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Timezone Lottery Klik Jam #9

Sun, Dec 04 2011 12:00 AM
12/04/2011 - 07:00
12/04/2011 - 09:00

The time is right... for making videogames! The Timezone Lottery Klik Jam happens on the first Saturday of every month, at a time chosen randomly by our top-of-the-line numerical hour-choosing machines. This month, it takes place at 7:00 am UTC. Whenever that time rolls around for you, you have two hours to make a game!

How can I possibly make a game in that short a timespan, you gasp? There are many game-making tools available, but the most ludicrous and welcoming of all is Klik & Play. If you want to give K&P a shot, we have a Learning KNP FAQ available, as well as some advice on making it work on modern machines.

Making games is its own reward, but it can be much, much more rewarding when you're doing it with friends. To get the most out of this worldwide internet game jam, come talk with everyone on IRC. It's a great way to share this awesome experience, and get quick help when things aren't going right. Our server is irc.freenode.net, and our channel is #glorioustrainwrecks.

After you've made your game, upload it here!

For more information, check out the N00B FAQ.

Sign up below to get a reminder email the day before the jam!

Games made for Timezone Lottery Klik Jam #9

vampirkat's picture

The Games Factory Manual

Here's a manual for the Games Factory. Enjoy.

TGFmanual.PDF1.95 MB
fizzhog's picture

Mabel Normand Rocks!


Another silly little thing for Grid Grind 2020. Made in a few days to get me out of a game making rut and learn some more Unity. I threw dice to select from the grid and got 163: Online Chat Room; Mabel; Edible Rocks. The environment is made out of screenshots from the hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord - because when I was throwing around ideas in there sergio pointed out that we were in a online chat room. The main mechanic - collide with one thing to go faster and another for game over - came about from playing Jake Clover's recent game here on GT. The music is 'Hello Mabel' by Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band which is about Mabel Normand. I'm grateful that researching for this jam led me to learn about Mabel, a huge star and important pioneer in the early days of cinema now largely forgotten.

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An event
everythingstaken's picture

Heart Pounding TrainWreck Marathon


Yo, what's up Glorious Trainwrecks?!

So, there was that "Klik and Play Marathon: The Final Laps" event.
FirecatFG and I made 42 short games!
Each of these games were made in about 15 or so minutes!

This exe has all the games that were posted in Klik and Play Marathon.
It also has a few games that I wanted to save for this huge file.
There's an interactive overworld for selecting all the games!
There's a password screen!
There's a huge text file with all the controls for each game and different hints.
Ask us questions if you want!


FirecatFG and everythingstaken
Made For: 
An event

Cute Witchy House


Cute Witchy House is a sort of "game sketchbook" I started recently. It's a simple exploration game that I add little fun things to whenever I'm feeling up to it.

Currently, there are six small screens to explore. There's not much to do yet, but there are a few surprises and secrets.

To move, you can use the arrow keys or WASD (or PL;' because my arrow keys are broken and I'm right-handed).

If you like it, you can follow the Twitter account https://twitter.com/cutewitchyhouse for updates. I probably won't be able to follow any kind of regular update schedule, but I hope I can keep the game slowly growing over time.

Made For: 
An event
Smedis2's picture

SimTernet Explorer

Simternet Explorer.PNG


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Made For: 
An event
thesycophant's picture

Ungrateful Birds

Ungrateful Birds.png

Someone has kidnapped the birds and put them in cages in the forest! Please save them! However, these birds WILL NOT BE GRATEFUL.

  • Jump with X!
  • Pick up stones with Z!
  • Throw stones with Z!
  • Throw stones to break cages to set birds free!
  • Dodge the birds' stones!

Contains NINE BIRD-PACKED LEVELS and THREE DIFFERENT BIRDS. Get close to the cages to find out what kind of bird is inside!

(Press F to toggle fullscreen)

John D. Moore
Made For: 
An event

ROBOT WARS! (Part 1)



My first game. To be continued...

Robot Wars!

Robot Wars!

robotwar.zip205.42 KB
kirkjerk's picture

rotatin' rocket race

Game File: 

how fast can you get your spinny rocket around the track?
(endless time trial mode only)

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
spiral's picture

The Five Zones

Game File: 


My new DOOM 2 level! This level, as stated below, uses some fancy format so you need Zdoom or Gzdoom or maybe some other sort of port to play it correctly! Nothing like annoying cutscenes, I just don't like making levels in the old Doom format.

Also I really reccomend playing on normal first! It's much more interesting to play on hard -after- you get to know the level :)
Easy is always an option, too.... Some more information is in fivezone.txt, for any interested!


- Monsters
- Weapon
- Platforms
- Stuff that requires Zdoom or equivilent source port
- Full difficulty level implementation
- Gameplay
- Another weapon
- Detailed and engrossing story that will grab you by the hook of your seat, which is right under this point




*BZZZT* your comm crackles in your large ear. "Come in Sgt. Hoppsy!*" barks a booming voice. It's the General!

* In my canon, after nearly dying defeating the boss at the end of Doom 2, the Doom Guy was brought back to life through immediate operations with the only resources available: a stockpile of medkits, and the remains of his pet bunny, Daisy, resulting in him being a freakish human/bunny mutant. He hasn't been the same since.

"What is it, sir?"

"We need to send you on a special operation to-"

With a grunt and a crunch of a carrot you were nibbling on, you cut him off. "Sir, with all due respect, you know I only accept to go on missions where only my experience with demon fighting is NECCESARY. You know how I hate going outside as I am now!"

"I understand, Hoppsy, but this IS something we need to call you in for. We've already lost a whole squadron of soldiers, Commander Scrapson, and Duke, my pet orangutan."

"I'm sorry to hear that sir. Especially about Duke. But how does this concern me?"

"I'm going to to tell you, Hoppsy! We don't know exactly what forces managed to take out all our men, but we still have quite a lot of information from our scouts, and it's grim. We've discovered that an old Phobos base was overrun by the hellspawn, ages ago, and turned into hellzones. Specifically... FIVE hellzones!"

"Five?! My god! I've only ever seen at most three hellzones at once! How could the demons have created such a powerful terraformation?"

"We don't know, except that they've had a lot of time alone, undisturbed... until now."


Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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