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mr diary's diary

10/12/2019: Goopy Goppy
10/13/2019: Grandma
10/14/2019: Deserving
2/15/2020: Beating the shit out of yourself [CW: Text describing graphic violence]
2/16/2020: Perfect Sphere
3/20/2020: This Beautiful Virus


Game File: 

Happy Halloween!
Find the way out of a nightmare and escape the scaryman.

For more scares, go to:

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Flower Garden


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Bastard Keys 2 - Haywire!

Game File: 

Cyborg Malfunction! Help him cross the bridge without falling off, beware, his cyborg motor routines are going crazy and change randomly!

Adrian Gordon
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zum's picture

Berate The Stairs

Game File: 

Don't hate 'em, berate 'em.

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Pirate Kart 2
fortunepalace's picture


Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 03.10.32.png

you lace up your running shoes and step out of your front door. a beautiful cascadian vista greets you in all its glory...

it's time 2 run

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mkapolk's picture

Tales from the Ghetto in Space

Game File: 

i didn't know what to make so i took images from space ghetto and make a shooter

arrow keys to shoot
space bar / click to move

im so sorry

also i put the wrong image in the first time and now the preview is fucked fuck that

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Danny Baldwin Alder

Hi there. There's many weird games in the kart. My ones are barely games.

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mkapolk's picture

rainbow dogs or something, i don't know

Game File: 

This is a strange book.

It's strange because it's really a videogame, or at least, a curious box made to house a videogame. And the videogame it houses is not an ordinary one about elves or soldiers or footballers created to run on the latest and most powerful computer, but a new title for a videogame console more than three decades old, the Atari Video Computer System. And that Atari game is not a nostalgic re-make of a popular shoot-em-up or a new take on an iconic action-adventure, but a set of playable poetry that owes as much to William Carlos Williams as it does to Will Wright.

jolifanto bambla o falli bambla
großiga m'pfa habla horem
egiga goramen
higo bloiko russula huju
hollaka hollala
anlogo bung
blago bung blago bung
bosso fataka
ü üü ü
schampa wulla wussa olobo
hej tatta gorem
eschige zunbada
wulubu ssubudu uluwu ssubudu
kusa gauma

Imagine snow is falling
Imagine it's falling everywhere forever
just let it keep on falling and falling
and it just keeps going
hoo boy
it's gunna be a cold'un

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