
« January 28, 2012 - February 27, 2012 »
01 / 28
01 / 29
01 / 30
01 / 31
02 / 1
02 / 2
02 / 3
02 / 4
Start: 3:30 pm
End: 5:30 pm

The time is right... for making videogames! The Timezone Lottery Klik Jam happens on the first Saturday of every month, at a time chosen randomly by our top-of-the-line numerical hour-choosing machines. This month, it takes place at 3:30 pm UTC. Whenever that time rolls around for you, you have two hours to make a game!

How can I possibly make a game in that short a timespan, you gasp? There are many game-making tools available, but the most ludicrous and welcoming of all is Klik & Play. If you want to give K&P a shot, we have a Learning KNP FAQ available, as well as some advice on making it work on modern machines.

Making games is its own reward, but it can be much, much more rewarding when you're doing it with friends. To get the most out of this worldwide internet game jam, come talk with everyone on IRC. It's a great way to share this awesome experience, and get quick help when things aren't going right. Our server is, and our channel is #glorioustrainwrecks.

After you've made your game, upload it here!

For more information, check out the N00B FAQ.

Sign up below to get a reminder email the day before the jam!

02 / 5
02 / 6
02 / 7
Start: 6:00 am
End: 12:00 pm

Smedis2's Morning 
6-12 Breakfast 
Genre Klikfest.

(Yeesh,that's a mouthful.)

Why did I make the logo look like a neon sign?
I don't know,it looks nice.

What in the name of god is this?

This event event that takes place 6am-12pm at a random date. (If this continues.)
The "Genre" part is the main gimmick of the event. The Rule is that the game(s) you make must be the genre that is mentioned in the description.
And that's about it.

Can I cheat on this?

Sure,I guess. But this starts tomorrow,so,yeah. You still don't have alot of time.

Can I use something other than Klik and Play?



(credit goes to Cool Text for the cheesy yet epic fonts used here)

Now get making! Good luck.

02 / 8
02 / 9
02 / 10
02 / 11
02 / 12
02 / 13
02 / 14
02 / 15
02 / 16
02 / 17
02 / 18
Start: 12:00 am
Start: 02/18/2012 - 00:00
End: 02/25/2012 - 00:00

Inspired by this.

From now until the start of Pirate Kart V, we're gonna collaborate on a single level, and then submit it to the Kart! Some rules/guidelines:

  1. Each participant takes turns making a section of the level
  2. Only one section per participant
  3. Make your section between ten and twenty screens long (more of a guideline really)
  4. Try not to spend more than two hours on your section
  5. Please don't edit someone else's section (unless you have a really good idea)
  6. Add a sign message to your first screen stating that you made the section
  7. First person should start the level off with the Run and Climb abilities. Feel free to introduce the other abilities but try to be gradual about it.
  8. When you've finished your section, upload it as a packed file.
  9. Whoever is working on the next section should say so, just so that we don't have two people trying to make section X and thus conflicting with each other.

Submit WIP versions as an attachment to COMMENTS, not as a new game. The final version will get submitted as a game entry to PKV but WIP versions as game entries will just clutter up the database.

Start: 4:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm

The Klik of the Month Klub meets right here on this very website on the third Saturday of every month at 4pm Pacific Time (taking daylight savings into consideration) for a two hour Klik & Play Showdown. Everyone who participates gets two hours to create something from scratch in Klik & Play. Abusing the stock objects is encouraged. If you really loathe Klik & Play you can use whatever game development platform you want. Two hours is a pretty tight time limit, though, so choose wisely!

Klik & Play is absolutely free to download, and learning it takes minutes, so everyone can get in on the action.

Want to talk to your fellow Klikwreckers? Join us on IRC -- server, channel #glorioustrainwrecks. We've also got a Mumble voice chat server -- just connect to using Mumble and you can talk to us like real human beings! Join the mayhem!

After you've made your game, you should upload it here!

For more information, check out the KotM N00B FAQ.

Sign up below if you want to get reminded by email the day before the klikkening begins!

02 / 19
(all day)
Start: 02/18/2012 - 00:00
End: 02/25/2012 - 00:00

Inspired by this.

From now until the start of Pirate Kart V, we're gonna collaborate on a single level, and then submit it to the Kart! Some rules/guidelines:

  1. Each participant takes turns making a section of the level
  2. Only one section per participant
  3. Make your section between ten and twenty screens long (more of a guideline really)
  4. Try not to spend more than two hours on your section
  5. Please don't edit someone else's section (unless you have a really good idea)
  6. Add a sign message to your first screen stating that you made the section
  7. First person should start the level off with the Run and Climb abilities. Feel free to introduce the other abilities but try to be gradual about it.
  8. When you've finished your section, upload it as a packed file.
  9. Whoever is working on the next section should say so, just so that we don't have two people trying to make section X and thus conflicting with each other.

Submit WIP versions as an attachment to COMMENTS, not as a new game. The final version will get submitted as a game entry to PKV but WIP versions as game entries will just clutter up the database.

02 / 20
(all day)
Start: 02/18/2012 - 00:00
End: 02/25/2012 - 00:00

Inspired by this.

From now until the start of Pirate Kart V, we're gonna collaborate on a single level, and then submit it to the Kart! Some rules/guidelines:

  1. Each participant takes turns making a section of the level
  2. Only one section per participant
  3. Make your section between ten and twenty screens long (more of a guideline really)
  4. Try not to spend more than two hours on your section
  5. Please don't edit someone else's section (unless you have a really good idea)
  6. Add a sign message to your first screen stating that you made the section
  7. First person should start the level off with the Run and Climb abilities. Feel free to introduce the other abilities but try to be gradual about it.
  8. When you've finished your section, upload it as a packed file.
  9. Whoever is working on the next section should say so, just so that we don't have two people trying to make section X and thus conflicting with each other.

Submit WIP versions as an attachment to COMMENTS, not as a new game. The final version will get submitted as a game entry to PKV but WIP versions as game entries will just clutter up the database.

02 / 21
(all day)
Start: 02/18/2012 - 00:00
End: 02/25/2012 - 00:00

Inspired by this.

From now until the start of Pirate Kart V, we're gonna collaborate on a single level, and then submit it to the Kart! Some rules/guidelines:

  1. Each participant takes turns making a section of the level
  2. Only one section per participant
  3. Make your section between ten and twenty screens long (more of a guideline really)
  4. Try not to spend more than two hours on your section
  5. Please don't edit someone else's section (unless you have a really good idea)
  6. Add a sign message to your first screen stating that you made the section
  7. First person should start the level off with the Run and Climb abilities. Feel free to introduce the other abilities but try to be gradual about it.
  8. When you've finished your section, upload it as a packed file.
  9. Whoever is working on the next section should say so, just so that we don't have two people trying to make section X and thus conflicting with each other.

Submit WIP versions as an attachment to COMMENTS, not as a new game. The final version will get submitted as a game entry to PKV but WIP versions as game entries will just clutter up the database.

02 / 22
(all day)
Start: 02/18/2012 - 00:00
End: 02/25/2012 - 00:00

Inspired by this.

From now until the start of Pirate Kart V, we're gonna collaborate on a single level, and then submit it to the Kart! Some rules/guidelines:

  1. Each participant takes turns making a section of the level
  2. Only one section per participant
  3. Make your section between ten and twenty screens long (more of a guideline really)
  4. Try not to spend more than two hours on your section
  5. Please don't edit someone else's section (unless you have a really good idea)
  6. Add a sign message to your first screen stating that you made the section
  7. First person should start the level off with the Run and Climb abilities. Feel free to introduce the other abilities but try to be gradual about it.
  8. When you've finished your section, upload it as a packed file.
  9. Whoever is working on the next section should say so, just so that we don't have two people trying to make section X and thus conflicting with each other.

Submit WIP versions as an attachment to COMMENTS, not as a new game. The final version will get submitted as a game entry to PKV but WIP versions as game entries will just clutter up the database.

02 / 23
(all day)
Start: 02/18/2012 - 00:00
End: 02/25/2012 - 00:00

Inspired by this.

From now until the start of Pirate Kart V, we're gonna collaborate on a single level, and then submit it to the Kart! Some rules/guidelines:

  1. Each participant takes turns making a section of the level
  2. Only one section per participant
  3. Make your section between ten and twenty screens long (more of a guideline really)
  4. Try not to spend more than two hours on your section
  5. Please don't edit someone else's section (unless you have a really good idea)
  6. Add a sign message to your first screen stating that you made the section
  7. First person should start the level off with the Run and Climb abilities. Feel free to introduce the other abilities but try to be gradual about it.
  8. When you've finished your section, upload it as a packed file.
  9. Whoever is working on the next section should say so, just so that we don't have two people trying to make section X and thus conflicting with each other.

Submit WIP versions as an attachment to COMMENTS, not as a new game. The final version will get submitted as a game entry to PKV but WIP versions as game entries will just clutter up the database.

02 / 24
(all day)
Start: 02/18/2012 - 00:00
End: 02/25/2012 - 00:00

Inspired by this.

From now until the start of Pirate Kart V, we're gonna collaborate on a single level, and then submit it to the Kart! Some rules/guidelines:

  1. Each participant takes turns making a section of the level
  2. Only one section per participant
  3. Make your section between ten and twenty screens long (more of a guideline really)
  4. Try not to spend more than two hours on your section
  5. Please don't edit someone else's section (unless you have a really good idea)
  6. Add a sign message to your first screen stating that you made the section
  7. First person should start the level off with the Run and Climb abilities. Feel free to introduce the other abilities but try to be gradual about it.
  8. When you've finished your section, upload it as a packed file.
  9. Whoever is working on the next section should say so, just so that we don't have two people trying to make section X and thus conflicting with each other.

Submit WIP versions as an attachment to COMMENTS, not as a new game. The final version will get submitted as a game entry to PKV but WIP versions as game entries will just clutter up the database.

02 / 25
End: 12:00 am
Start: 02/18/2012 - 00:00
End: 02/25/2012 - 00:00

Inspired by this.

From now until the start of Pirate Kart V, we're gonna collaborate on a single level, and then submit it to the Kart! Some rules/guidelines:

  1. Each participant takes turns making a section of the level
  2. Only one section per participant
  3. Make your section between ten and twenty screens long (more of a guideline really)
  4. Try not to spend more than two hours on your section
  5. Please don't edit someone else's section (unless you have a really good idea)
  6. Add a sign message to your first screen stating that you made the section
  7. First person should start the level off with the Run and Climb abilities. Feel free to introduce the other abilities but try to be gradual about it.
  8. When you've finished your section, upload it as a packed file.
  9. Whoever is working on the next section should say so, just so that we don't have two people trying to make section X and thus conflicting with each other.

Submit WIP versions as an attachment to COMMENTS, not as a new game. The final version will get submitted as a game entry to PKV but WIP versions as game entries will just clutter up the database.

Start: 12:00 am
Start: 02/25/2012 - 00:00
End: 03/05/2012 - 00:00

So this Saturday was SUPPOSED to be the Timezone Lottery Klik Jam. But who can think of jamming for only two hours on a separate event when GDC IS NEXT WEEK!?



Pirate* Kart V: The 2012**-in-one Glorious Developers Konference Kollection!!!
(*games not pirated. **will not contain 2012 games. unless it does)

It's happening RIGHT NOW!
The launcher will continue to download games even while AT GDC!!!
Click the giant green button to sign-up/submit your game!

Want to try out the launcher before GDC? Get it HERE!

Q. What is this?

We're making loads of awesome and/or terrible games and taking them to GDC to blow minds with them! Over the weekend of February 25th-26th, everyone is invited to make as many games as they can and submit them here! After the event is over, we will package the games up into a launcher like we did with previous Pirate Karts! And then this March we will be showing them off in a kiosk at the Game Developer's Conference!!!

The kiosk will even continue to download games while on the show floor!

Q. Who can participate?

ANYONE! EVERYONE! If you or anyone you know makes games, or even just has an interest in making games, we would love to have you all participate! If you've never made a game before, we think Klik & Play is pretty easy to learn! but any tool is allowed and there are lots of great ones out there!

Q. What are the rules? What kind of games are allowed?

The Pirate Kode has only one firm rule: If the rules are getting in the way of you making games, disregard them! To put it another way: Cheating is encouraged.
But we have some guidelines for you if you want some direction!

  • Try to make each game in 2 hours or less! Don't worry if you go over, though. And feel free to prepare as much as you want ahead of time. Art, music, game ideas, even code!
  • Unlike the recent IGF Pirate Kart, with this one we're looking for games made for this event specifically!
  • It's a good idea to include what the controls are on the title screen! Unfortunately you can't really count on people actually reading the game description!
  • It's also really nice if people can exit the games by hitting escape.
  • If you don't stick to these guidelines, that's okay! WE WANT YOU AND YOUR GAMES ANYWAY!


Get yourself comfortable with some development environment, then when Pirate Kart Weekend arrives, MAKE GAMES LIKE CRAZY!!!


SWEET! First, sign up for a Glorious Trainwrecks account if you haven't yet (you can do that here). Then click this, fill in the form, upload a game and a screenshot and submit and then YOUR GAME IS IN THE KART!

Q. Weren't you asking for money?

It got fully moneyed on Kickstarter!

Q. Where are the game ideas people gave as Kickstarter rewards?

Right here! There are THIRTY games that need to get made! If you could update that spreadsheet as you start working on them and with the link when you finish, we can hopefully avoid overlap and Mike will be able to contact folks when their games are made!

Q. I want to make a game, but can't code!

No prob! There is a lot of free tools for your game-making needs!

Klik n' Play is the classic. Outdated, limited, buggy and absolutely wonderful for churning masses games.
Construct 2 uses HTML5 and you can create a nifty on-line game.
Official Hamster Republic RPG Construction Engine
Scratch (converter to standalone exe files:
Stencyl Creates iOS and Flash games!
Oh! My! Game!
BYOND (simple programming language)
Novashell (script-based)
The Scrolling Game Development Kit
The Scrolling Game Development Kit 2
Adventure Game Studio
Game Maker Lite
Ray Game Designer II
Unity 3D

Making games isn't just for programmers!

Q. How can I hang out and chat with everybody?
We have an IRC channel! More info on that here!
You can also post right here on this event page! Or leave a comment on a game page!

02 / 26
(all day)
Start: 02/25/2012 - 00:00
End: 03/05/2012 - 00:00

So this Saturday was SUPPOSED to be the Timezone Lottery Klik Jam. But who can think of jamming for only two hours on a separate event when GDC IS NEXT WEEK!?



Pirate* Kart V: The 2012**-in-one Glorious Developers Konference Kollection!!!
(*games not pirated. **will not contain 2012 games. unless it does)

It's happening RIGHT NOW!
The launcher will continue to download games even while AT GDC!!!
Click the giant green button to sign-up/submit your game!

Want to try out the launcher before GDC? Get it HERE!

Q. What is this?

We're making loads of awesome and/or terrible games and taking them to GDC to blow minds with them! Over the weekend of February 25th-26th, everyone is invited to make as many games as they can and submit them here! After the event is over, we will package the games up into a launcher like we did with previous Pirate Karts! And then this March we will be showing them off in a kiosk at the Game Developer's Conference!!!

The kiosk will even continue to download games while on the show floor!

Q. Who can participate?

ANYONE! EVERYONE! If you or anyone you know makes games, or even just has an interest in making games, we would love to have you all participate! If you've never made a game before, we think Klik & Play is pretty easy to learn! but any tool is allowed and there are lots of great ones out there!

Q. What are the rules? What kind of games are allowed?

The Pirate Kode has only one firm rule: If the rules are getting in the way of you making games, disregard them! To put it another way: Cheating is encouraged.
But we have some guidelines for you if you want some direction!

  • Try to make each game in 2 hours or less! Don't worry if you go over, though. And feel free to prepare as much as you want ahead of time. Art, music, game ideas, even code!
  • Unlike the recent IGF Pirate Kart, with this one we're looking for games made for this event specifically!
  • It's a good idea to include what the controls are on the title screen! Unfortunately you can't really count on people actually reading the game description!
  • It's also really nice if people can exit the games by hitting escape.
  • If you don't stick to these guidelines, that's okay! WE WANT YOU AND YOUR GAMES ANYWAY!


Get yourself comfortable with some development environment, then when Pirate Kart Weekend arrives, MAKE GAMES LIKE CRAZY!!!


SWEET! First, sign up for a Glorious Trainwrecks account if you haven't yet (you can do that here). Then click this, fill in the form, upload a game and a screenshot and submit and then YOUR GAME IS IN THE KART!

Q. Weren't you asking for money?

It got fully moneyed on Kickstarter!

Q. Where are the game ideas people gave as Kickstarter rewards?

Right here! There are THIRTY games that need to get made! If you could update that spreadsheet as you start working on them and with the link when you finish, we can hopefully avoid overlap and Mike will be able to contact folks when their games are made!

Q. I want to make a game, but can't code!

No prob! There is a lot of free tools for your game-making needs!

Klik n' Play is the classic. Outdated, limited, buggy and absolutely wonderful for churning masses games.
Construct 2 uses HTML5 and you can create a nifty on-line game.
Official Hamster Republic RPG Construction Engine
Scratch (converter to standalone exe files:
Stencyl Creates iOS and Flash games!
Oh! My! Game!
BYOND (simple programming language)
Novashell (script-based)
The Scrolling Game Development Kit
The Scrolling Game Development Kit 2
Adventure Game Studio
Game Maker Lite
Ray Game Designer II
Unity 3D

Making games isn't just for programmers!

Q. How can I hang out and chat with everybody?
We have an IRC channel! More info on that here!
You can also post right here on this event page! Or leave a comment on a game page!

02 / 27
(all day)
Start: 02/25/2012 - 00:00
End: 03/05/2012 - 00:00

So this Saturday was SUPPOSED to be the Timezone Lottery Klik Jam. But who can think of jamming for only two hours on a separate event when GDC IS NEXT WEEK!?



Pirate* Kart V: The 2012**-in-one Glorious Developers Konference Kollection!!!
(*games not pirated. **will not contain 2012 games. unless it does)

It's happening RIGHT NOW!
The launcher will continue to download games even while AT GDC!!!
Click the giant green button to sign-up/submit your game!

Want to try out the launcher before GDC? Get it HERE!

Q. What is this?

We're making loads of awesome and/or terrible games and taking them to GDC to blow minds with them! Over the weekend of February 25th-26th, everyone is invited to make as many games as they can and submit them here! After the event is over, we will package the games up into a launcher like we did with previous Pirate Karts! And then this March we will be showing them off in a kiosk at the Game Developer's Conference!!!

The kiosk will even continue to download games while on the show floor!

Q. Who can participate?

ANYONE! EVERYONE! If you or anyone you know makes games, or even just has an interest in making games, we would love to have you all participate! If you've never made a game before, we think Klik & Play is pretty easy to learn! but any tool is allowed and there are lots of great ones out there!

Q. What are the rules? What kind of games are allowed?

The Pirate Kode has only one firm rule: If the rules are getting in the way of you making games, disregard them! To put it another way: Cheating is encouraged.
But we have some guidelines for you if you want some direction!

  • Try to make each game in 2 hours or less! Don't worry if you go over, though. And feel free to prepare as much as you want ahead of time. Art, music, game ideas, even code!
  • Unlike the recent IGF Pirate Kart, with this one we're looking for games made for this event specifically!
  • It's a good idea to include what the controls are on the title screen! Unfortunately you can't really count on people actually reading the game description!
  • It's also really nice if people can exit the games by hitting escape.
  • If you don't stick to these guidelines, that's okay! WE WANT YOU AND YOUR GAMES ANYWAY!


Get yourself comfortable with some development environment, then when Pirate Kart Weekend arrives, MAKE GAMES LIKE CRAZY!!!


SWEET! First, sign up for a Glorious Trainwrecks account if you haven't yet (you can do that here). Then click this, fill in the form, upload a game and a screenshot and submit and then YOUR GAME IS IN THE KART!

Q. Weren't you asking for money?

It got fully moneyed on Kickstarter!

Q. Where are the game ideas people gave as Kickstarter rewards?

Right here! There are THIRTY games that need to get made! If you could update that spreadsheet as you start working on them and with the link when you finish, we can hopefully avoid overlap and Mike will be able to contact folks when their games are made!

Q. I want to make a game, but can't code!

No prob! There is a lot of free tools for your game-making needs!

Klik n' Play is the classic. Outdated, limited, buggy and absolutely wonderful for churning masses games.
Construct 2 uses HTML5 and you can create a nifty on-line game.
Official Hamster Republic RPG Construction Engine
Scratch (converter to standalone exe files:
Stencyl Creates iOS and Flash games!
Oh! My! Game!
BYOND (simple programming language)
Novashell (script-based)
The Scrolling Game Development Kit
The Scrolling Game Development Kit 2
Adventure Game Studio
Game Maker Lite
Ray Game Designer II
Unity 3D

Making games isn't just for programmers!

Q. How can I hang out and chat with everybody?
We have an IRC channel! More info on that here!
You can also post right here on this event page! Or leave a comment on a game page!

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