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Unko's Adventure in Magical Land


Poop poop poop.

Made in Construct. :3 (No music, sorry!)

Edit: Decided to add silly music in the end. It makes me 10 minutes late, but that's ok 'cos I finished 10 minutes early (and messed around for 10 minutes in between XD )

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fizzhog's picture


Game File: 

Truth, dreams and a stroll upon the prom, prom, prom, tiddely-om-pom-pom!
Controls: WASD

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elektron's picture

Seconds Left

Game File: 

A frustrating game which punishes harshly for failure. Use the arrow keys to move. Get to the bottom of the screen without dying, and before the time runs out.

Made For: 
An event
possumprincess's picture

malone dies


I'm reading Malone Dies by Samuel Beckett right now and I made this silly little game based on that reading experience.
You can't win, you can't lose. Huge waste of time. :)

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Kate B's picture

Flamingo Quest

Game File: 

A story about a Flamingo I know

Flamingo Quest follows a girl raised by flamingos. Set in the Top Secret Neon Pink Planet universe but you don't need to read any external material to understand this

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Healy's picture

Tree House


I was disappointed with my other entry for this Knytt of the Month, so I made another one. I'm a lot more pleased with this one, but be warned, it's still really short.

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spiral's picture

Squalid Space Squash



(playing it online would be the best option)


You are an experimental MOTIVATING SPACE GUN, developed by the FBI (French Butter Investigators) to give space soldiers more enthusiasm in fighting off the horrid GREEN GATTLEBLAST BUGS that are slowly infesting every corner of the galaxy. With your give and take rewards, you were supposed to give J. CITIZEN support in fighting off dummy BUGS, but unfortunately they found out about you and started invading the compound - now you and J. CITIZEN will have to fend them off lest the only existing prototype for the MOTIVATING SPACE GUN is destroyed!


Use the SDWA or ARROW KEYS to move around. J. CITIZEN is so scared of the GREEN GATTLEBLAST BUGS that he will not be able to do more than hang on to you
LEFT CLICK the MOUSE to tell J. to fire a bullet out of you. How many bullets you can fire at any given moment depend on how well J. has been fighting against BUGS.


SCORE is, well, your score. Every new power of 10 reached sets the bullet count back to 1 - double that score for 2 bullets, triple it for 3, and so on. This system is meant to reward combatants for great achievement, and subsequently give them more challenge when they perform well.
HEALTH is how many more hits J. CITIZEN can take before expiring, leaving you helpless against the damn BUGS! Every 1000 points gained gives J. more confidence, allowing him to take another hit.
BULLETS tells you straightfowardly how many shots can be made at once.
MONSTER HUNGER is a rating of how ravenous the BUGS have gotten - as it increases, so does the speed of BUGS, how well they can track you, and how many points killing one is worth.
MONSTERS ALIVE is a convenient counter of what you are currently up against.


1-80: You couldn't even kill a single GREEN GATTLEBLAST BUG? Either the MOTIVATING SPACE GUN is a failure, or YOU are!
81-1000: OK job - if you're a monkey
1001-5000: Good work, J. must be really feeling the flow!
5001-10000: You made it as far as many would be expected too
10001+: Congratulations!
20000+: Wow, that was quite a stretch!
30000+: You must be cheating...

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Made For: 
An event


Game File: 

A dating simulator involving randomly generated sugar-based euphemisms. Keep talking or quit while you're ahead?

Made For: 
An event
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