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ExciteMike's picture

Mike wants help with Pirate Kart stuff!

As you may have heard, the GDC Pirate Kart Kickstarter is fully funded! That means I've got even more stuff to do! So I'm asking for a little help! But also involving the community is fun anyway!

  • T-Shirt Design - I could fall back on the cartridge image seen here, but it might be cool to see what else we can come up with? Especially if it's a single color so that it's cheaper to print and/or can glow-in-the-dark!
  • Poster Design - I was thinking something like those Ludum Dare wallpapers I've made? We probably won't get a number of games that exactly fills the poster with no gaps, so some kind of logo or message could go in that? Then again a bunch of screenshots with no explanation is kind of awesome too. Also I never did turn this into a poster either. Okay maybe I didn't need to ask for poster help, but I do welcome additional ideas!
  • Business Card Design - It might be cool to have Glorious Trainwrecks cards people can grab at the kiosk! Maybe that would be a better use of that "without making a few friends" image. We can also do more than one kind!
  • Program Icon - For the corner of the window and the icon you click to launch it.
  • Reaction Cam - SpindleyQ had the awesome idea to try and livestream or at least record people as they play! We'd need to get a webcam and figure out how best to stream it without bringing up a window for it if we can help it. Something on the commandline or code the coded-in-Python launcher can use directly maybe? I don't know how feasible it would be to record three days of video but making a sped-up video of everyone playing like the Winnitron did last year would be cool.
  • Launcher Music - Anybody feel like making some musak? We seem to have a tradition of using "The Girl from Ipanema" :) Maybe someone could do a cover?
  • Knytt Player - As discussed here, if we have a hacked build of Knytt Stories, we could make the launcher support people submitting those .bins!
  • TESTING - I perhaps put the event unwisely-close to GDC. There's just no way we want to make one person play ALL the games to make sure they work, so hopefully I can get a bunch of you to try the kart launcher between Pirate Kart Weekend and GDC and the worst of the issues can get sorted out. The launcher is going to have some auto-updating capability so hopefully even if something goes horribly wrong I can still fix it for most people.
  • A PC - I need to get a computer there to actually run the kart on! I would use the very laptop I am typing on now, but for godknowswhy it has a lot of trouble with games made in game maker and I really want to support those! So if you are in the area and have a PC or laptop and can get it to Moscone to set it up in the kiosk, let's talk! (I think monitor, speakers, mouse, keyboard are provided but I should doublecheck)
  • Booth Decor - We should definitely get a poster or pirate flag or something! If we can come up with the design (the one I used for the IGF Kart is definitely fair game) and figure out how/where to get them made, I can throw the money at it!
  • Swag? - I don't know if it's affordable enough, but we could maybe give out discs? Hand-labelled DVRs fit the theme beautifully.
  • Signed Copy - I don't know what to do with it once it's signed, but someone should bring around a DVD/DVD case of this kart or the IGF Kart for signing!

Whew that was a lot of stuff! Like a month ago some people were asking how they could help and I didn't give useful answers, so hopefully it's not too presumptuous of me to ask now! I appreciate any help I get!

Also I feel a need to say this somewhere: I'm seeing some folks talk about "Mike's" pirate karts, I've been doing a few interviews, and I was invited to be a speaker at GDC because of them (just one of the 5-minute microtalks, but still). That doesn't completely sit right with me. The pirate karts being about particular people is pretty much the last thing I want. Someone else gets to organize the next Pirate Kart or other community stunt, ok?

FUN FACT: Apparently Clickteam has a booth at GDC this year! I am so going over there and giving them a high-five!

everythingstaken's picture

1 2 3 4 Cinco De Mayo

Game File: 

WARNING: Though this game does not contain any gore, blood, or nudity there are some some extreme themes of violence and sex.

This is a fictionalized representation of The Battle of Puebla between the French and Mexico.

James is the horse described on the title screen.

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An event
dessgeega's picture


Game File: 

he's traded his gavel for a hoe and his courtroom for a field of dirt

Made For: 
Klik of the Month Klub #33 (Mar 2010)

Klik of the Month Klub/Year One

Year One

Klik of the Month Klub #10
  1. Indirect Invaders (snapman)
  2. Basho (kirkjerk)
  3. Wave Catcher (mojofltr)
  4. Sunday Balloon Trip (Pizza Time)
  5. Well Well Well (SpindleyQ)
  6. Chinese Office Plus (Haze)
  7. HELL: A Brief Jaunt (BiggerJ)

Klik of the Month Klub #9

  1. T(anks)GF (Pizza Time)
  2. EJEIAP&WQ (BiggerJ)
  3. Post-Apocalypso (SpindleyQ)
  4. Mr. Sun (Six)
  5. Hunter & Hunted (snapman)

Klik of the Month Klub #8

  1. Interst8-bit (Pizza Time)
  2. Virtual Sisyphus (kirkjerk)
  3. That Series: Episode 1 (BiggerJ)
  5. Young Abraham Lincoln In Loooove (In Space) (SpindleyQ)
  6. Lemmings Force (snapman)

Klik of the Month Klub #7

  1. Flebs (BiggerJ)
  2. Zombie Invasion: The Body Explosion (Pizza Time)
  3. Pushing The Button Will Destroy The World With An Explosion (BiggerJ)
  4. Cats II (Six)
  5. Berry Command (snapman)
  6. Phoneme Invaders (kirkjerk)
  7. Essential Jellyfish (Eudaimon)
  8. UTOPIA (Haze)
  9. Andrew Bogut's Basketball Explosion 2009 (captaincabinets)

The Klikth Day of Klikmas (Klik of the Month Klub #6)

  1. pixl klaus in whar be my pants is at (SpindleyQ)
  2. Penguins Are Attacking Your Dude! (PenguinSeph)
  3. The Last Hanukkah (Six)
  4. T-Rex Saves X-Mas (BotageL)
  5. These Bastard Elves Are Trying To Santanap Christmas You Must Stop The Machinations Of Their Evil Plan Now! (Pizza Time)
  6. Sugardum (kirkjerk)
  7. Smart Drinks (BiggerJ)
  8. Captain Bat's Adventure (Haze)

Klik of the Month Klub #5

  1. I Am Sorry, Bio-Zombie (SpindleyQ)
  2. That Series: Episode 0 (BiggerJ)
  3. Serengettin' Down (captaincabinets)
  4. Eyes On You (mojofltr)
  5. Gratuitous Arm (Haze)
  6. BRAINSSS (Six)
  7. Roshambug (kirkjerk)
  8. DETHBUS (Pizza Time)
  9. SPACE BURGLARS (Cossix)

Klik of the Month Klub #4

  1. Mz (BiggerJ)
  2. Zm (BiggerJ)
  3. Assassinatrix Adventures (Pizza Time)
  4. Conway_West (kirkjerk)
  5. Klik of the Kollossus (Six)
  7. Pac-Manly (captaincabinets)

Klik of the Month Klub #3

  1. Vertical Gun Hunter (professor_scissors)
  2. You May Already Be A Weiner (SpindleyQ)
  3. Flaming Scarecrow Wedding! (SpindleyQ's lovely wife)
  4. They're Coming (SpindleyQ's lovely wife)
  5. bug <3 flower (kirkjerk)
  6. Bunny (Haze)
  7. Death of the Rock Collector (Kuril)
  8. Highway Speed (Pizza Time)

The 100-in-1 Klik & Play Pirate Kart (event page)

Klik of the Month Klub #2:

  1. Metal Axe Warriors 1 (Pizza Time)
  2. The Spoookey Doooor (SpindleyQ)
  3. SupaMix (Punch The Stars / Freestyle Raptastique) (Six)

Klik of the Month Klub #1:

  1. Travellin' Ted (SpindleyQ)
  2. SMILEYO (Six)

Klik & Play Showdown Version Gamma:

  1. Alien Love Triangle (EdGreyshadow)
  2. YARRRRRR! (r) (SpindleyQ)
  3. slapslapslap (Six)

jawberrystram's picture

Psychic Sweet Treats


I made something! It's mostly unplayable but full of heart! Kinda!

Use the arrow keys to move, press the left mouse button to paralyse enemies with the power of your mind, then click and drag their lifeless bodies so you can climb your way to the top!

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
ihavefivehat's picture

Type The Same Word Over And Over

Game File (Mac): 

This is a game where you type the same word over and over again as fast as you can. Like this:


see? it's hard.

This started out as a cyber-punk hacking game that I was working on a while ago but which never really got anywhere. So I found it on my computer today and made it into this. Anyway, that's why it looks all computer-y.

I don't know if the mac version works, I haven't been able to test it yet.
edit: it didn't but now.. it does!

Made For: 
An event

Heavy Brain Training


I've combined Heavy Rain and Brain Training to make the best game for adults, ever!

Play it online here (3.8mb) - http://deadpanda.com/heavybrain

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2


Game File: 

A primitive bullet hell game! Avoid the other squares and survive as long as possible. There is an underlying pattern....

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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