Please play DEATH first.

Once you've figured it out, then go play LIFE. Thank you! =)


Game by PsySal (psysal@gmail.com) - www.kittylambda.com
Made with Chevy Ray Johnston's excellent FlashPunk Library - www.flashpunk.net

This game was made Feb 28, 2010 for the Klik 'n Play Pirate Kart 2


Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
atuun's picture

These Eyes (They Kill Fish)

Game File: 

Use your eyeball to drag fish into your mouth! It's totally logical!

Name graciously provided by MarkP0rter.

Made For: 
An event
Kate B's picture

Cool Slide 1


Ride the cool slide and get some "air" by freefalling. But don't freefall too long, or you'll explode!

The slide interconnects in many places, and a lot of the skill comes from jumping from slide to slide.

I made this because I had some slide tech lying around, and decided to just make something new with it.


Q. This game is called "cool slide 1". Will there be a cool slide 2?

A. Maybe

Made For: 
An event
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