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Super Punch Everything


Does it matter if things can be punched? I hope the answer, yes! Deep in the Face Forest, punching everything!

Kyle Reimergartin
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jrpgcombatsystems's picture

Hack Your Face


1 large game (2 medium games), 3 small games, 1 medium game

produced by 000, 888, DEN, EIT, FF2, and GIS

The project files are included, so you can edit these if you'd like. If you do so, read the README.txt.

If you would like to participate in upcoming releases,
either join the DISCORD
or email us at jrpgcombatsystems @ gmail . com

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vampirkat's picture

Spam sucks


I log onto glorious trainwrecks and bam, I'm hit with some goofy ass looking article. I thought it was an article, but I kept reading and find out that it's spam. GRR we don't need this. I love GT, I don't want it overtaken by spammers.

everythingstaken's picture

Twin Snakes 2

Screen Shot 2020-02-21 at 12.44.51 AM.png
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

multiplayer game for two player
simultaneous control, have fun

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Game File: 

Something I've made in the train, a game you can actually beat.
Klik & Play is such an amazing tool.
check out lilinx.com

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JamesPopStar's picture

And Then, The Ghost Saw Hands: A Game I've Never Played

Game File: 

And Then, The Ghost Saw Hands: A Game I've Never Played is quite literally, a game ive never played. Basically, right now I'm up in the mountains with some friends nowhere near my computer. I thoight id miss out on kotm 50 but thanks to the marvels of modern technology and an app called LogMeIn, I can use my compiter remotely thru my phone! however, this is not an ideal solution. Everything is slow and painful and even typing is practically impossible. I put together this entire game thru my iphone and have not played it. Im banking on everything working properly, sorry if it doesnt work at all. I cant even hear sounds so i just plucked stuff put of the windows media folder, hope you like system sounds. Looking foreard to tryin the game for myself tonoght when i get home, and playin your games too!!! (can barel fucking typr sorry for typos)

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wallop's picture

K&P Raycaster

Screenshot 2021-09-20 at 23.05.42.png
Game File: 

Hi all, or whoever is still around on here. I used to be a member about 10 years ago but drifted away and hadn't touched Klik & Play since. I recently saw a post elsewhere online about creating a raycasting engine, which must have triggered some repressed memory because after getting this stupid idea, I couldn’t get it out of my head. I knew I had to somehow make it happen.

I see there was some discussion a long time ago about creating a raycaster in this fine bit of development software but as far as I can see, nobody ever got it going; or at least if they did, nobody ever shared it. So today, I’m ambivalent to unveil the world’s worst raycaster.

It’s slow, glitchy, and almost indecipherably low resolution, but it does just about work. Arrow keys move the player around.

Tested working in a WinXP virtual machine under Parallels on Mac OS. No idea if it works in WINE etc.


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Zetsaika's picture

The Devil That Comes


"About our inner devils and things thereof."

José "Zetsaika" Carlos Candido
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thesycophant's picture


Game File: 

Push the X button over and over to simulate tugging on the rope that operates the portcullis. Let in your countrymen! Don't go too fast or you'll lose stamina. Don't let it hold too long in one place, or it'll fall! And if you don't have enough stamina, you won't be able to catch it!

(This game is kind of broken, and I can't figure out how to fix the bug: If you jam on X forever, the portcullis will stay up, and it's not supposed to do that. Honor system?)

After an hour away, the problem occurred to me and I fixed it. Is this cheating? Kind of! But it's kind of actually a playable game now.

(Legacy broken version included.)

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Cute Witchy House


Cute Witchy House is a sort of "game sketchbook" I started recently. It's a simple exploration game that I add little fun things to whenever I'm feeling up to it.

Currently, there are six small screens to explore. There's not much to do yet, but there are a few surprises and secrets.

To move, you can use the arrow keys or WASD (or PL;' because my arrow keys are broken and I'm right-handed).

If you like it, you can follow the Twitter account https://twitter.com/cutewitchyhouse for updates. I probably won't be able to follow any kind of regular update schedule, but I hope I can keep the game slowly growing over time.

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