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everythingstaken's picture


Game File: 

play this music while playing the game
Happy Holidays!

Read those instructions by the way!

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I'm Being Eaten By A Spider Queen (And I Don't Like It One Bit!)


If you've played Lesbian Spider Queens of Mars by Anna Anthropy, you might have wondered: what happens to the captured slaves when our dear Queen walks over them? The obvious answer is that they are abstracted away into a cage offscreen, instantaneously, in the manner of many videogames. The disobvious answer, I decided, is that the Queen uses her spider-venom to shrink them down to a portable size, so she can carry them around freely, as if they were mere diamond gems. This game is based on this assertion to some extent.

This was made under Ludum Dare conditions. I might submit this to that competition.

Also, this is based on a tweet.

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Made For: 
An event

klik & play mid/midi and sound effects

could any admin on the site please send an email to snapman to see if he is still around please I found this site on google, the node 197 page, and it said you have the original MID and sound effects from klik and play?

I can only find the schools version for download anywhere it looks like even most of the abandonware sites have unknowingly replaced it with that version not realising it is missing most of the content! :(

My parents bought it for me many years (about 10-15?) ago but I have no idea where the CD is now :(

FlaviusMaximus's picture

Bad Moon

Game File: 

You play as Ednarg, the Bad Moon. Smash innocent people to make juice out of them. remember, only the ultra-high speed can kill the resistent Yellow and Black Joggers. Beware of cops! They don't like assassins, especially moons!

EDIT: Also, contains BLOOOOOOOD

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An event
mbtzl's picture

NOT ACTUALLY A 1HGJ: i dont know how to code and it annoys me

Screen Shot 2018-04-29 at 8.53.18 PM.png

i dont know how to code and it annoys me is a 1hgj game i made because let-off-studios said i should.
Well technically it isnt a 1HGJ but i still made it in an hour


although it looks like these graphics are reused, they aren't. I made all new assets because i didnt think to use the old ones.

arrow keys to move

nothing else to do anything

made in that free shitty construct 3 trial because im BROKE AND CANT CODE

EDIT: thank you all so much for being such supportive individuals. i have no idea what i am doing and all i ever wanted to do was make games. ik my stuff sucks rn but i am so grateful that you all have given me such a nice and positive space to improve and learn. yall are the best and its nice to finally upload after being a lurker for so long.

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jonbro's picture


Screen Shot 2013-04-20 at 10.31.03 PM.png
Game File: 

Used twine to create an idea for an installation game that I want to build. This feels nice and self contained though.

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ghost thoughts

ghost thoughts.png


i had a dream in which i made a two player, splitscreen 3d game, and the game was more or less a foggy environment in
which the players would walk around in, eventually having some fun together. the charm of making two player games, in
my opinion, consists of the bugs and glitches. it's hilarious to see the other player glitching in a game. ghost thoughts,
however, is kinda bad in showing those aspects. nor does it have any glitching, nor does it have any actions other than
doing some weird thing that resembles vomiting, flying and getting lost.
the only known glitch here is having a 69 with the other player. yup. i don't think it's on the final version, but i'm
pretty sure it is. anyways, here are the full list of controls:



note: the players do not look with the mouse. they look with the keys. it uses two custom made 2.5d game controllers in
order to do such.


Made For: 
An event



Play LIFE Online here http://kittylambda.com/play_LIFE

Please play DEATH first.

Once you've figured it out, then go play LIFE. Thank you! =)


Game by PsySal (psysal@gmail.com) - www.kittylambda.com
Made with Chevy Ray Johnston's excellent FlashPunk Library - www.flashpunk.net

This game was made Feb 28, 2010 for the Klik 'n Play Pirate Kart 2


Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Son of a dolphin's picture

Pineapple (knytt stories level)

Screenshot (34).png

after deciding to revive the knytt of the month klub, despite never having made a knytt stories level, i was inspired to make a little one before i went to sleep. This was made before the jam. It's maybe a little lazy, but it was still fun to make, i spent 2-3 hours on it

meeee e e ee
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Made For: 
An event

Shikieiki Moon Judgement Party

Game File: 

Help Eirin and Reisen save the pregnant Kaguya from the wrath of Shikieiki's judgement burgers!

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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