
quasiotter's picture

klikmas19 from quasiotter to everyone who signed up for klikmas lol

Screen Shot 2019-12-25 at 8.32.05 AM.png

hi ok i missed the sekret santa signup it made me super sad so i decided to make a story for everyone !! i took one of the items from each wishlist and put it in the game (if u had 5 items i chose one) some of the items in the game are directly referred to but some of them are only implied and they are in order from top of the page to the bottom. um i think that's it for now lol

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

The Anti-Santa


I read this and thought it would be fun to do, and then I saw this event few minutes later. I also played a bunch of cool twine games right beforehand. So I made this. I also made it fit the ludum dare theme but I probably won't submit it to that.

Made For: 
An event

Back to the Future: Marty Quest


NOTE: Screenshot not actually featured in game.

This is a text adventure inspired by this blog post: http://btothef.tumblr.com/post/17319973021/pages-13-15

Basically, it allows the player to re-enact a scene from the rather bizarre Back to the Future novelization. As such, the puzzles are deliberately obtuse, but I think I left enough obvious hints to make it possible to finish. OR DID I?

There is also a lot of tone shift in this game.


Hulk Handsome
Made For: 
An event
agj's picture



My first ever proper IF. Play it on the web.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Healy's picture

Demo of Greg Hetcherson's Lost Tombs of the Goblin Underground


An exciting new demo of the soon-to-be latest hit from SoftSoft! Can you find the treasures in the lost tombs of the Goblin Underground? (Answer: No, you can't.)

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Healy's picture

You Have to Put the George Washington in the American Flag


Can you beat this incredibly American Puzzle-Adventure? Remember, if you don't get and play this game, you aren't patriotic enough!

(And I think enough of you guys know how to play these types of games by now.)

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Healy's picture

Delicious Breakfast


A remake of the first game I ever completed with Inform 7. Can you have a Delicious Breakfast?

(Blah blah blah you'll need an interpreter blah blah blah Windows Frotz blah blah blah Zoom for the Mac.)

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Healy's picture

You Have to Put the Spider in the Jack--O-Lantern


Can you beat SoftSoft's spookiest Puzzle-Adventure? It's tricky!

(Note that you'll need an interpreter to play this game, like Zoom for the Mac, or Windows Frotz for, well, Windows.)

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Healy's picture

You Have to Put the Ball in the Cup


Can you beat the newest Puzzle-Adventure from SoftSoft? It's quite a challenge!

(You'll need an interpreter to play this game. Common ones include Windows Frotz and Zoom, for the Mac.)

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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