wonderful value

Re. the marker games::

I am currently at 44 games since mid-September and hope to get up to 50, after which I will take a break... I finished work last week so it's good timing insofar that the format of the games was basically constructed to tie in with my job schedule.

When I reach 50 games I am going to bundle up the whole bunch as a single package, with a loader program and some notes, and try selling that for ca$h monies. the individual games here will stay up + free... i don't know if this is opportunistic but i'm kind of basing it on how james kochalka's diary comics (which were part of what got me making these) were posted individually for free on his webpage and then bundled up for sale in books after a while. also, the way that the glorious trainwrecks pirate karts (which were the OTHER part of what got me making these) built a shared context for these games which helped change the way they were experienced. so, look out for that - - hopefully later this december or in january at some point.

I am also looking into how to use Anaconda to create Mac and Linux versions of the MMF2 games, in which case there will be mac / linux versions of the package too, and maybe of the individual game pages here.

Happy Xmas,

- Stephen


excellent idea

Do it.

sergiocornaga's picture

Great! I'd be totally

Great! I'd be totally willing to drop €5 or something on such a compilation. I hope you don't go easy on the notes.

A completely asinine thing that I'm wondering about now is how this will affect my picks for mcc's GOTY poll (if she decides to run one this year). Currently, half my list is comprised of your marker games, but they'd probably fare slightly better as a unit...

That's pretty innovative

I always thought a couple of the games would go good for a flash game. But an actual catapirate kart. I didn't expect such information. I was just marveling at the mystery of it all. I don't see it as opportunistic since you've already got them here as is to whoever's willing. I'm glad you have a set goal and a gist of what you're going for, and a timeline. I always mess up the time line. I'd really have to evaluate myself deep down and decide if I'd be a good time traveler.
