Knytt Stories

Vegetal Gibber's picture

Low Budget Realms


AKA: What Forgotten Realms would probably have turned into if I had fully committed to the "make a KS level in a few hours" gimmick that originally started it.

There's an ending, a start position and some PNG files in there. Enjoy. Happy New Year!

Hope I don't need to sign up for a PSN account to claim my free detector...

PS - I recently posted a bunch of new KS levels at the Nifflas Support Forum as well:

Vegetal Gibber
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a small abstract KS level set to Autechre - marhide. there are four "endings", can you find them all?

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Carriage Return Line Feed


a knytt stories level just in time for halloween (give or take 2.5 months) and just in time for me being really annoyed by how comp sci can't decide which newline character should be standard (give or take 0 seconds). learn the true immersive story of why there isn't one character universally used for newlines in the modern era

(no gore)

bert of wibi
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Vegetal Gibber's picture

Lamp Flower Garden


A small environmental/playground Knytt Stories level I made rather quickly (for me anyway) using an idea I thought would suit the 2021 KS Un-epic Level Contest but ended up not using there. It's a very short one, although it features quite a lot of hidden secrets to be found, including a tiny special area you can unlock by collecting all four keys.

You can also play it in Knytt Stories Plus to enable a bonus collectible that doesn't unlock anything but looks kinda cool, if that's one of those things you can never have enough of!

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TheCakeFlavor's picture


a conversation over a meal
a conversation over a game

in a book, the reader sets the pace
in a film, the author sets the pace
in a game, who sets the pace?

I'll crosspost this to various knytt boards l8r

thanks to sergiocornaga for testing and compiling, and for various assistances over the year.

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Healy's picture

Green Garden: A Knytt+ Level


I was stressed and bored today, so I made a little Knytt level. Note that it requires egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus extension to play. It's simply a very short, open-ended level that you can destress with. Enjoy!

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Sergio Cornaga • Gliperal - An Impeccable Cat Hunt


This is the level created by Sergio Cornaga and Gliperal for Knytt Swapsies II. Sergio made the outdoors area, the house interior, and the basic mechanics, and I made the cave screens and secret areas. Because of the nature of what I attempted to create, this level ended up being quite monstrous in scope. As it stands, there are:

15467 lines in World.ini (that's more than Saving Thalanill, Cosmic Meltdown, and Cursed Gallery COMBINED)
46:1 screens to unique screens ratio (with 1114 screens, 24 of which are unique)
All done in 2 weeks (Sergio made his part super fast, so it still counts, right? :D)

As such, I definitely do not expect this thing to be bug free. I wanted to get it out in time for Swapsies, but I'll continue to tweak and amend the level. Update: the level has been tweaked and amended.

That's all for now. Enjoy!

Sergio Cornaga & Gliperal
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TheCakeFlavor's picture

Me stash Mead

A fun little auto-walker with challenging jumps.

Will you be able to stash the mead????

Inspired by sergiocornaga and mno

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Healy's picture


Mum screen.png

Sergio and I were talking about including a new Knytt tutorial for the Babycastles expo, and I remembered this old tutorial I was tooling around with. It's called Mummenschanz, and like the acting troupe it takes its name from, it tries to convey its message through a minimum of words. I'm not sure if I totally succeeded at it, but here it is anyway! (With music by Kinetic Law.)

Update: Now with minor improvements, thanks to Sergio.

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