Revision of Suspiciious: A Love Letter To Delciious from Wed, 01/17/2018 - 14:11

avery's picture
Game File: 

This game is both my love letter to Delciious, the game that kickstarted my activity here, and a love letter to GT itself. I probably wouldn't even be making games like this without this site. I love all of you. I am the secret santa to everyone this year.

Merry Chistmas.

2018 Extra Notes: Things aren't entirely clear here RE: controls. If the screen ain't moving from what it's on, try clicking the mouse. On the battle screen, use Z to shoot (why I never tell you this in game, I don't know.) In my recent playthrough of this, the "Shoot the Big One!" message appears before you're actually able to do so; you need a score of 200 or so in order to do so. Basically just hold Z and hammer X until it actually shoots the Big One. Then clickaroo on the 100 and you're through to the next round, baby.

Made For: 
An event