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juliette's picture


Game File: 

with enemy placement help by resoudrelamour

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spiral's picture

Mr Babbo: Baboon Crime Fighter 2012

Game File: 


Click the link above for everything you need to know about Mr Babbo, or download and play immediately and don't pay attention to words on your screen.

Actually how about I give you more details about what went into this:

This is easily my largest game yet, and one of the biggest projects I've finished. I've learned a lot on the way, and had much fun! I hope you all enjoy!! Or at least some of you. A lot of time, effort, and tears (maybe) has gone into it, and I think everything I've made for it reflects a lot of myself. Think of that what you will.

And before you ask: the gif above, sadly, does not reflect the actual game strongly. I just put that together for fun.

If you are interested in working with the source and/or peeking at the secrets like the bad player you are, keep in mind that this was edited for release in The Games Factory 1, which isn't as easy to get as Klik'N'Play. I have no idea how backwards compatible this version would be in KNP, and I do know a couple changes I've made would mess it up in KNP a little. As such I've uploaded the slightly older KNP files, which you can nab here. One of the frames in this version crashes sometimes and I have not been able to fix this within KNP, sorry about that.

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tininsteelian's picture

Spin Spinner 12: Donald Trump Edition 2.1

2015-11-28 19_49_21-Spin Spinner 12_ Donald Trump Edition 2.1.png

various peformance enhancements and bug fixes and feature additions and stuff

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markp0rter's picture

dont use Z and X for your games- PLEASE

for the love of god it's really annoying. what's wrong with good ol' knp shift and ctrl or use x and c

penguin's picture

sawn shiner

Screen Shot 2018-10-17 at 12.49.39 AM.png

there's a lot on my mind at the moment... i wish i knew how to make games about it...
instead i made this nonsense, i hope someone enjoy

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hugs's picture

for dattorz: KOOL GAME 2D

Screenshot - 8_01_2014 , 3_36_40 AM.png
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

i ended up spending longer than i had intended to on this game due to a combination of sheer laziness and a lack of any real programming talent! a lot of things are broken, and i would have liked to have made more levels/not so haphazard levels. oh well! i do hope that you enjoy this game!! i did have fun making certain parts of it!

music used is by lohstana david (cc-by)
libraries used in making this game: hump and hardon collider by vrld, advanced tiled loader by kadoba
if you want to do anything with my (scary) code or graphics, feel free.

mac build is untested.

object of game:
you have to get all of the fruits

wasd or arrow keys to move (though s/down doesn't do anything) move mouse to aim, click left or right mouse button to shoot

tab to toggle special challenge mode
f12 to cheat past a level

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love me like there's no tomorrow (0.8.0)21.34 MB


Game File: 

You might as well play a goddamn sunset!

(Includes awful random "music")

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juliette's picture

05 ecstasy and wine the things i miss .mp3

05 ecstasy and wine the things  2012-02-27 18-06-53-31.png

A game based on a corrupted mp3 file of an early My Bloody Valentine song.

Juliette Porée
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netgrind's picture

SSSnake (Annoying)

SSSnake (Annoying)ss.png

Oh those cheeky little pills

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SasMaster147's picture

Tonny Hawk's Skate Boring Avdenture


It's a game about skateboarding and stuff. You play as Tonny Hawk. The goal is to save skateboarding or something.
CONTROLS: arrow keys to move, shift to jump, escape to quit the game, space to get past the title screen, and backspace to restart.

Music by Safety-Based Rope (you can find his musics on soundcloud), DrMustardDDSMDPhD/WBojangles as his username on this website, and Scott Joplin's Great Crush Collision March for the title screen.
Graphics from whatever I could find on Google Images in five seconds.

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