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Johny L.'s picture

Shupa Junee Advenetur (Requires Knytt Stories +)


Don't think living to play good knytt games, you might encounter a worser, harder one of this:

Shupa Junee Advenetur.

You must go through the flying desert and the monster dungeon filled with maximum traps and deaths, can you do it?
WARNING: This level requires you to have installed the Knytt Stories + mod, if you don't have it, get it here: http://egomassive.com/ks/

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qrleon's picture

Everything is Upsidedown

Game File: 

The game where your own bullets betray you. Can you make everything rightsideup again? (OF COURSE YOU CANT!)

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Pirate Kart 2
tininsteelian's picture

Demonic Text


Made for 1HGJ #223: Demons

Type the letters to make them bounce. Can you make the text DEMONIC?

sound effects from Klik & Play/The Games Factory

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GoreCore's picture

Idea for FPS in Kliky


While watching the Spindler Splindey Spindley's raycasting demo, an idea popped to my mind.
Idea of Doom in KNP isn't new, yeah, but I reminded myself trying to implement very primitive Eye Of The Beholder-like "3d". I googled up in looking for full-length games using this and I've found an old friend, Death Mask.

As we can see, even with jerky scrolling/movement, gameplay is fluid and clear. It would be a sin to not try this!
So I dig up my old WIP-stuff notebooks and found the theory of algorithm for such an engine. Here we go.
Map is a matrix built from 32 cells, 16 x 16. Each cell is a fragment of map with a number. Player starts in cell 1,1, and moving forward changes the cell to 2,1, then turning right - 2,2 etc. Every cell has it's own "3d" picture. Some cells contains monster - which we can shoot out with a gun.
Algorithm has many fails flaws, like no open rooms, just maze and no backwarding.
Hope my engrish isn't too high and everyone can undestand this bullcrap without beer or two.

I will try to implement this once again.

Oh, and a screenshot. A little teaser. 4 different fonts on title pic! Face that, man

spiral's picture

Spiko the Hedgehog 2016 (DEMO)


Just when you thought it was safe to go back... Spiko the Hedgehog 2016 is here! In a playable demo format, that is! Available in: exe format for Windows, HTML5 format for all OS's.

- Unique spike & hedgehog gameplay. Attack with your back, roll with your body! Never before have you experienced the world through the eyes of a hedgehog.
- Five unique power-ups. Move fast with Balloon Mode, get supercharged with "Invulnerability", and don't forget about the classic 1-ups!
- Real world dynamics. Hear the howl of a fierce wind as you ascend a cliff. Listen to the chilling music of the Ice Caves.
- The fastest hero alive. With gameplay featuring velocities up to 250 miles per hour, you'll really feel the thrill of speed!
- Full environmental interaction. The world responds to your presence! Go for a swim in a lake, hear your claws pound as you run across a metal grate.
- A new way to move. Tired of running around everywhere yourself? Try out an Action Ladder to automatically climb up or down.
- Progressive integrated plot. You make the decisions. Live as Spiko, the hedgehog, as the face their daily challenges and must face moral dilemmas.
- Expanded moveset. Think Spiko can just run left and right? Think again! Spin, dig, jump, and claw your way through the world!
- Amusing original characters. Franky the Squirrel. Loyel the Owl. Sally the Lombat. Meet them all!
- Fully playable demo. Right here, right now. Can't wait for the full game, or want to try it for free? No worries!
- Fun multiplayer game. (Canceled)


WASD or arrow keys: move around
Ctrl or Spacebar: hold to start a "spindash"™ and build up speed! Release to go.
Shift or E: attack
J: jump move
G: dig down
M: dig sideways (debug mode only)
Swim: automatic (context sensitive)
Escape: quit game

Heart gain extra life
Balloon never slow down
MegaSphere cannot be defeated
Sight Shield enemies can't see you
??????? grab it to find out!

Enjoy and please look forward to the full version coming out Q4 2016! Comments and critics will be considered for future development. We wish to please fans.

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gisbrecht's picture

Frogger Football


Frogger Football also known as Frogger Revelations: Soccer Crisis in NTSC regions.

Frogger must use his hands to defend the radioactive van from destruction!!! The hope of Utopia depends on it.

The van is radioactive so Frogger cannot touch it.

WASD - Move left hand
Arrows - Move right hand

R - reset game

Music is the opening of Inu No Omawarisan 犬のおまわりさん http://www13.big.or.jp/~sparrow/MIDI-inunoomawarisan.html

Made for Grid 3 Utopia + Animals with Hands + Vsan

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Son of a dolphin's picture

Eat the poison 4

self-gratifying stuff ensues
I started this a little while back, though i started it a long while back in a different form
i need to make it simpler to feel motivated to finish it, so that's what i'm doing
i will finish it and do other stuff probably

wibi's picture

What is google adwords and which is top ppc agencies?


Google Adwords is a method adopted by any online businessman for managing his or her Google Adwords marketing campaigns.

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Fuck This Old Man

Game File: 

Fuck that guy! Based on a true story.

For more stuff about LIFE go to:

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Radix's picture

Tyrion 2011


Take to the skies as the brave flying head of Tyrion Lannister and the heads of his stalwart companions, battle your way past the same guys over and over again on your way to Castle Black, and make Jon Snow close his mouth!

(I spent all night on this! I'm too tired to make a title screen or a proper ending or gameover or anything! Have fun!)

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Made For: 
An event
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