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zum's picture

Rumour Control

This low-quality jpeg has been making the rounds lately. Purportedly it's a leaked photograph taken of a PartnerNet build.

We can neither confirm nor deny anything at this time, but recommend that gamers and hatfans remain skeptical of rumours pending any official announcement.

Pizza Time's picture

Zombie Slash Bikini Killers, the list-ening

I've decided to compile a list of stuff for the next release, for shits and giggles. Feel free to print it off and tape it to the side of your monitor so you can add exclamation marks next to the features that I neglect to add.

- Sexy combo animations
- Zombies that change attacks/animations based on how much of their
shit gets messed up
- Use hitboxes for attacks instead of that separate sword-trail object
- Hidden meaning that compares the relationship of the zombies and
the claustrophobic urban setting as some sort of reference to the
mental struggle of humanity and their modern day environments
- Puddles of gore that hang around due to the low amount of on-
screen dead people (so no huge swarms like in Dethbus and
Zombie Invasion: the Body Explosion).
More blood+less zombies=more violence!
- Trash and chaossss!!!!

markp0rter's picture

Where is the invisible Elephant?

where is the elephant.jpg

After the big success of Where is the Elephant? I give to you the long awaited sequel Where is the invisible Elephant?

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everythingstaken's picture

Hair Brush

Game File: 

Use the keyboard and mouse!

So, I was working at this job for 3-4 days and quit and one of the days I asked to take a pic of this girl's hair cuz it looked weird. Feels weird that I made a game out of it. There you go!

Also, thanks ghettoshamrock for exporting the game for me! What a great guy and huge inspiration! What a guy! What great games!

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
the_muteKi's picture

Roomba: The Game


I was on Twitter recently saying how there aren't enough games in which you're a Roomba.

So here's a game where you're a Roomba. Clean up as much dirt as you can in 45 seconds (timer measures half-seconds), getting bonus time for each dirt speck collected.

Arrow keys control the dang thing; you can't move forward while turning (intentional behavior).

Roomba sprite reference

Music is based on plugging in the name "Renegade Roomba" into Dunc's Algomusic IIIb.

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An event

Let's go outside

Game File: 
Fernando RAmallo

Control time in an alien planet!

Made For: 
An event
Source code289.02 KB
SWF file3.7 MB


Game File: 

Its like Asteroids.
Left/right = rotate
Button 1 = shoot

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

Reverse Breakout

Game File: 

Because it's a terrible, unplayable idea!

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
ExciteMike's picture

The Joy of Dodging 2

Game File: 

Two player 1-button game. Avoid getting pushed to the left. Cry.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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