Development Diaries

avery's picture

monologue 2 (monologue 1 is forever lost in the sands of time)

So there’s been some interesting things going on in GT recently. There’s been a good handful of new people, most of which have already submitted some interesting games. It’s quite a nice thing to see GT look really alive and popular but then again it’s sort of disheartening when you realize that its mainly just the new users that are submitting things for the most part. As well as the new users we also have a lovely new influx of spambots coming in, with some interesting messages. (SpamJam The Secondth time methinks...)

I think the one user that’s been the most interesting so far has to be DrBlowhole20. They’ve recently submitted The Super Mozart Adventure Game which is possibly the longest game that’s ever been uploaded here (then again, I don’t know.) And already, just a few days later, They’re making a bunch of blog posts about the sequel, sharing details about what’s gonna be in it and such. While they aren’t doing that, he’s cooking up an idea for a sister site to GT, called Glorious Planewrecks. According to DB20, it’s meant as a site for music, sprites and other misc. game things like that. I’m personally against the idea of it really, as it just seems like it’d be a waste of money more than anything because of the existence of places like OpenGameArt.

They’ve also created a couple of events on the site, one being a collaborative one and the other just being a kind of generic one. The collaborative event relates to a new game they seem to be working on, entitled “The Player Aventur”. The base idea for it is that everyone submits a level of sorts for it and then they compile them all together. The main rule being that you have to use a specific character as the PC. The other (to be truthful, restrictive) rule is that it has to be made in a Clickteam product. Primarily so DB can actually shove all the levels together in one big game. I’m not entirely too sure about the user base of this site but I’m pretty sure that a good chunk have moved on from Clickteam things, or they’re migrating to something else. Even so, it seems like a neat thing and I wish them the best of luck with it all.

The other event is another “Video Game Generator” type event, but this time the one he posted with was actually with a different generator. I honestly have not seen this one before so it seems pretty interesting. As well as those two events, we have the upcoming KOTM, where we’ll hopefully see a new game from good ol’ sergiocornaga.

Back to the interesting games that I mentioned earlier – Reha Soft, a new fellow to join up. They’ve pretty much submitted their entire Clickteam game catalogue, including stuff they made when they were young. I’ve only played one of the quadrazillion games they’ve uploaded, Zombie Town. It’s a simple little game where you control a man with the mouse, and “killing” all the zombies by putting t he man over the zombies. Level 2 mixes it up a bit by making you not touch the zombies. The problem is that you can literally just go up to the top of the screen and win easily. It’s only about four levels long and ridiculously simple and easy, yet, in true kid fashion, it was apparently made by a “company” and they asked for a donation for it if they liked it due to the fact that it supposedly took a long time to make. Bless. Oh, and before you go off to try it out, be warned that it’s packaged in a KNP Installer.

So yeah, everything in GT is going pretty nicely at the moment. It’s pretty active, thanks to the sudden influx of new users (where the heck did you guys come from anyway). I’d also like to bring up an idea that I had a little while back, GTVP. It’s slowly getting more and more unrealistic by the second, so I’m just thinking – if we’re gonna do it, we better do it now.

In other news, I’m currently (half sort of) working with mno on a new game. It’s totes gonna blow your mind (maybe). As well as that I’m looking into learning DarkBasic Pro cos that seems pretty damn neat (I’m annoyed by the lack of offline tutorials though). Well, considering I’ve pretty much covered everything that I’ve wanted to cover, I think that just about wraps it all up.

I’ll leave you with one word of advice: If I tell you that I might/will submit something to your event, don’t hold me to that.

Oh balls, that was more than one word.

In the old spirit of things


We used to post elite buttons and ad banners for all sorts of stuff. Tacky sometimes, extravagant other times, but this made everything come together, and I don't think anyone every really clicked on them, but sometimes they were flashy so you'd stare at them for a while. As a slight promo for my newest release, I had some of the characters get together to huddle up for the banner shot, but it got messy, so it became a collage instead, blinking at a nice slow rate. I'll also as a promotion be bringing a couple of the old games out of the vault into a similarly on-topid evil/strange/weird artifacts for those to enjoy. <- a link to bumcharles.

And even though Hustlin and Huggin is more of a spiritual sequel and Bumcharles doesn't necessarily need one, it just felt right to continue the plot development of bumcharles and give this one more of an edge than others. < - Even the style is the same.

So yeah, do enjoy, I hope to release soonish, how realistic I'm not sure. Take care.

Oh, and an edit for more ug points.. you gotta click on this to really see the banner in its fullness. You don't have anything to say or don't have to say anything, just excitement is all.

Johny L.'s picture


We got another spam bot which has spammed his comments on your blogs and games.

First those spambots who they make fake blogs, now this?

We really need more privacy.

Johny L.'s picture

TSMA2 Update #3: Stop n Swop Items Leakening

TSMA2 Update 3.png

Yet another update of the upcoming sequel to my "not-so garbage" masterpiece The Super Mozart Adventure.

Let's talk about the famous Stop n Swop feature included in the game, including some items present on the game, which there are too many to collect in order to bring TSMA2's game completion into 100%. There are 5 types available:


  1. Mystery Eggs: The mystery eggs from Banjo Kazooie return, like in that game, they are on the secret area of a a level, one on each level. But one change has made: Each of these eggs haves elements: 1. Fire, 2. Coal, 3. Thunder, 4. Earth, 5. Wind, 6. Water, 7. Psycho and 8. Virus. None of these eggs elements are on places that represent their elements, they appear in casual places, like in Banjo Kazooie.

  1. Sacred Stars: The sacred stars are found like the Mystery Eggs' hidden area, there are few of the sacred stars. Each sacred star is guarded by a creatured which compares the color of the star who is from Commander Keen, he asks you to complete a secret level which is a minigame before you get a sacred star. Their names with guards are: 1. Star of Kick-ass (Shmoo), 2. Star of Happiness (Flect), 3. Star of Sickness (Blooguard) and 4. Star of Weirdness (Shikadi Master).

  1. Playstation Geometries: The "more rare" symbols of the Playstation. There are 4 symbols that can be found: Green Triangle, Red Circle, Lavender Cross and Pink Square. They're found when you click something on the menu screens, when you click something you get redirected to the level where you first have to fight the symbol as a secret boss battle, the symbol has each power depending on the symbol (Green Triangle can shoot triangles that directs at the player, Red Circle can shoot bouncing circles, Lavender Cross can use its cross crosshair, once it has pointed to the player, it shoots, and the Pink Square can shoot squares that once collided to the wall or the square it's stopped and become a wall for a bit, but after few seconds, it becomes red to protect from the player.), once they're beated, they will disappear firstly with small particles of their copies, then after spawned particles, they will explode and spawns as an collectable item.

  1. Player Family/Player Adventure Mystery Egg: There are Player 2, Player 3, Player 4 and Player 5 which they're similar to Player 1, they need to be rescued by completing the input levels (you have to put the code, password or a word), which they're hard due that you have to get the codes from the Player Adventure series (these are hard to find these, oh noes) and you'll recieve a Player Adventure Mystery Egg (there are 4 eggs: Q (Player 2), R (Player 3), O (Player 4) and Tilde (Player 5)).

  1. Hello Fangaming Logo: The "ultimate" rare item you'll (n)ever find. The item is the logo of the "infamous" Hello Fangaming, which shows a weirdo red gradiented white outlined face who is also summoned by Mario in Super Mario: Turd Feast while fighting Smoky the Bear, and also found in his new year games of Hello Fangaming's splash logo. He can be found ONLY if you had collected all Mystery Eggs, Sacred Stars, Playstation Geometries and the Player Adventure Mystery Eggs, which they're hard to collect them all, once you have collected these, you can be able to find him in the stop n swop room, then challenged with a minigame and unlock the True Final Boss in order to get a 100% completion.

After collecting all of the stop n swop items, you get a huge Platinum trophy of the Omnipotent state, which rends you a omnipotent player for completing and finding the secrets of the game.

Johny L.'s picture

For SpindleyQ: New logos

This is DrBlowhole20, i have made new logos for the site Glorious Trainwrecks and the new site Glorious Planewrecks.

They're on the attachments.

Johny L.'s picture

Wiki improvements!

We have good news, you can now make really wiki pages of this wiki.

Here's how:

Make a link to a title of a empty wiki page, then go into the page and click edit.

Johny L.'s picture

TSMA2 Update #2: Leaking some NPC's + Development Date

TSMA2 Update 2.png

It's me again with this 2nd update of the upcoming TSMA2.

Here we will leak some NPCs in the game and even the development start date.

First: Let's show the NPCs of the game.

1. Yorp: Whatevernot, a normal yorp, this time he changes behaviour: He hates galactic robots (except Robbiebot). The sprite uses the Keen 1 sprites.
2. Bad Drawn Yorp: A varation of a yorp, but is still and can't speak, but he can only watch a guy, but not follow him.
3. Jesmie: The mother of a lost village known as Chulies, he has brown hair made of bushes, yellow skin and cyan dress.
4. Dam: Jesmie's Baby, he's purple with a small red stick.

The characters are on the attachments.

And now the development date.

I will begin the development once school has began again and starts christmas, so i will start at December 2013, or maybe when i have lots of ideas.

Johny L.'s picture

TSMA2 Update #1: All playable characters in one!

TSMA2 Update 1.png

Hello everyone, this is the first update to do in the upcoming game The Super Mozart Adventure 2: The Mankind of Earth.

In this update, i made a test engine which i play all characters which different parameters.

All the playable characters in this game were going to be (in alphabet):

- Bartender (Parameters: Speed: XXXXX | Jump: XXXXX)
- Commander Keen (Parameters: Speed: XXX | Jump: XXX)
- Dragoon of Mystery (Parameters: Speed: XX | Jump: XX)
- Flerppy (Parameters: Speed: XXX | Jump: XXX)
- Mario (Parameters: Speed: XXX | Jump: XXX)
- Mozart (Parameters: Speed: XX | Jump: XXX)
- Palo Penguin (Parameters: Speed: XXXX | Jump: XXX)
- Player 1 (Parameters: Speed: XXX | Jump: XXX)
- Quackers (Parameters: XX | Jump: X)
- Robbiebot (Parameters: Speed: XX | Jump: XXX)
- Skate Dude (Parameters: Speed: XXXXX | Jump: XX)
- Waligie (Parameters: Speed: XX | Jump: XX)

The test engine is not played by everyone, it's the first prototype of the game, it's just a 640x480 level.
The screenshot is in the attachments

The game is named The Super Mozart Adventure 2 Character Demostration, the first prototype of the game.

Johny L.'s picture

A strange donkey kong fangame is coming soon...

Guess what i'm making for a donkey kong game?

Look at the tags and you should know.

P.S. it is also based on a chinese Donkey Kong Country Pirate: SDK:XJC

EDIT: Sorry for a few time, but it's cancelled due to lots work contained.
It was better doing some crappy games.

Johny L.'s picture

The Super Mozart Adventure 2 events... (forum post for ideas)

TSMA2 Teaser.png

TSMA is finally released here and it is mostly unknown that how the events of TSMA2 are going. The sequel will contain a new long storyline, new playable characters, and stop n swop feature!

The 2 following characters of the previous game will have changes:
Mario is now Paper Mario (not mentioned in the game and uses Ninja's Paper Mario sprites).
Flerppy has changed sprites in-game (which are custom by me).

Anyways go look the teaser poster, it's amazing!

Ideas that would appear in this game:
: Plot idea by sergioconada ( )
: Another feature idea by bc_: Crouching characters, restart button on every level, new password screen and soundtest. ( )
: Character idea by FlaviusMaximus: Bach (portrait only) and Bob the Kangaroo (On IRC chat, no link available)

Ideas that wouldn't appear in this game:
: Feature idea by bc_: Playing sounds through frames. ( ) Declined due that the feature is hard to use.

Ideas that would be decided to do:
: Plot idea by FlaviusMaximus (a heroic sacrifice in the end) (No link, asked on IRC chat)
: Character idea by Smedis2: Jesus with Batman's Mask ( )

Request more on this thread: !

Ideas are:
: Features that would appear in the game.
: Some plot ideas that would succed in the story.
: Characters that would appear during the story.

EDIT: I'm announcing that the idea asking will end at October 3, 2013. And development will begin at November 25, 2013.

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