Revision of Not A Puzzle Platformer: Levels 1 and 2 from Sat, 09/15/2012 - 19:09


I'm of the opinion that, among many indie game puzzle platformers, the "platformer" part really doesn't add very much to the "puzzle" part, especially ones which are clearly imitative of Portal. While Portal was ostensibly a "3D platformer", that doesn't necessarily mean that its puzzles or puzzle design clarity naturally degrades down to a 2D platformer. Too much focus is given on the length-height plane of Portal's puzzles, and, I feel, not enough on the length-width plane. So, in that vein, here are the first two levels of a game that is not a puzzle platformer.

WASD - Move.
Mouse - Aim.
Left click - Teleport.
R - Restart.
Reach the staircase to escape.

(Note: This may seem like I'm especially talking about the recent indie release "Gateways" but I haven't actually played that game outside of the first minute of the demo.)

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