Trainwreck Gallery


SpindleyQ's picture

Testing comments on

Testing comments on wikipages!

zum's picture



SpindleyQ's picture

Nah, that was easy. Fixing

Nah, that was easy. Fixing the comment links on the Recent Changes page was wizardry :)

zum's picture

Gallery candidates

These are all commercial releases, though.

-The Great Ragtime Show/Boogie Wings (ARC, Data East, 1992) (wikipedia) (youtube) (skip to 6:40 if you're impatient) (also holy shit that dog)

-Trio The Punch (ARC, Data East, 1990) (wikipedia) (youtube)

-Bad Day L.A. (PC, American McGee/Enlight, 2006) (wikipedia) (youtube) (also notable for featuring an actual trainwreck)

-Hong Kong 97 (SFC (unl.), HappySoft, 1995) (wikipedia) (youtube)

-Action 52 (NES (unl.), Active Enterprises, 1991) (wikipedia) (youtube 1 2) (hard to find much video that doesn't have snarky commentary, sadly. there's a genesis version too, but it's not nearly as glorious.)

qrleon's picture

RE: Gallery candidates

Pretty much everything at KNP Korner.

Some favourites: Wolverine Goes to the Texas State Fair, Zeke Wars 3, and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game.

Strong's picture

I agree with all these, but

I agree with all these, but I would also like to add Super Smash Brothers Awesome.

Let's Go! Thingio! is another gem over on the fangame side that I'd like to add to consideration, too.

qrleon's picture

Barkley: Shut up and Jam:

Barkley: Shut up and Jam: Gaiden: Yep.

DJ Nastyman Games: Some incomprehensible Klik adventures made c. 2000. With voice samples. "I WAS THE BEST DJ AROUND, BUT EVERYONE HATED MY MUSIC. SO THEY LOCKED ME IN A PRISON CELL AND NOW I CAN'T GET OUT." Some of them are in that klik torrent SpindleyQ linked to earlier.

qrleon's picture

I can't believe I forgot

I can't believe I forgot about Life of D. Duck. I still have to finish playing the second game. Worth downloading for Fat Uncle Jubalon alone!

zum's picture

A few more:

-Hateful Chris - Never Say Buy (PC, Furious Entertainment, release date unknown)
Made in MMF, I believe, or something from the Clickteam family. Commercially released. Info's a bit hard to come by; I-Mockery has a little thing about it. A sequel was in the works, but was never released.

-Capstone Software's licensed games, incl. Wayne's World, Homey D. Clown, Terminator 2: Judgment Day: Chess Wars.

Barkley is a good one, of course. It'd be real interesting to have a page looking at the various games that are part of the all-important B:SUAJ:G canon (X-Caliber 2097, The Pagemaster, etc.)

...You know, all the stuff we're listing is obviously glorious, but it's all glorious in different ways. Clearly we need a ridiculously elaborate taxonomy/sorting method/lavish flowchart with fancy widgets.

sergiocornaga's picture

I notice I can edit the

I notice I can edit the Trainwreck Gallery. What's the etiquette with that? Should I even do it at all?

SpindleyQ's picture

You're the first person

You're the first person who's taken any interest in editing the wiki in quite some time. Feel free to add stuff!

GoreCore's picture

Updated the list a bit.

Updated the list a bit.

sergiocornaga's picture

Did you add Nitro Family, or

Did you add Nitro Family, or was that already there?

GoreCore's picture

I did. Owned some years ago,

I did. Owned some years ago, just of curiosity what can Koreans do when they get wacky.

Added some more. Feel free to remove whatever you think isn't ridiculous enough to be placed here.

sergiocornaga's picture

I definitely support it. I

I definitely support it. I am the proud owner of a copy which was sent to me by a friend overseas because it's such a trainwreck.

Added Pig Farming III

Found this on an old computer in my house, the masterpiece Pig Farming III by Ben Bailey. It's not pretty, but it is the absolute hands-down funniest KNP game I have ever played in my life. I couldn't find any other copies on the internet - just a link to his Geocities site which was sadly not in the Internet Archive.

qrleon's picture

Haha, that's pretty fun.

Haha, that's pretty fun.

SpindleyQ's picture

It's on!

It's on!

In the process of finding that I also discovered this lovely directory of oldschool Klik games. Oh, hey, he links to you. Awesome.

I'm very happy to mirror it here. If you have any more old Klik & Play games sitting around on old computers, please get in touch with me via PM or just start uploading shit to the Mirrors wikipage. I'm really passionate about preserving this stuff.

There are some real KNP gems

There are some real KNP gems at Christopher Ushko's website. My problem is that they're too good to really be considered trainwrecks, but man are they GLORIOUS.

Lazlo's Spud Wars The Devil's Triangle M:I-2; LeChuck’s Revenge

The two Monkey Island fan-games have absolutely jaw dropping animation and are great adventure games in their own right, let alone the fact that they were made in Klik & Play.
