The Klik of the Month Klub meets right here on this very website on the third Saturday of every month at 4pm Pacific Time (taking daylight savings into consideration) for a two hour Klik & Play Showdown. Everyone who participates gets two hours to create something from scratch in Klik & Play. Abusing the stock objects is encouraged. If you really loathe Klik & Play you can use whatever game development platform you want. Two hours is a pretty tight time limit, though, so choose wisely!
Klik & Play is absolutely free to download, and learning it takes minutes, so everyone can get in on the action. Want to talk to your fellow Klikwreckers? Join us on IRC -- server, channel #glorioustrainwrecks. Join the mayhem!
For more information, check out the KotM N00B FAQ.
Sign up below to get reminded by email the day before the klikkening begins!
This time around, instead of
This time around, instead of just throwing random shit together, I feel like aiming for technical achievement...
Maybe I should have joined Action Point 2009. Actually, will we be holding another one this year?
Action Point is the worlds foremost celebrated Klik & Play Demoscene Party. It is held in July each year, attracting incredibly talented event writers and klipart prodigies from around the world. We are currently looking for a corporate non-sponsor this year, to help un-fund the anti-expenses of running such a big event. AP:2009 was graciously dis-supported by 2012: The Movie. We are also accepting theme suggestions for this year's event.
I just realized that this
I just realized that this one coincides with a Mini-LD!
Do both!
Do both!
Not only, that, but some
Not only, that, but some sort of Game Jolt Weekend Jam is also happening!
I've thrown around the idea
I've thrown around the idea of doing a Pitfall+Predator mashup for about a year now. Maybe this would be a good time to follow through on it.
You totally should do it.
You totally should do it.
Virtua Swordsman
I will be absent tomorrow so here's mine.
Here is a representation of a screenshot:
♥ |-------------------------- ♥
The contest is only four hours away. You don't have to wait until tomorrow.
that's cool seeming i need
that's cool seeming i need someone to play it with...
I really need to sit down
I really need to sit down one day and spend hours upon hours figuring out how to do good AI in TGF. I'm sure it's possible. Then I won't have to take the easy way out only doing games for more than one player all the time.
Wish I had someone to play
Wish I had someone to play it with right now, because it feels like it's rather smartly designed.
Like everyone else I think
Like everyone else I think this is pretty cool, but need someone else to play it with.
Just a reminder...
You forgot to list KotM #30 and 31 on the Klik of the Month page.
Here's my submission, I may have started an hour early because Alaska time zones always leave me confused. It's a two player bullet-hell avoid-em-up of galactic proportions made in one hour. It also has asymetrical gameplay because player one can conjour up umbrellas. Full details in the readme, all you need to know is that it's awesomely awful. Click on the .png for the pic.
Very cool idea! Sadly I
Very cool idea! Sadly I didn't have anyone to play against, though.
LOVED the ending.
Haha, the ending actually
Haha, the ending actually came out that way because I wasn't sure how to put in text "player X wins" -- that was kind of a workaround. I playtested each side for like two minutes, but I'm waiting for my little brother to come home to see how it turns out.
These KotM are tons of fun. =) I finally got around to making a game.
Left 4 Teletubbies
Not feeling great so my KOTM game is very rushed and about a 100th of what I would have liked it to be.
Arrow keys to move and Ctrl to fire.
Cool It was still pretty
It was still pretty awesome
Terrifying, too.
Robbit vs. the WGBH logo
Our hero Robbit is on an epic quest to destroy the icon of childhood fears all over america... THE WGBH LOGO! Space starts the game, WASD moves Robbit and the arrow keys move the WGBH logo. The best thing about the game, though, is that everybody wins!
This is probably the first game ever made where you get to play as the WGBH logo. Say, I wonder what it would be like to play as the WGBH logo in MUGEN? Maybe Flash of Doom could be one of it's special attacks.
doesn't seem to be working (screenshot attached)
I made it using Scratch 1.4, if that's any indication. I barely had time to test.
And now I figure out that the compiler uses Scratch 1.2. Frustration of frustrations. Anyway, after many minutes of mindless hacking away at Scratch's dependencies, I came up with a Zip file that uses version 1.4. Open the .sb file of the game in Scratch and it should come out OK.
What compiler did you use?
What compiler did you use? If you used ChirpCompiler, it should work fine with Scratch 1.4 files.
Maybe try removing the full stop in the filename before you compile it?


Is it because I hate you all?

Or because I hate myself?
Reversinoid is pretty
Reversinoid is pretty amazing. I hope you don't hate me for saying that.
Just in case...
The all-caps and hate-talk was just me being goofy. I love this place and everyone here. :)
Somewhere, in the land of
Somewhere, in the land of the trolls, Jim Sterling gets a nauseous feeling in his stomach. Yet another art game was conceived, and it drained away more of his life force. He hunkers down to his computer and prepares to pen more inflamatory virtrol, lest these small infectuous entities eventually consume him. Elsewhere, a lone man named ExciteMike hastily constructs an awesome art game, hoping his will be the one to finally fell the troll and free the internet from his tyranny once and for all.
Amber Lamps
A game about getting through the day to day
arrow keys to move, btw
I made a shitty chatbot that
I made a shitty chatbot that emulates a youtube commenter and likes dead crabs. I'll just upload the python file for now, EXE will come later when I can get to Windows for a bit.
Since there's no goal I guess it's an art game.
EDIT: .exe now available in a .zip
no u r a wanker? >.>
no u r a wanker? >.>
I swore at it and the chat
I swore at it and the chat terminated. Genius.
No, don't sleep with the fan on you idiot!

Make sure you press space to do stuff!
I enjoyed this more
I enjoyed this more than a sane person should.
Wow This is a very good
This is a very good game. And seriously, they're crazy for believing this stuff.
this game has a classy
this game has a classy soundtrack.
I'll sleep with the fan if I
I'll sleep with the fan if I want to.
Experience the awesome joy of not playing a game you paid for, without having to actually pay anything! That must make me, like, twice as cool as Ubisoft(tm), right? Made in under, like, five minutes. A sexy offcolor picture of myself and artsty-fartsy statement included (modesty is unaccounted for, though).
Could I But Express in Song
What a sad ending. :(
What a sad ending. :(
That picture there is the
That picture there is the most coherent part of the game. I was playing this on my parent's laptop and was worried they'd look at the screen. I give this two severed Roger Ebert thumbs up.
I don't care about returning
I don't care about returning home anyway.
Dogs, cats, planes, biplane physics.
Doot doot doot.
Played this with a friend until the score went into three-digits and so went offscreen :D
Cool! I tried to match my memory of watching some footage of Intellivision programmers playing Biplanes that I saw a few weeks ago. I've yet to playtest it with anyone, so I'm glad to hear it was fun!
The Secret Life
This is a game that mostly only people who KnP / make trainwrecks often will get the most out of, which is why I thought I'd do this one now instead of doing this in the Pirate Kart
With apologies to Jeanette Winterson
and also you
KOTM Adventure 32000x
Made in Ren'Py! And BASED ON A TRUE STORY. The zip file contains further zip files for windows, mac and linux versions.
Happy birthday six

I did a terrible thing for you
Holy asexual reproduction
Holy asexual reproduction batman! He didn't evolve into Ivysaur though. Maybe in Red version?
i cried. i cried for the
i cried. i cried for the overwhelming forces of nature that wage war all around me, within me, beset upon day and night, that live, die, and are gone in an instant. beautiful.
also i need an anigif of that morph because it is amazing
Your wish is my command!
Your wish is my command!
This is pretty amazing.
This is pretty amazing.
'Good end' is an
'Good end' is an understatement. This is one of the best endings I have ever experienced, in any medium, ever.
It was probably a fluke, though...
Ooh, so that's what the
Ooh, so that's what the grazing mechanic in all those shmups was all about!
since i wasn't actually able
since i wasn't actually able to beat the game before klik of the month was over, i didn't realize there was a spacing issue with the numbers on the last screen. here is a fixed version.
Cactus Block
move with WASD, restart with R, click to create a block, or a deadly cactus. who knows which one it will be
Wow, this was frustrating
Wow, this was frustrating but very interesting.
Quite ingenious!
Quite ingenious!
Terry picked this as one of
Terry picked this as one of his favorite games of 2010.
Elegant design! =D
I still think about this
I still think about this game sometimes.
2024 update: still thinking
2024 update: still thinking about this
a game based on something i saw at -
the original was just such a nice organic look - making it a game was kind of rough. Your some kind of biological whatsit trying to catch other little things of food as fast as you can...
new version, looks a bit
new version, looks a bit more biological
it really is the prettiness and biological look that makes this game what it is, which isn't much
60 motherships
also completely untested and bad.
arrow keys + X
First hour trainwreck didn't work out, this was the second:
Binge N Purge
So I started 40 minutes late, and ran into some problems with about 15 minutes to go, BUT I DID IT. Now I'm off to go be sick.
I think you forgot
I think you forgot the .gam, .img, .mtf, .mus, and .snd files. (your game might not actually have all of them)
KNP isn't nice enough to pack that all into one file for you :(
Good thing I did this tonight instead of during the pirate kart. D:
This should do it. Thanks for pointing it out.
This is wonderful and very
This is wonderful and very inspiring. I'm going to be on the lookout for people throwing up on tanks from now on.
Autobio game #1
I wanted to make an autobiographical game that was depressing -- the depressing part is that I didn't finish it within two hours. Here's a screen shot
if anyone wants to see it anyway -- it's all bugged and stuff
Shoot! Win!
Shootwin is a game about Presidential Assassination and having me yell at you for doing it wrong.
I am so sorry.
Defeat the enemies by setting yourself on fire and running into them! Don't stay on fire too long because fire kills you too, dummy! I think this one turned out well.
hey great, double post, awesome
More games should have
More games should have catching yourself on fire as a solid game mechanic; Wario Land 3 is the only other one that comes to mind.
I ran out of time!
I guess a squad game with multiple weapons and customisable formations was a bit ambitious.
I'll add some actual bad guys and levels later!
Play Gently
lemon regrets
reminds me of gimmick. i
reminds me of gimmick.
i love the lemon rider's little dance.
As my avatar suggests, I
As my avatar suggests, I love me some Gimmick. Unfortunately, it gives me this error message:
"XAPOFX1_1.dll was not found" and "failed to load plugin ...capE4B6.tmp\2.csx (126)"
Whatever those meant. =(
Speaking of which...
Will there be a fixed version? :)
(Edit: No, wait, I don't even think you need this. I don't know what the problem is.)
Missed this. As far as I know, you just need the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistibutable. (x86 version is here.) You could also just install Construct.
This is annoying, I know. Sorry!
Ninja Garden
This is a great pastiche. I
This is a great pastiche. I love the tone throughout. The harmless nature of the weeds sets off the melodrama a treat. =)
Oh wow, that ending was
Oh wow, that ending was fantastic and I totally failed to see it coming.