The Deep Down (Knytt Story)

atuun's picture

*** This requires Knytt Stories Plus! Get it here if you don't have it, it's neat! ***

Here's a story. About Knytts.


Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event


sergiocornaga's picture

Truly, that was a Knytt Story.

Your custom music was incredibly lovely. Even though you're just using the default tilesets, there are several screens that are just... utterly unique and memorable, aesthetically unmatched throughout all my years of playing the game. I'm sure your use of KS+ tints accentuated that. Well done!

zilard's picture

Good atmosphere

I actually felt kinda like I should hold my breath while playing this level. The atmosphere was incredible. I also enjoyed the music very much.

plural's picture

Loved the waterfall. It took

Loved the waterfall. It took me by surprise and I love it when you fall through the wall into something else.

everythingstaken's picture


The last section was really great. I liked those just lone little birds and such waiting for you on the tower. The end was very surreal as well. Makes me want to make one for this jam!

quasiotter's picture


this is EXACTLY what i needed today!

i've been busy making art and reading lots of comics and i haven't played many games, and when i play it's quake because i'm learning to map for that. sadly, i haven't played any gt games in MONTHS, and i've been thinking about how i really gotta start again.

so instead of going to the newest page, i clicked for a random selection, and this appeared on it. i forgot about ks and realized i wanna start playing them again (maybe even making some eventually). this was a really really really lovely level to start up again with. thank you so much for something so wonderful after a stressful day of quake mapping.