
I'm Being Eaten By A Spider Queen (And I Don't Like It One Bit!)


If you've played Lesbian Spider Queens of Mars by Anna Anthropy, you might have wondered: what happens to the captured slaves when our dear Queen walks over them? The obvious answer is that they are abstracted away into a cage offscreen, instantaneously, in the manner of many videogames. The disobvious answer, I decided, is that the Queen uses her spider-venom to shrink them down to a portable size, so she can carry them around freely, as if they were mere diamond gems. This game is based on this assertion to some extent.

This was made under Ludum Dare conditions. I might submit this to that competition.

Also, this is based on a tweet.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Healy's picture

You Have to Put the Spider in the Jack--O-Lantern


Can you beat SoftSoft's spookiest Puzzle-Adventure? It's tricky!

(Note that you'll need an interpreter to play this game, like Zoom for the Mac, or Windows Frotz for, well, Windows.)

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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