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dessgeega's picture

juni's hotfoot


get to the bottom BUT DON'T GET BURNED

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dessgeega's picture


Game File: 

OH NO! an evil wizard has ENSORCLED you and your three friends! now all four of you move as a single unit! can you and your friends work together to get through this dastardly GAUNTLET?

player 1: Q
player 2: Z
player 3: M
player 4: U
press SPACE to make all characters fire!

if you've only got two players, each player controls two characters!

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RehaSoft's picture

Destroy the Toys PROTOTYPE

Game File: 

A prototype of my first game, Destroy the Toys. The finished version has two parts.

Made in June, it was just after I'd downloaded Klik n Play from this link:


I will upload the released versions, part I and II when I have time.

Reha Soft
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kirkjerk's picture


Game File: 

simple buzz and gun with an odd little control scheme...

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Pirate Kart 2
KristopherWindsor's picture


Game File: 

Control your balloon with the up / down arrow keys, and try to pass the other balloons.
You only want to bounce off balloons that are behind you.
Your horizontal speed depends on your vertical position. You can look at the wind gauge (white bars on the left) to find out where you will get max speed.

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Pixel Perfect

pp screen.png
Game File: 

Just a short game. You have to make a jump. And you have to be exact. Arrows to move, A to jump.

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Our Wedding: A Happy Anniversary Game


A game to commemorate our wedding. We got married in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and drove from Belvoir church to the reception in Malone House on a vintage David Brown Cropmaster tractor. Now you too can share our journey!


Thanny Mack
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JonathanWhiting's picture

Frigid Seamstress


A word game without user input. A creatively(?) crippled version of http://nottheinternet.com/games/heftyseamstress/

Jonathan Whiting
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rowen-conry's picture

Dipping Your Feet Into The Water To See If It Is Cold

dipping feet.png

the newest Game, Dipping Your Feet Into The Water To See If It Is Cold, allows you, the player, to Dip Your Feet Into The Water To See If It Is Cold.

is the water Cold? find out!!!!!

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thesycophant's picture

Village Vampire Feast


Spoooooooky times ahead!

You're a vampire and you've just come to this village, looking to feed off the local populace and survive as long as you can. Avoid the police's bullets and create a vampire army to help distract the authorities, but make sure you leave yourself enough to eat!

- For each living person (cop or citizen) you eat, you get 100 points, plus a 50% health regeneration
- For each second you stay alive, you get 10 points
- You do not get points or health for eating vampires

- Press X to eat (drain the blood of) a living person or a vampire
- Press C to convert citizens or cops into vampires
- If a citizens are close to the site of a vampire (you or your another vampire) execution, one will be stirred to justice and become a cop
- Cops will chase and shoot at other vampires if they're close
- If vampires are hungry, they will eat cops or citizens when they meet them
- Every 15 seconds you stay alive, a new citizen will move into town
- Sometimes when a male and female citizen meet, they will have a new citizen! It's important to leave some citizens alive so they'll create new citizens and leave you with a supply of food

UPDATE 10/24:
- Revamped map, including new lake and graveyard areas
- New icon, title screen, and sound effects
- Converted vampires are now more effective as distractions
- Cops no longer crowd into the same space, making it more possible to pick them off in groups
- Introduced visible genders
- Various invisible tweaks that make the game more interesting and fun to play!

Ghosts2.mid from Curlys Spooky Halloween Midi Music

John D. Moore
Made For: 
An event
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