Screenshot at 2012-05-16 13:34:14.png
Game File: 

Did this while on holiday in Australia. I believe it was made within the timeframe.

This required a hacked KevEdit (or a hex editor) to do what I was doing. You can get that hacked version here:

Oh yeah, did I mention that KevEdit is awesome? USE IT

By the way, you should play ChickenWire 1.8 some time (2.0 kinda sucks sorry nadir but it does).

Made For: 
An event


commodore's picture

Conga line blew my mind, and

Conga line blew my mind, and the "hello" scroll, which can be interrupted, but not broken.

wil's picture

Massive props dude. A ZZT

Massive props dude. A ZZT trick I haven't seen before, and one that's more than just a gimmick - I'm dumbstruck. Bravo.

Aplsos's picture



commodore's picture

I'm not sure I'd call that a

I'm not sure I'd call that a 'hacked' kevedit since it's open source. You should compile the executables for the various platforms and upload it to z2. It's certainly a new version of kevedit.