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Dark Pong

Game File: 

"I was thirty seconds in, and I remember remarking in an IM window off to the side that this game was only 'dark' insofar as it was darkening my opinion of it. And then the power went out. Bam, instant three stars."

This is a BIT.TRIP BEAT inspired variant of Pong and/or Breakout. You have no opponent, but the ball obeys gravity and will arc down to you after you knock it upward. There's a second, subtler twist, though, so keep playing to see what it is.

Mouse to move.
Click to place the first ball.
Get the ball to a height of 100 to unlock Hard Mode.

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spiral's picture

Tram Simulator Critique Museum

Game File: 

Tram Simulator Critique Museum


You have entered through a doorway into a museum dedicated to the program Tram Simulator. The purpose of this museum is to collect critiques in relation to it. Welcome, to the Tram Simulator Critique Museum. Here you may, upon your own leisure, listen to recordings of collected critiques. Music is available, as well as refreshments. Enjoy your stay!


Headphones are recommended but not required. Press any key to progress from the "splash screen" when so desired. You can move your character with the arrow keys or WASD. Walk into icons (the CD, Thought buttons, apples, etc) to activate / toggle / eat them. Exit the program by walking back into the door you started near by, or by pressing Escape.

Basic Credits

Made in Clickteam Fusion 2.5, led by Nikki, with contributions from Sphere and Jessie. Based on Tram Simulator by fizzhog: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/11681

This is my second spin-off of the mainline Simulator series fizzhog has been making.
You can find my prior entry here: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/11673
Please check out the many spin-offs others on GT have been doing!

Detailed credits are available in the download, in the file "readme + credits.txt".

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FlaviusMaximus's picture


Game File: 

Another normal game of mine. made in 2009, again.

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Danni's picture

Springy Sproingy


Finished version of Healy's "Springy Spoingy" Knytt Stories level. It's a level about bouncing on flowers. In fact almost the entire level is covered in bouncy flowers. If you're good enough you can even bounce all the way to the end without touching the floor!

Environmental, with a few challenge segments. There's an optional bounce challenge that, when completed, gives you a special item.

I feel like this is a bit linear, and my rock formations are nowhere near as extravagant as Healy's. I'm also concerned I don't have enough bouncing action near the end. Still, I'm satisfied with it overall, especially with how I found different ways to incorporate bouncing into gameplay.

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jan_strach's picture

My 2 Games now in 32 Bit versions, playable on new computers!


Dear All,

Thanks to our own tremendous Sergio Cornaga I was finally able to make playable standalones of Storm Is Coming and Le Sunset Salto. They should run on new systems, as opposed to the old 16 bit versions.

Enjoy, spread the word, let me know if they work.

Storm Is Coming (2009):
You are in a grassy valley where your happiness seems to be going to last forever except that the storm is going to begin as soon as the song ends - and flood the whole valley. To avoid that, you are going to need help of three animals. Two different endings (apart from death obv)

Le Sunset Salto (2010):
The sun is going down, this is going to be your last salto of the cliff. But when you go under, everything is different; everything becomes an adventure in this magical hour. There are 8 different endings. Mermaids, Octopodes, Jellyfish, a Whale, Sunken Ship, Crabs, a Fisherman, an island with palmtrees.

EDIT: Bug fixed, updated version posted. Thanks Sergio, as always!
EDIT 2: Octopus Bug Fixed in LSS, Room leaving fixed in SIC, updated versions posted.
EDIT 3: Achievement screen fixed.
EDIT 4: Achievement screen now really fixed.
EDIT 5: Achievement screen now really really fixed.
EDIT 6: Achievement screen cleaned up and hints hopefully fixed.
EDIT 7: Rock clipping bug and bottom transition from the fisherman fixed.

Storm Is Coming 32 Bit (Jan Strach).rar7.29 MB
Le Sunset Salto 32 Bit (Jan Strach) 1.0.7.zip917.43 KB



this year, I finished a short film for college. it's called Catábase (Katabasis), is almost 10 minutes long and in a way does feel like some of the stuff I was making back in the day. here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMXmihtIDNU (english subtitles are available)

this project has meant a lot to me, as it was a very fruitful and loose creative experience, and i just let out everything i wanted to let out for this film. it was the kind of thing that i needed to make as a reminder that i can just do whatever i want and that's really all that matters. after this one, i plan on working on another short film in my own free time and on other projects as well.

i'm not really active on social media outside of instagram (https://www.instagram.com/10000ratazana/?hl=en) and discord (also 10000ratazana). idk where y'all glorious trainwrecks people are nowadays, and i'm interested in going back to talk with the people i spoke with back in the day

lmk your thoughts on catábase if you've seen it, and please share it with people if you liked it! it's been out for a couple of weeks now, but I only remembered to post about it here today. my bad!

edit made shortly after posting !!!

one of my key influences in certain parts of catábase is something called "gamecore", which i heard for the first time when harmony korine started promoting his latest film, 'aggro dr1ft'. since i'm not in a city that holds film festivals --especially the ones that would show something like that film-- i didn't watch that, but i let my imagination go wild. many of the scenes from the 3 minute mark onward are my own spin on "gamecore". i kinda want to make this a thing in my following film projects. it's a fascinating concept to work around with, and one that i think marries perfectly with other ideas i had floating in my mind (i want to incorporate more and more "slow cinema" influences in my films, too, and i think a "gamecore" and "slow cinema" combo could be interesting)

gisbrecht's picture

Trans Rancher Werewolves


my friend talks about people who make red dead redemption fanart where the cowboys are trans and werewolves and I think that is a good idea outside the context of red dead "grand theft auto but with horses" redemption works.

don't forget the milk and cookies.

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SpindleyQ's picture


If you are reading this, Glorious Trainwrecks is up and running on a shiny new completely rootkit-free server that hopefully won't randomly lose internet access or freeze up!

I'm currently running a script to update all passwords to be encrypted with bcrypt, which is an excellent password hashing system that makes brute-force password guessing computationally unfeasible. So if we're hacked again, no one can figure out your password! Hooray for modern security practices! If there's anyone out there running Drupal 5 that wants to use actual password hashing instead of just md5 with no salt, GET IN TOUCH, I HAVE A PATCH FOR YOU.

THERE ARE LIKELY TO BE PROBLEMS. I am a fallible human and I forget things. Please post here about them! If you can't login to post about them for some reason, send me an email: .

That's it!

chickenAnimated.gif11.61 KB
SirNiko's picture

Monster Vaccine

Game File: 

Halloween is coming up! Give the monsters their vaccinations so they can be healthy for the big day!

Space to navigate menus, and the fire. Shift to jump.

Your vaccines are limited!! If you run out, wait a second and they will refill (you gain one per second, and can hold a maximum of 3).

Grab the vitamin D capsule for maximum dumb-bomb action!!


Zombie - 100 pts
Frankenstein's Monster - 250 pts
The Creature from the Black Lagoon - 500 pts
Dracula - 1,000 pts!!!

Based on this true article: http://www.naturalnews.com/027231_Vitamin_D_immune_system_vaccines.html

Thanks to Nowhere Girl for inspiration, and GreyGriffin for music recommendations

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