Knytt Stories

sergiocornaga's picture



This Knytt Stories level will attempt to scare you.

If you want to turn on ultra-spooky mode (not recommended for first-time players), walk all the way to the left in the first room before entering the house.

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GT Saturday Specials: Knytt Stories
Danni's picture

Springy Sproingy


Finished version of Healy's "Springy Spoingy" Knytt Stories level. It's a level about bouncing on flowers. In fact almost the entire level is covered in bouncy flowers. If you're good enough you can even bounce all the way to the end without touching the floor!

Environmental, with a few challenge segments. There's an optional bounce challenge that, when completed, gives you a special item.

I feel like this is a bit linear, and my rock formations are nowhere near as extravagant as Healy's. I'm also concerned I don't have enough bouncing action near the end. Still, I'm satisfied with it overall, especially with how I found different ways to incorporate bouncing into gameplay.

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Made For: 
An event
Healy's picture

Juni's Bible Adventures

tract info.png

Be aware that as I was making this I thought to myself "Wow, this kind of disturbing."

Anyway, the basic background for this is that I'm writing satiric Christian fanfic on this forum I go to. Since Knytt Stories is basically fanfic already I thought, why not make a Knytt level for it? This has two endings, by the way.

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An event
Healy's picture

Tiny House: A Knytt Story

Victorian House.jpg

Tiny House is yet another entry in Sergio's "One screen" competition. Actually I think the due date for that has passed, but since I haven't seen him pick a winner yet I decided to make another entry, mostly just to pass the time. Again, seeing the one screen would probably spoil the fun, so I'm holding off on a screenshot. Instead, have this picture of a house I found in my pictures folder!

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Made For: 
An event
Healy's picture

Peaceful Sonata: A Knytt Story

Sergio has a level competition on the Nifflas Forums that's all about single screen Knytt Stories, and since I had already made a single-screen Knytt Story called Angry Sonata for the last Pirate Kart, why not make a sequel to it for the competition? So I made this. It's real wee, so no screenshot. Tilesets by Sergio Cornaga and Nifflas, music by Jacob Godwin.

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Made For: 
An event
sergiocornaga's picture

Oh Man Go Time Gaiden: Gaiden


A spin-off based on a few of the rooms in Healy's Oh Man Go Time Gaiden, which was itself a spin-off of my level Oh Man Go Time. Angry Sonata, also by Healy, was another source of inspiration.

Basically, I wanted to submit three games in a row with gaiden in the title.

Special thanks to Fabien Porée's mysterious friend for making the data corrupter I used for some of the graphics.

Originally made for Klik of the Month Klub #57, but transplanted into Pirate Kart V.

Sergio Cornaga
Made For: 
An event
Healy's picture

Oh Man Go Time Gaiden: BUT WHO WAS DRUGS? (Knytt Stories (Incomplete))


Well, it turns out I couldn't finish Oh Man Go Time Gaiden by the end of the Kart, so have this nice demo that'll whet your appetite while hopefully not giving away too many surprises. I don't know how accessible this is to people who haven't played the "Oh Man Go Time" series, but most of the stuff you need to know is contained in the intro. I swear, I swear I'll finish this (in fact I'll probably edit the finished version onto this page).

Made For: 
An event
Healy's picture

Angry Sonata (Knytt Stories)

Here is an artsy-fartsy Knytt level I coded up after a spat with my mom today. There's not a whole lot to do here, though. It's only a screen big, so no screenshot.

Warning: Contains foul language.

Made For: 
An event
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